Kamis, 30 April 2015



Have you ever been to Danau Poso beautiful? For those of you who feel tired with all the routine of the city and then went quiet atmosphere with beautiful scenery and fresh air will probably be something that is sorely missed. Take vacation time to be able to restore the spirit of your soul with the beauty of Lake Poso witness in the town of Tentena - Poso District - Central Sulawesi. You can also choose another entry by the City Pintolo.

Poso lake is actually the third largest lake in Indonesia after Lake Toba already we know in North Sumatra as well as Lake Batur is located in West Sumatra. The lake is also one of the deepest lakes and the most beautiful in Indonesia. The lake is situated at an altitude of about 657 meters above sea level and extends from north to south with an area of ​​about 32,000 hectares has a maximum depth of 510 meters. This lake has an exotic landscape with hills and forests are covered. The fresh air in this region will certainly make fresh thoughts and feelings. Just look how the lake is so clear, even during flooding in several river that flows directly into the lake. There are even people who call the clear water of the lake that happened all the time, even during the rainy season will not make the water to become cloudy

Danau Poso

Image :. Gocelebes.com

again, the Poso lake has more uniqueness, the water in this lake while the green one in the middle of the lake has a blue color. In this lake local residents sometimes see the light like a lamp change. We think they are like the eyes of a dragon who became keeper of the lake.

If you are a nature lover, then of course a visit to Poso lake has become a very attractive option because the area is surrounded by hills that have been invaded cloves. When flowering pods around June to November it will automatically eject the clove scent typical flavor and be unique for hiking enthusiasts

Danau Poso Tentena

Image :. Www.wisatalokaleksotis.com

increasingly attract tourists, the lake also attracts the interest of researchers and investors interested in the development of fishing on this lake. This beautiful lake live in a kind of eel or fish sogili the largest in the world. In this region, there is also a preservation of more angrek plants exist here at home where one of them is black angrek.

When you're on vacation in Lake Poso it feels incomplete if not try a culinary journey around the area of ​​this lake There are several dining spot that serves food directly from fish around the lake. Poso regional specialties that you should taste the fish during sogili or grilled freshwater eel. In addition to being presented by fire, these fish can also be served with boiled and fried. However, most visitors and local people prefer the burnt because he feels will be a delicious and crunchy taste. Spices are used to treat the fish are sogili rica-rica or Dabu-Dabu adding lemon, tomato and onion. If presented as cooking, culinary Pecel catfish served with extra vegetables, chili and rice warm. You can enjoy the fish dish in almost every store or dine around Lake Poso Tentena City

Danau poso Sulawesi tengah

Image :. Travelmatekamu.com

The beauty of this lake visitors will Belama old home to relax. Many activities you can do in this place, such as swimming in the crystal clear lake, fishing with a canoe, surrounding a lake with how to paddle, take a walk around the lake, or you can go the local population of the township and sharing stories with them. Is it better if you go hiking in the forests and mountains around the lake. See as well:. List Curiosities In Sulawesi

Near Lake Poso is no village Bancea develops an orchid garden in Taman Anggrek Bancea, has about 55 species of rare orchids and other these include the collection of wild orchids are worth to visit. To reach the park, you can walk up to 11 km or can rent a car in the area pendolo Taipa.

In August, specifically in the fourth week, the lake has a big party that is very popular, the Danau Poso Festival. A cultural event that features a variety show various traditional arts from various districts and cities of Central Sulawesi province. There are also art exhibits from other parts of Indonesia as well as exhibitions of handicraft industry and the attractions of a wide variety of traditional games of local residents.

If you come to the end of the month then the opportunity to attend performances of Lake Poso Festival, which means you can enjoy the culture at the same time beautiful natural beauty around the lake same time. Almost all local communities to participate in the celebration of this festival.

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