Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Wahana 22 IN MOST SERU Dufan

Wahana 22 IN MOST SERU Dufan -
22 laps Dufan most exciting - World Fantasy or popular with Dufan known a playgrounds have much rides. Yes, dozens of rides play ready of visitors since the beginning that only just for fun car can adrenaline . Oh yes, entry price Dufan at the beginning of March 2014 from 150,000 to 250,000 for the week and on weekends and holidays, prices are subject to change. Here are 22 of the rides more exciting Dufan according tempatwisatamu.com and you should not miss to try when visiting Fantasy World (Dufan) Ancol -. Jakarta

1. Wahana Turangga- R tine Dufan
The game more popular with mention carousels. Just enjoy your holiday time with a spin on horseback or benches under exposure to different light bulbs are colorful and sometimes lazy about it because it goes on it designed to relax.
Wahana Turangga-Rangga Dufan
2. Wahana Bianglala Dufan
a windmill enough great ready to take you at a height of several tens of feet from the top surface soil do your like floating in the air.
Wahana Bianglala Dufan
3. Wahana Elephant Bledug Dufan
Like Turangga insect while driving the vehicle game is only invited to circling. The difference is only climbed the shape of an elephant. Suitable for recreation.
Wahana Gajah Bledug Dufan
4. Forum Kora- K ora Dufan
Forum for the game a This is also called the mention boat swing. In the form of a boat enough big swings management before and also backward fast enough.
Wahana Kora-Kora Dufan
5. Wahana Hysteria Dufan
This , including a vehicle adrenaline game you are in Dufan . Tried h ysteria we as thrown right up within a split second then immediately cast right down with very Quick. This continue do are repeatedly.
Wahana Hysteria Dufan
6. Wahana Kicir- K icir Dufan
also known with Power Surge, this vehicle will be takes visitors to rotates 360 degrees, twisted during the cruise.
Wahana Kicir-Kicir Dufan
7. Wahana Tornado Dufan
Never have you feel sitting are backwards? This is what will be feel when try to mount game is one it. The passenger sitting back to back with a line and backwards in the air, and on the way down, the Tornado was also included as a vehicle for most eks'trem in Dufan
Wahana Tornado Dufan
8. Wahana Palace Puppet Dufan
Dolls are beautiful and funny all Duni a exposed in the Palace Puppet this . For may explore entire palace supplied water boat prepared led around you .
Wahana Istana Boneka Dufan
9. Wahana Happy Feet Dufan
rides which inaugurated to early 2012 last is a vehicle simulator theater present animated film Happy Feet. Film entertainment played narration on penguin communities Continent Antarctica.
Wahana Happy Feet Dufan
10. Wahana Pontang- P ontang Dufan
ready-ready and hold are close when try vehicle a because of it would throw your body back right and to the left with very tight .
Wahana Pontang-Pontang Dufan
11. Wahana Ontang earrings Dufan
as President this flying in the air. Although may brought to a altitude and twisted around to air vehicle a is not ranked as spacecraft ex - tram. When a vehicle started move and turns in the air, often will be his ting ting ting ting by people who were until vehicle.
Wahana Ontang-Anting Dufan
12. Wahana Lightning Dufan
Lightning include vehicle Game ex tram. Indeed Lightning this only rides as an ordinary train. What may is to stimulate the heart when the journey is a rail that happened. There is a railway line with a round so that when crossed we seem to crave on the rise, there is also a railway line to the derivative or slope is very high, there are even paths that plunge.
Wahana Halilintar Dufan
13. Wahana Rafting Dufan
When try to ride rafting, the key is ready to wet -basahan . Visitors will be to rides encircled area shape were in the river with the strong current .
Wahana Arung Jeram Dufan
14. Wahana Eagles Dufan
Eagles This is a vehicle that looks like like a flying bird hold altitude circling.
Wahana Rajawali Dufan
15. Wahana Perrang Stars Dufan
visitors as are navigate the corridors a designed as in space. Provided is a round shaped vehicle as flying saucer. No forget various Aerospace Supplies other , including percent -. laser jataan
Wahana Perrang Bintang Dufan
16. Wahana House Jahil Dufan
Beware to , entering the jail house one it is also known with greenhouse. Because if evil, you simply hit the a glass around is contents of the house.
Wahana Rumah Jahil Dufan
17. Wahana House Italic Dufan
Named house inclined because of the building thereof is obliquely shaped. The slope of feels when down floor of the house. Even when adopted various room of the house, each object displays almost all tilted.
Wahana Rumah Miring Dufan
18. Wahana Niagara Dufan
Not much different with rafting, vehicle niagara game as is one of the water towers in Dufan . Visitors will be invited to slipped into a puddles by boat from a height of several meters. Wuzz zz , so that the boat started slipped in puddle on visitors Air boat is will be splashing water, but lies precisely in this one have fun.
Wahana Niagara Dufan
19. Wahana Kalila & Paddle Pop Dufan
Forum are contains on 4 dimensions adventure show lived by Paddle Pop is also an icon one of ice cream products.
Wahana Kalila & Paddle Pop Dufan
20. Wahana Poci- P OIC Dufan
up pot-pot this form his as we is a giant dining table. There is no some glass measure enough great could accommodate several people. In part of center there is also the pot or whatever giant teapot complete big glasses
Wahana Poci-Poci Dufan
21. Wahana Alap- A turn Dufan
Alap-alap this form is like as vehicle Lightning but mini-size, including also track rail his . Y ang distinguish his is so vehicle lightning just spinning once vehicle kestrel This spinning until three times.
Wahana Alap-Alap Dufan
22. Wahana Treasureland Temple O f Fire Dufan
This vehicle young Dufan. Wahana this shows the action of man stunt that very stretched and tells the story of Adventure an archaeologist to a research artifacts in the ancient temple.
Wahana Treasureland Temple Of Fire Dufan
that 22 laps Dufan more exciting as We. Other rides like Sea World, Atlantis Water Adventure, Eco Park and others will be our examination in a separate article on other occasions. You can also play on the vehicle 14 to play in The Jungle Bogor and 20 rides in Trans Studio Bandung.

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