Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015



11 Tips for Safe Rafting or Rafting - As with lots of challenges rafting? The standard procedure security in this sport has become a liability to suppliers and service guides for all tourist place that serves rafting. But that does not mean tourists have simply stick to these guidelines completely. Many safety tips also need your attention before you begin rafting.

basically rafting or rafting is a sport that is fun . Tourists can test your adrenaline to beat the rapids along the river while enjoying the beautiful scenery around him. For fun and safety while rafting, here are 11 tips on rafting or rafting safely, as reported by seconds to travel and experience being a rafter:

1. Specify the destination of the river

Remember, all types can be used as location for rafting. There are several rivers that have a degree or level of rapids is rather easy, difficult, even there are some very dangerous for Rafter professionals well. We recommend measuring the ability and your experience in rafting. If you're still including a beginner, you should choose a river that has a low or average grade

Arung jeram

Always follow the guide of the guidelines of the river
. (Image: Travel seconds)

for those who want rafting on a river with grade 1 or 2 to try to come to the Elo River in Magelang - Central Java. For a river with grade 2 or 3 Progo Top and also the location Serayu also be in the Central Java region. There is also a river that is not too far from Jakarta, as the Citarik River Citarum Citatih located in West Java. For those of you who already Menadi professional archer, also try the Lower Progo river in central Java.

2. Use a dry bag to transport goods

If you feel the need to bring personal items such as a camera, personal medications, snacks and others in the boat, then you should wear a waterproof bag (waterproof bag), this bag is able to keep all your luggage to keep them dry. waterproof camera housing will also be necessary, but support equipment such as various drugs that are usually the equipment documentation, snacks and other items normally have been provided by the operator that the rafting organizer, so you need not bother to put in the hour of rafting, too freight during the rafting tour is also very risky.

3. Always be careful weather

If you like rafting, you must choose the right time. In the rainy season or dry season could actually. However, it should be the characteristics of the river. There is a river during the rainy season could reach grade 3 or medium, even large to reach grade 5.

There are also several rivers during the rainy season is still stable 2-3, includes still secure, but it is also the dry season when rivers become dry or flow is so small it can not be adopted.

4. Find information river from a reliable source

Sometimes you exercise rafting, you must first contact an operator in the river to get information about the characteristics of the river. It is important to provide for adjustments rafting in the river. It is also still apply to you who are active in the organization of the same nature lover or instigated from outside.

At least for the river operator memeberitahu more experienced and know the terrain. So you can also find more actual information on the latest river conditions this time.

5. The complete equipment port

Do not forget to wear protective clothing such as wearing a life jacket, helmet and protective headgear paddle with the right size or the right. All auxiliary equipment is provided by the operator, but you should check the conditions before you start rafting, make sure all equipment is in good condition, if you find the equipment that is in poor condition, the immediately report to the operator to be separated and thus is not used. Also, choose a lifeline that match the size of your body and not interfere with your movement when paddling.

6. Always follow regulations guide

Before the rafting, the guide will always give a first security conference or information on all prospective rafter. They will explain the tools used for rafting and how to use them. In addition, there are also a variety of restrictions that may cause, at the time of the accident. Always follow the guide and not be stubborn.

Sometimes operators need to stop or move the bagging lines into account the state of the river is not allowed. Never insisted rafting choose the path that is intended to quibble 'wants to challenge "or" we are not cowards. " It is not who is afraid, but security issues and guides who hold responsibilities.

7. Do excessive fear

The fear of being even rafting can be a trigger of the accident. For example, because fear when the guide instructed to continue rowing, makes you even stop dayungan and holding the rope of the boat.

Consequently, so no extra push boat and when exposed to large fast enough can cause the boat to overturned or stuck on the rocks. Confidence in rafting guides for your safety selelu comply with aba-abanya.

8. Do not feel himself the most experienced

Things like this are common in the group of the group. In addition, if in a boat there was a person who had already been done rafting. Sometimes he even gives instruction as opposed to the guide. The result sekenario beginning to get through the rapids that had been provided by the guides to failure and may even lead to something very fatal.

We recommend that when you were on a boat, there is only one command to be glued to the control a guide or a river guide. They must be trained and experienced to organize and create scenarios for the rapids to keep it safe and fun also.

9. Use clothing and comfortable shoes

Remember to always wear comfortable clothes. Shoes like tennis shoes or sandals that can bind to the mountain on foot is also necessary so as not to easily separate and do not use scales. During the rafting very likely you fell into the river, so you should choose clothes that are easy to dry, these well-known brands such as Speedo, which beachwear and a drying process is quite fast. You should not wear jeans.

10. Drink lots of water

Because you will be a long time away, and the intense activity as rowing and likely to be bitten by the sun in a long time as well, you should always keep you well, especially dehiderasi or lack of fluids. Drink plenty of water before, during and also after Travel rafting . With many existing adrenaline during the trip, often you do not realize how thirsty you are.

11. Pray before started bagging

Luck is always on top of everything. After all, we have followed safety procedures and the different techniques used are correct, sometimes we can still find a problem in a rafting. While luck is always on your side, preferably before rafting begins to pray.

Well, before you go rafting on the river of your choice, remember 11 tips on rafting or rafting early safely. Always be careful and survivors traveled rafting!


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