Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Attractions Ketep Col Magelang

Attractions Ketep Col Magelang -

Ketep Pass is one of the natural attractions in Magelang that offers a natural landscape was amazing. This attraction is actually already existed for a long time, but the new popular lately. Attractions Ketep pass itself also has many supporters faasilitas are deliberately designed to pamper tourists who come.

Facts about the tourist attractions Ketep neck is already shared in 44 Places in Magelang Central Java . It has not yet detailed comments. Well, in this article we will discuss in detail all that is in Magelang Attractions Ketep neck.

Ketep Pass

Ketep passes via Wikipedia

Location Ketep Pass

to those of you who are interested to visit Ketep go, please come to the Ketep area, District Sawangan Magelang, Central Java. Ketep open collar as a tourist track Solo-Selo-Borobudur (SSB). Activities Ketep spend quite wide which is about 8000 square meters.

Its location is 21 km from Mungkid, 17 km from the village of Blabak east, 30 km from the town of Magelang, 35 km from the city Boyolali, and 30 km from Borobudur Temple. From the city of Salatiga, which is about 32 km, Ketep collar can be reached by Kopeng and Village Kaponan. Location attraction Ketep collar is easy to reach with both large buses, minibuses, sedans and motorcycles as for land and the course is not too difficult to pass.

Facilities Attractions Ketep Pass

to attract tourists from different countries and regions, it develops supporters fasiltias vacation here, as cited wikipedia, the following facilities you can enjoy in Ketep neck Magelang

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  • Volcanology Museum : the first installation you can enjoy your museum which has an area of ​​about 550 meters square. In its current form a miniature Mount Merapi, an interactive computer that contains the volcanoes of documents, some examples of rocks evidence of eruptions year to year, the peak appears Garuda measuring 3x3m, poster warning of lava from Mount Merapi, as well as photos and posters illustrating the history of volcanic activity
  • mini Cinema :. next to the museum, there is also a mini theater that can accommodate 78 spectators. This movie presents the film in the form of the history of Mount Merapi, which includes events of the formation of Mount Merapi, the climbing routes, Research atop Garuda, the massive eruption of Mount Merapi, and the events that occur in the time of specified sequence. The duration of the film is quite short, only 25 minutes
  • binocular :. You can see your soul in these binoculars? Of course not, these top binoculars Panca Arga and relay Pandang which serves to clearly see the magnificent panorama of Mount Merapi, Merbabu and mountains on the other.
  • Court Pancaarga : Another pass Ketep facilities that you should not miss, namely the Court of Panca Arga which means five mountains. This location is the highest peak Ketep Heritage Pass. The highest peak, visitors can see five mountains, namely Merapi, Merbabu, Sindoro, palate and Slamet. In addition to the five mountains that visitors can see and appreciate the little mountains and idyllic hills Mount Tidar, Mount Andong, Mount Pring, Menoreh Hill, Bukit Telomoyo, and others.
  • restaurant Ketep Pass : Are you hungry? Quiet does not need to worry because there are restaurants that are ready to support your hungry stomach with mouth-watering dishes. This restaurant is on Ketep walled glass vulcano theaters is very suitable for visitors while eating a meal provided also enjoy the panoramic view at the foot of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu.
  • Substation view in the form of two gazebo each with the size of the rectangular building and octagonal with a side length of five meters long. From the substation Padang, the end can see the natural beauty of Mount Merapi and Merbabu, and extent of agricultural land in the foothills of Mount it.
Gardu Pandang Ketep Pass Magelang

relay Pandang Ketep Pass via Magelang Java Promo

entry prices

Price input is valid until today are:

  • admission and Space Museum: Rp7,500, - / person (Rp 500 - insurance visitor)
  • Ketep Volcano theater tickets: 7000, - / person
  • tickets Binoculars: Rp3,000, - / person
  • Tourism abroad tickets: $ 3, - / person (free all Let facilities)
  • motorcycle parking: Rp2,000, - / unit
  • Parking: Rp5,000, - / unit
  • Mini Bus Parking: Rp7.000, - / unit
  • Big Bus Parking: Rp12.000, - / unit

* sewatu time Price can be changed

How? You are interested in visiting the attractions that offer the distinctive beauty of these mountains? Meanwhile, attraction passes Ketep now being hits and the loss you feel if you did not come to enjoy the beauty of the mountain 5 'close'. Do not miss the 23 Attractions in Boyolali, Central Java Attractive visited

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