Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Beach West Java Pangandaran

Beach West Java Pangandaran -

Attractions Pangandaran, West Java

Wednesday, 8th July, 2015 - West Java

West Java has many attractions and one of them is Pangandaran . This beach is located in the district of Pangandaran, in the village Pananjung. Pangandaran beach in Ciamis was appointed by AsiaRooms as the best beach in West Java province. Admittedly, this is a matter of pride for Indonesia, especially as a tourist attraction.

The beach is not too far away dai this city famous for its beautiful black sand and white sand. You will be treated with calm waves for swimming and a cool breeze at the beach area. Tide and low tide beach also takes long intervals of time so that Pangandaran used as a safe place to swim. If you come to the beach in the morning, you'll get to see a view of the sunrise in the east later in the west coast in the late afternoon to see the sunsets are so beautiful.

In Pangandaran, West Java is still there fishermen who went for fishing. The beach is known as the dock Fisherman far. You can feel the sensation of sailing and catch fish on the beach by coming to visit. beautiful view underwater with coral reefs and colorful fish are also attractive attraction Pangandaran Beach .

Charm Beauty of Pangandaran, West Java

Pantai pangandaran Foto pantai pangandaran Pantai pangandaran jawa barat

There is a hill in the woods in the area of ​​Pangandaran Beach. Visit some of the natural and artificial caves at the time of the Second World War made by the Japanese military as a defensive war bunker in the woods. Get around more then you can see a beautiful waterfall is just over the hill. Tourists who want to go to the waterfall must walk. On the way to the waterfall sepangjang then you will be presented stunning natural scenery. Back this attraction should not forget to taste a wide variety of processed seafood beaches nearby food stalls such as shrimp, crab, squid, fish, and so on. Memories for families trying to buy salted fish is Jambal famous Roti Pangandaran .

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