Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Moramo Waterfall, THE SKY FAIRY BATH

Moramo Waterfall, THE SKY FAIRY BATH -

Waterfall Moramo is one of the waterfalls of the most beautiful in Indonesia, located in the region of Tanjung Sanctuary Peropa, Sumber Sari, the district Moramo - Konawe located about 60 km daripusat Kendari - Southeast Sulawesi. A natural creations truly unique and amazing as naturally formed over thousands of years. The waterfall is quickly looked over a huge compact granite with a height of between 0.5 and 3 meters. The people believe the legend that an angel often come down from heaven to bathe here.

It has an area of ​​about 38,937 ha, waterfall Moramo features a lush forest panoramic kind. Another feature is shaped by clear water terraces flowing softly from a height of about 100 meters. The number of steps of this beautiful waterfall of more than 7 rooms and 60 small steps, some of which form small pools that can be used for visitors to bathe or swim

Air terjun Moramo

Image :. Www.ku2h .com

not only that, another singularity owned this waterfall is part of the walls were not slippery, it can be mounted by a visitor, it was because this area is limestone. Water flowing in a waterfall comes from the river upstream Biskori is Tambolosu mountains and surrounding communities have long been used to irrigate their fields. Niagara exotic transmigrants found by residents of Java in 1980 when he cleared the forest for the dwarf buffalo bird traps. So do the waterfall the path in 1989 and in 190 was opened as a tourist destination.

nature reserve area Tanjung Peropa that became the place where the Niagara contains a marble or onyx largest in the world. There are an estimated 860 billion cubic meters of marble and stored here as one of the largest sources of marble reserves ever in Indonesia. Throughout the trip 2 km from the entrance to the location of the waterfall, you will see a lot of tropical rainforest trees are great for hundreds of years. There is also a small waterfall is very clear that there are no pebbles due to the sedimentation of the river flow will flow of water in the rock solid bauxite. See as well:. List of Top Attractions in Sulawesi islands

Air terjun Moramo Kendari

Image: www.youtube.com

To get to the waterfall Moramo Kendari only takes 1 5 o'clock. The only way to get the location is to use your own car or rent a car or bike rentals are high because of the current status is relatively broken. This beautiful waterfall is already visible as you walk 1km. atmosphere of the dense forest will ruin your eyes when walking while protecting you against the burning rays of the sun.

Several wooden bridges, artificial stone steps make you more comfortable journey. Fatigue walk will be paid with the coolness of a waterfall when you are soaking and accompanied by the singing of birds in the wild

Air Terjun Moramo Sulawesi Tenggara

Image :. Indonesia.travel

Cascades Moramo included in the area of ​​wildlife Peropa Tanjug. There are some [undesanimauxprotégésicicommelebufflenainoiseaubabirusaetcalaosprésencedeHornbillestencoreassezsouventAlorsquelebufflenainetbaburusasontdeplusenplusrarementconsidéréscommeenvoiededisparition

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