Selasa, 15 November 2016

No Romance object on the island of Gili Trawangan

No Romance object on the island of Gili Trawangan -

** - There are three small islands in the North Lombok regency of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. However Gili Trawangan the first upward, is the national and most visited foreign tourists. How can Gili Trawangan across the island of Bali and Lombok.

You know Gili Trawangan as a couple as the Gili Islands belong only to the couple themselves, even if every day a lot of Caucasians, Caucasians are lalulalang walk or relax on while at the beach reading a book.

Enjoy the island of Gili Trawangan is very suitable pairs to capture the moment of the most beautiful holiday on a small island without pollution. Couple that the novel is certainly choose Gili Trawangan as a favorite memory of pernjalanan spouses.

In Gili Trawangan is an amazing place to relax while enjoying the beautiful nature along the coast of Gili Trawangan. One of those places is the appeal of couples who visit the dam is a swing couples in Gili Trawangan.

ayunan gili trawangan

The swing is designed for romantic couples see the sun or the sun on the edge Gili Trawangan beach. Swing The couple was very suitable for those who are on vacation in Gili Trawangan with a beloved partner.

Relax while playing this swing gives the impression / special experience especially in the afternoon in the company of sunset Gili Trawangan very beautiful and attractive charm your heart

Gili Trawangan aplenty provides the scenic beauty of the untouched nature of your visit

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