Jumat, 01 Mei 2015



Many say that if we wanted to watch the stars closer to newcomer Hill Stars Bandung , because of the hills of it was so high that the stars in the sky appear to blend in light of the city of Bandung similar to galaxies. During the day, the hill is only one that looks like the field is pretty sterile in a rather wide hilly area in Dago Nord, but after daybreak evening these sites has changed drastically to be very beautiful and very romantic.

day of each valentine, February 14, Bukit Bintang Bandung is also often a favorite place for most teenagers in Bandung spend time with the express love. Bukit Star is one of the attractions of Bandung becoming quite famous as a location for the most romantic because just before dark visitors can see exotic nature with a pinch of glitter of stars in the sky and the light of the Bandung city from the top of a hill where the air is very cool.

Bukit Bintang Bandung

the beauty of this hill was storing a variety of meanings and stories are romantic for couples young couple, if you are used to travel to various destinations tourist in Singapore, but have never tried to visit this place, maybe it's time that you take the time to visit. Means to Bukit Bintang can be said to be simple. However this place in a cool place as a culinary journey. To eat and drink selection menu here, you can enjoy in a few Café. Visitors can also bring snacks while relaxing and sit back to enjoy the beautiful light of the city at the bottom of the hill or drink a cup of hot coffee also enjoy the variety of grilled flavors corn provided by most stands are located near Bukit Bintang.

to go to location Bukit Bintang is not difficult if you use a private vehicle. Hill neighborhood can be achieved using a car or even a motorcycle, but the location manuju Bukit Bintang can not use public transport because they see no work until the evening, as well as service public transport can not go directly to the hillside location of the star. Also read :. Incredible viewed Sunset Above Bandung From Bukit Moko

Bukit Bintang Bandung Lokasi

If you use a car or wearing a motorcycle, the Dago management can go to Dago Pakar first, From here you will be greeted with a fork in the direction Pierre Café. Continue the road, after arriving in Stone Cafe your trip could be continued again via another path to the right. Not far away, you will reach Bukit Bintang. For those who do not bring personal vehicles can use a motorcycle taxi that is ready to take to the place.

Bandung Bukit Bintang is busy when the weekend arrives, especially at night of the week. In addition as a tourist destination is romantic, the place is also fun for the typical hunting culinary Bandung, because here many food vendors, maybe you will also find the culinary offerings that are rarely found in other attractions of this in law.

Jalan menuju Bukit Bintang Bandung

There are 2 of the most famous coffee here, namely coffee and another valley called Peter Coffee coffee. On the night of the second week of Cafe is often the lot of fireworks are made to eat and hang out to become a very beautiful and lively. Also read :. The beauty of the City Light in Caringin Tilu Bandung

Pemandangan Bukit Bintang Bandung

Bukit Bintang Bandung is not only enjoyed by many young people, but many are also visited by families to bring child children or family relatives. Temperatures in the region of the hill is very cold, so we recommend you wear a jacket and gloves or equipment, the body heats others.


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