Selasa, 12 April 2016

16 places in Wonogiri Interestingly Visited

16 places in Wonogiri Interestingly Visited -

Tourism Wonogiri -Wonogiri is a district in the province of Central Java Yanga. Wonogiri has the nickname gaplek city. Geographically located in the southeast of Wonogiri Central Java. During the traveler can experience some of the attractions of Wonogiri.

Gajah Mungkur be one of the most famous attractions Wonogiri among other attractions. Although Wonogiri still win many travel potentis jelahai us. Wonogiri district borders several other districts. In north Wonogiri Regency of Karanganyar and Sukoharjo district, the southern part on the shores of the south coast, the west is Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta province, section directly adjacent to East Java province, namely Ponorogo, Magetan and Pacitan,

from wikipedia note that the total population of Wonogiri there are about 1.5 million people, with an area 1822, 37 km² . The district has a capital is k ecamatan Wonogiri. Besides the rich Denan attractions, culinary Wonogiri also no less interesting for us to try.

This time Tempatwisataseru take you on the road to visit tourist destinations interesting Wonogiri for us sambangi, from coastal tourism, historical tourism , nature tourism and should be. There are many great attractions nearby Wonogiri interesting for us to visit.

Travel Destination Wonogiri, Central Java

Here Wonogiri 20 travel destinations for interesting our visit:

1. Niagara Binangun Watu Jada

Wisata Wonogiri

Wonogiri first attractions are waterfalls Binangun Watu Jada. This waterfall is blank because the location is a bit hidden and yet rarely touched by tourists.

The location is a bit hidden, to reach the waterfalls Binangun Watu Jada, tourists emotion driven rather heavy tiring.

To reach the waterfall that walk skeitar hour, quite tiring, sure, but once we get to the location, fatigue, it will definitely disappear instantly.

this waterfall is located in the village of Girimulyo, District Jatipurmo. Travel must pass through the rice fields and hills around Mount Lawu.

2. Turkish Nampu

Pantai Nampu

Attractions Wonogiri next track Nampu, located in the district Paranggupito. Nampu Turkish tourist destination Wonogiri you should not miss.

The beauty of the beach Nampu especially with white sand beaches and dotted with beautiful coral make this beach to be one of the attractions at Belle Wonogiri.

To achieve the Nampu range, we can use the bus or private vehicles. Access to the beach is quite easy. If you want to get wet-basahn not forget to bring a change of clothes so

3. Turkish Banyutowo

Pantai Banyutowo

Banyutowo beach tourist destination Wonogiri more later, still in the same Kecataman Nampu to the beach, which is located in Paranggupito Subdistrict precisely in Gudangharjo.

Turkish Banyuwoto very unique fresh water that comes from rivers.

tourists in this beach will also be pampered with exotic landscapes and be pampered. Besides the charm of fresh water and sea water, the beaches Banyutowo also has a beautiful natural landscape with rocks so fascinating tourist attractions in and become Wonogiri that must be visited.

4. Turkish Sembukan

Pantai Sembukan

beach sembukan a tourist destination following Wonogiri you must visit. Sembukan beach is a favorite tourist attraction and visited by many tourists, especially during the weekends. This beach is located in the district Paranggupito.

Besides water lautnyay nag clean and blue, the landscape around the screen is also very charming and indulgent eye can see.

, in addition to enjoy the beautiful and tranquil ambience, the Sembukan beaches can also be enjoyed fishing. Even local residents are often held on the beach Sembukan custom events.

5. Gajah Mungkur

Waduk Gajah Mungkur

Well, it outputs at Wonogiri very well known, namely that exists Mungkur Gajah Gajah since 1970. Mungkur itself has an outer of about 8,800 hectares.

The main function of the reservoir is of course to kill the irrigation needs, such as farming, not only that, this dam is also a tourist destination Wonogiri which is visited by many tourists.

the location of the tank itself is not too far from downtown Wonogiri, travelers need a distance of about 3 km from the sights that tanks Elephant Mungkur. This tank has a beautiful natural landscape. Not only that, tourists can also enjoy the culinary variety of delicious fish.

6. Niagara Setren Girimanik

Air Terjun Setren Girimanik

Wonogiri other attractions are waterfalls in the village of girimanik Setren, District Slogohimo. This waterfall where bathing fun weekend.

exotic waterfall is popular with visiting various areas in Central Java, usually always crowded when the holidays arrive mmusim or end week.

Downtown Wonogiri, tourists have to travel about 30 km or about 40 minutes. Perjalan direction from the east to the town Setern downtown.

In fact, not only on weekends only, on a typical day, the setren waterfall girimanik also visited by many tourists and visitors of the weekend will be more dense and cluttered again.

Well, how about you? Are you interested to swim or just enjoy the beautiful scenery waterfall Girimanik setren this? Sense of loss at all if all Wonogiri attraction miss this one

. 7. Goa Putri Kencono

Goa Putri Kencono

As the adventure theme leisure activities with nature? Well, if you like exploring, cave girl kencono should be included in the list of attractions you visit Wonogiri later

Goa daughter Kencono be one of the tourist destinations Natural Wonogiri that many fans, especially cruise lovers.

beautiful scenery in very intriguing, cave has a character with dipadai stalagmid and stalagtid along the cave.

the location of the cave itself in sub Pracimantoro which is about 40 km if past Wonogiri. Travelers can enjoy the unique feature of the cave with hanging rocks.

8. Skateboards Hang Gliding

Papan Luncur Gantole Like a challenge? Well, yes jka sleigh riding, you should try hang gliding. Hang gliding sleigh rides is very difficult and make adrenaline accelerated rapidly.

loading ...

for those interested in trying it, please come hill in the village spring. Ketingginnya for itself, you can try two types arena.

For the first step, you can try the 0 meters, and could try the 400 m. Skateboard Arena you can make alternative travel during a visit to Wonogiri. On the hill hang gliding travelers also can exist rides paragliding activities.

9. World Karst Museum Wonogiri

Museum Karst Dunia Wonogiri

Karst Museum in Wonogiri could be your next vacation destination. Here, you are invited to get to know different types of karst rocks.

The museum offers tours to the tourists coming eduksi. Highly recommended if you are on vacation with the kids to stop by this place.

Travelers can take a beloved family enjoy educational tours and information about the museum. Karts Museum Indonesia is located in the village of Gebangharjo Pracimantoro district. Distance about 38 km south of the town of Wonogiri.

10. Spiritual Journey Goda

Wisata Spiritual Kahyangan

more Wonogiri Destination Travel is a sacred place where people no less interesting for our visit are. Attraction heavenly spiritual experience of its own to attract tourists who come on holiday.

There are usually done penance and nenepi activities by the local community. In Javanese term meaning ritual penance must reach a certain goal. Spiritual Travel Goda is located in the district. Tirtomoyo. According to history, the sky spiritual tourism is a place of penance founder of the kingdom mataram Sutowijoyo. In the dependent Sutowijoyo melakuakn komunukasi with Queen Kidul discuss the agreement pembangunanan Mataram kingdom.

If you came here of course, we must not follow the procession or a penance and nenepi event.

11. Indonesian Wayang Museum

Museum Wayang Indonesia

Puppet is our nation almost forgotten her existence a legacy. Therefore, it should we as the younger generation to help preserve our culture.

One way to promote a government of puppets of love is to create a museum. Not only in Jakarta, Wonogiri also a puppet museum that has a large collection of puppets as puppets, shadow theater, Suket puppets, masks and others.

Especially when we vacation with family and children, to introduce culture to them is very important. For the location of this museum is on district. Wuryantoro, Wonogiri.

12. Sendang Asri Gajah Mungkur

Sendang Asri Waduk Gajah Mungkur

beautiful spring Gajah Mungkur be a vehicle for holidays in Wonogiri interesting to kiita next visit. This tourist place in Jalan Raya Wonogiri, Spring Village, district. Wonogiri.

exact location on the banks of the Gajah Mungkur, and has long been a place w Isata family in Wonogiri.

There are lots of rides and facilities provided here, it is a rare animal parks, swimming pools, train rabbits. There is also the arena: Boom water "which has different games such as water pouring buckets of the pool, waterslide and winding river Ditepian Gajah Mungkur there are also special culinary facilities for gourmets.

13. Alas Kethu

Alas Kethu

Amusement next Wonogiri Kethu pedestal. Alas Kethu is a tourist attraction in the form of a teak forest shade, eucalyptus, mahogany and so the lungs become so Wonogiri.

This attraction is located in the heart of Wonogiri therefore aksestabilitasnya very easy to reach. Usually this place is often used as a location that requires a lush forest image.

Unfortunately Kethu can be a soothing place for your holiday . Very appropriate to eliminate this fatigue once weekly activity.

14. Pic Cumbri

Puncak Cumbri

Wonogiri Travel Destinations pity to miss the next Cumbri hill. This hill cumbri later hits for photos phenomenal viral travelers MEDSOS fb, twitter and instagram.

MEDSOS Thank cumbri hill became famous and very terekenal. For those of you who are interested to visit cumbri hill, terapat three ways that we can choose, among others:

  • Doors East: hamlet Jatisari village biting, district Purwantoro
  • Middle door hamlet sources, the bite of the village, under Purwantoro
  • western gate: kepyar hamlet village kepyar, Purwantoro district

Although relatively short, but the path we must take intense enough, the rise, we can take a time of about 1 hour depending on our speed, the track is quite steep and slippery, so be careful there.

address: Kapyar Village, District purwantoro, Central Java. 95 km from the city of Solo. To enter this place, you must pay Rp. 3,000 / engines.

15. Telaga Air Travel Rowo Batuwarno

Wisata Air Telaga Rowo Batuwarno

Attractions in Wonogiri is located next to the lake water Rowo Batuwarno. Here tourists can enjoy permianan water bikes, taste the culinary tourism joy, Travel zone therapy, travel and fishing furniture industrial centers.

Location Rawo lake is in Sumberejo District Batuwarno. This attraction is considered by local authorities, particularly in the districts Batuwarno formalization and complement existing facilities to support economic growth in the surrounding community.

16. Ponds Claket Selogiri

Telaga claket selogiri

next Wonogiri tourism is an artificial lake that is low Selogiri area. These locations are usually used as a place to mengtualisasikan through photos.

Claket Selogiri Ponds is also often used as a place of prawed foro. Attractions Ijo Spring Village, District Selogiri, Wonogiri these five years is polished with the added element of agritourism.

Claket Access to the lake is so easy to reach. Spring Village Office Ijo, I need only drive a motorcycle less than 10 minutes from the lake. Road Claket also easily passed and there are signs posted for the visitors while crossing the intersection.

Sensation out in this attraction enjoy the lake view from above mountain. In addition to school children, this lake regularly visited by fishermen. There are three fishing communities who regularly visited Lake Claket every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. In each of these visits, management was able to increase revenues between Rp100,000-Rp300,000 with a visit to a group. The recognized value is still very cheap, because he was aware of the ponds Travel Claket not perfect.

How? Not much to all the tourist places of Wonogiri interesting for our visit dearly missed. In fact, there are several other attractions Wonogiri interesting for us to visit. Well, if you have a story or a holiday experience in Wonogiri, there is no harm if it is shared also with others via the form koementar below.

May 16 Wonogiri attractions worth a visit here, may be useful for all readers. Do not miss the pitcher a 44 Places in Magelang, Central Java

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