Kamis, 02 Juli 2015



Travel Bukit Kaba Bengkulu could be an alternative for you and your family. There are only two mountain course which belongs to the province of Bengkulu, namely Bukit Daun & Kaba. Both are in Rejang Lebong planted with fresh fruits and green vegetables. The second mountain, Bukit Kaba is most famous for being famous friendly for novice climbers.

Hill is beautifully situated in the village of Sumber Urip, the district Selupuh Rejang, Kab. Rejang Lebong - Bengkulu. Hill maximum altitude of about 1952 m above sea level, but there is a large crater at an altitude of about 1700 m above the sea level, which has an interesting view. The road was also carried beyond the two lines, namely a dirt road that is often used for trekking activities and asphalt track that can be jumped by motorcycle taxi. The road asphalt made since 1994 to smooth the agents who often travel to observe the activity of the mountain

bukit kaba bengkulu

Image :. Hotelbandungid.wordpress.com

Given the history letusannya, Bukit Kaba is a type of active volcano, which is a mountain that erupted in the range of 10 to today. There are 8 coins held by the volcano's crater, but 5 of them covered by vegetation. The hill is always monitored by the Volcanology Center and Disaster Mitigation or PVMB which lies at the foot of the mountain. The officers will inform the local alias Travel Awareness Group Pokdarwis the mountain is in a safe state or not to climb. Although during this mountain has always been a good sign, you will go for a vacation and climbing are invited to check the first to post a guard. See as well:. List attractions & Environment Interest Palembang

The first ascent was made from durian towards bund which takes about 3-4 hours, but the terrain can be bypassed by the wheels 4 if you want to save Energy. Other ascent continues through the seat of the jungle also has an extreme tilt for about 2 hours. When the water supply is exhausted then you just fill your water bottle at the fountain in this way. There is also a waterfall which is often used as a place to get cleaned up before moving to the top

bukit kaba curup

Image :. Bimbi1404.wordpress.com

Where have arrived in the area of ​​Bengkulu Mount Kaba dome, you can feel relieved, extended body for a while straightening your legs feel tired. From here, be prepared to spend 307 steps to reach the crater and the summit of the hill. You are across the asphalt also have to face those stairs after a motorcycle taxi for half an hour. 20 minutes of climbing stairs will be refunded after you see three craters atop Mount Kaba. The swirling smoke two craters is always a sign that the volcano is still active, the other craters died for no longer smoke. The fences are on the crater rim is done to keep the visitors from falling into the crater.

If you find a fruit or perhaps offerings to the top of the crater, it is a sign that the hill is always believed the local community as a place to use prayer. They are there ask many things, ranging from security to the healing of various diseases

mendaki bukit kaba

Image :. Eldesimedis.blogspot.com

Do not hesitate to try a cheap Bukit Kaba stay in Bengkulu and climb even if you do not know much about information. It Pokdarwis whose members are residents of the village of Sumber Urip, they will be ready to help the climbers to manage transportation for consumption. Sumber Urip was once a transmigration area of ​​Java, so it is natural that you will find bcukup million residents who use the Java language here.

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