Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015


Trip To Niagara Mini Curug Malela Bandung - The exoticism and beauty of kind region West Java is always impressive. S not their is a waterfall or Curug Malela are in region West Bandung regency. A waterfall this Exotic and landscapes very promise. But unfortunately once potential sites it untapped are government of local .

Curug Malela has altitude about 60 to 7 0 m ether and width his around 50m ether. Visitors who come to attraction Curug Malela number call as Small Falls. Curug or waterfall is the flow of the river upstream of the north slopes of Mount Kendeng continues to flow into a network of several rivers, namely Cidadap rivers and empties into Cisokan.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
Curug Malela, nicknamed the little Niagara

water flow attraction Curug Malela very heavy, but also cure for all those visited the place is the. Especially splash water his who fell into part of riverbed, forming sort of fog or whatever the dew of water are [1945015vent] crush. If fog this cool on my face and weight you , a sense of cold will be felt until enter bones. If you near with location cascade you felt as shower. Because in the time of no longer , weight you will be wet hardened exposed bursts dew waterfall Malela cool also refreshing.

Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
Curug Malela Bandung exotic Barat
more may enjoy beauty falls or attractions Curug Malela , when you were lucky you can see hundreds of monkeys with queue are long , monkeys type of Macaca pasciscularis [water generally as drinking in down Curug Malela. A view very exciting.

tourist attractions Curug Malela Bandung is a waterfall lying top of a series of seven pieces waterfalls along 1 k ilo m ether in speed Cidadap River. The sequence is Curug Malela and Curug Katumiri, the third is Curug Manglid then fall Ngebul, waterfall Sumpel and Curug Palisir and closed with Curug Pameungpeuk at number seven. All the waterfall $ 7 is in region Country Cicadas region Subdistrict Rongga which administratively belongs to West Bandung regency. , if you are traveling to Niagara small waterfall Malela Bandung, then you can also explore the other 6th waterfall.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
Curug Malela piece of "heaven" hidden in Bandung West
each cascade in the village of Cicadas this have characteristic of each . As Curug Malela have distinct cascades when fall five track there. Curug Katumiri are to morning around to 8 until 9:00 often show arc rainbow part of body falls. Curug Ngebul have characteristics that is precisely the opposite of the waterfall Malela, water falling from the waterfall is actually assembled to cause a fog effect and its deafening.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
fatigue in paid trip with freshness Malela
Although Curug Manglid has cave [in part of behind the waterfall. Different again with Curug Sumpel who possessed i area wide enough in part of under a waterfall if whatever seem cramped saw the distance. While Curug Palisir as with Curug Malela if whatever altitude his lower, recently are Curug Pameungpeuk falls seventh estuary in between Cidadap River and also Cisoka located pretty close from the waterfall.

location Curug Malela
To can to place Curug Malela Bandung fact is relatively easy. After you arrived House Cicadas, local residents will is ready to guide you to the location of the waterfall.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
The access road to Curug Malela concern
Road to Curug Malela
If you are in Bandung, just the Cimahi track, Cimahi After you see a sign to Cililin left of the road at the junction Cimareme you follow this direction, will not be difficult to find another board index in Curug Malela. If you are in Jakarta and enter Cipularang, you can simply exit the turnpike Padalarang and about 10 minutes from the Cimareme fork, you just turn right to Cililin.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
journey within walking distance of the village of Cicadas
accessibility to the location Curug Malela a major constraint and be a drag to development of the region travel beautiful waterfall it. Even in the year 09 to 2010, the provincial government of West Java by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Jabar never paid substantial funds of about 1.2 billion rupiah for the arrangement and making the path leading the waterfall Malela. Unfortunately, access to it are not neglected and poorly managed, so that the condition is now broken unpleasant. This is to make visitors must use the extra energy to be able to get to exotic Curug it.

House Cicadas this spelled the town lying most tip of region Kab upaten Bandung Barat and direct bordering Kab upaten Cianjur. To be able to visit this village from the direction of Bandung, you are less than 4 hours .

If you want to use public transport to get there, minibus or van of Cimahi and Bandung you can g unakan . However, transport General can be up to region Sindangkerta. Rest of the way to Curug Malela must be taken with using motorcycles and on foot.

Private vehicles also can you used. But vehicles you should use vehicles are high or type 4 x 4 (4 WD) . This is because about 10 km by road to terms Desa Cicadas his severely damaged. It was not until may used to until Desa Cicadas, not until to location Curug Malela. In addition, you still have to walk or ride motorcycles. I do not know now, because the last ka our li he to mid-June 2013.
Beautiful Malela Waterfall The little Niagara at Indonesia
Curug Malela is a series of seven waterfalls
trip to central waterfall Malela is about 2 k ilometer Desa Cicadas the field enough stiff. Although now path raised along some resting place, however You need energy great you may back to House Cicadas. You will m elewati bush -semak thicket enough high and pe area paddy and storm belong inhabitants. But the air condition in region The very clean and also so cool trip small travel to Niagara Bandung Curug Malela stay enjoyable. Especially in travel already sound of splashing water in Curug Malela remotely.

in fact, in the tourist area of ​​Curug Malela there is still a lai waterfall n. Subdistrict Rongga yet have some waterfall other are not to lose beautiful and worth for you visit. For example, s eperti Curug Cilinggapayung Buana and Curug Curug Nyandung.


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