Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Gunung Kidul Sites Sundak

Gunung Kidul Sites Sundak -

Gunung Kidul Attractions Sundak

Friday, July 31, 2015 - Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta more famous than Gudeg city also has attractions such as the attractive beaches Sundak . If you've ever been to Parangtritis then there is no harm in trying to turn the attraction beach it.

attractions Location Sundak

Object traveling Sundak is in the district of Gunung Kidul in the Sidoharjo Village area in the district Tepus. For those who start the journey from Yogyakarta to this attraction, it takes about 2 hours to get to Sundak . Yogyakarta, you will pass through an area Wonosari then go to Tepus district, Gunung Kidul. You can use a private car to get to this beach because the road was safe and smooth. During the trip, you will be pampered with attractive natural landscape.

Charm Beauty Attractions Sundak

Pantai sundak Pantai sundak gunung kidul Pantai sundak wonosari

arriving at Sundak then you can park your car in a large parking lot. The distance between the parking lot to the beach is only about 40 meters. This beach is famous for the beauty of the white sand and the water is clean and clear. Unfortunately, you can not swim in the ocean because the waves are very strong. However, you can still walk around and play water at the beach while enjoying the beauty that was used.

In local attractions will look small rocks and boulders which is the boundary between the beach-Sundak the other side. If you want to stay in this place, then you need to bring their own equipment, like a tent to stay in the area because the attractions Sundak no accommodation facilities such as hotels. The facilities available in this area are food stalls and small shacks rented by locals where tourists who visit can take refuge while enjoying the natural beauty of the beach. What is interesting is to rent small huts that visitors can pay seikhlasnya only. In the area of ​​ Gunung Kidul Sundak there are also places of worship facility that can be used.

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