Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Sites Telaga Warna Dieng in Central Java Telaga Warna Dieng

Sites Telaga Warna Dieng in Central Java

Telaga Warna Dieng - Attractions in Central Java

Saturday, July 4th, 2015 - Central Java

in Central Java, there is a charming attraction of Telaga Warna . Scenic lake is located in the Dieng Plateau is also often called Telaga Warna Dieng. The place is located in the district of Wonosobo, specifically in the area Kejajar. If the town of Wonosobo there, then you must take a trip of about 25 kilometers.

Ponds in the Dieng Plateau has its own characteristics that the color of the water may change, The name of Telaga Warna him -even is a natural phenomenon that occurs in this attraction. Natural Fenoma make water the color of the lake can turn into a rainbow of colors and green, sometimes color. Indeed, in Telaga Warna sulfur-containing substances are high that when the lake water is exposed to sunlight, the color of the water can vary. Furthermore, in this lake there is also a whiff of boiling water in the middle of the lake Kawah Putih as, West Java Province.

On the way to Telaga Warna Dieng then you must mount Dieng plateau. It will then be presented with beautiful natural panorama of towering trees, the air is fresh, and there are relics of the people of Hindu temples. Arriving at Telaga Warna You will also see an amazing sight. From the color of the water gracefully changing the exotic yet mystical atmosphere in this attraction because the white fog and tall green trees surround this area.

Telaga Warna Dieng Enchantment Attractions in Central Java

Telaga warna Lokasi telaga warna Telaga warna dieng

Unfortunately, this attraction, there are no stalls or food restaurants so it is advisable for tourists to bring their own food to visit this place. Attractions Dieng is also a sacred place that is sacred to the local population. Therefore, it is intended not to tell dirty or throwing garbage, especially in the lake area. If you want to visit Telaga Warna Dieng Wonosobo from the city of Yogyakarta using a private vehicle and takes about three hours to get on the Dieng plateau.

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