Senin, 26 September 2016

Baliem, beauty and cultural richness of Papua -

Baliem, beauty and cultural richness of Papua - -

** - Baliem Valley is a mountainous valley Jayawijaya. Baliem valley at an altitude of 10 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains with beautiful scenery and untouched. Temperatures can reach 10-15 degrees Celsius at night.

To achieve the Baliem Valley and enjoy the natural and cultural charm, perhaps you need to fight pretty tiring. Although not isolated location yet to reach the Wamena Baliem Valley must pass several times. First, you have to land in Jayapura first. Next trip will continue in Wamena using flight options namely Manunggal Air, Trigana, Yajasi, Hercules, AMA, or MAF

Foto Instagram by: airinaditya

Photo by Instagram :. airinaditya

this valley is also known as large Baliem valley is home to the Dani tribe in the village Wosilimo, 27 km from Wamena, Papua. Dani addition several other ethnic coexistence in this valley Yali and Lani tribes of the tribe. The valley is about 80 km long and 20 km wide and is situated at an altitude of about 1.0 to 1.700 m, with a population of about 100,000 people.

green hills shaped Baliem which has a beautiful and natural scenery. However, here it looks like a view of the white sandy beach. sandy texture in Baliem exactly the sand on beaches and

In addition to sand, Baliem also as a granite stones protruding from the ground. It is said that this area was once a lake. However, because of the earthquake, there was a change in the nature because the plates of the earth shift.


dry Pictures of Travel

In Baliem, there are three indigenous groups who live and live together. All three of these tribes live in peace without disturbing each other. Three tribes retain hereditary tribal wars festivals each year as a reminder of the importance of maintaining peace between the tribes.

There is a unique tradition that is horrible here, when there is a keluraga those who died, to express our sadness is usually the cutting finger (ikipalin). This is a symbol of pain and pain they feel. Because for the people of Dani fingers symbolizing harmony, unity and human strength. However, over time, the action of cutting a finger increasingly abandoned. In addition to cutting a finger, there is also the action of the mud bath that gives meaning that everyone who died will return to earth

Suku Dani ( Foto by: bookforpapua_project)

Dani (Photo: bookforpapua_project).

When you visit the villages of the indigenous tribes of this you will see how their simple life. Every day, they lived in round houses with thatched roofs. The house is called Eweai women, while men have called home Honai. Welcome parents who usually live in chief or village elder is usually called Leseai. Main meals resident in Baliem pork and potatoes. They raise pigs and livestock to meet their food needs.


Photos of a hot dry

In the Baliem valley, there are mummies whose age has reached 300 years stored in Pilamo ( male house). The mummy named Wim Motok Mabel is a warlord. Mummified believes in the welfare of all his descendants in the future

When you visit this place you will not be surprised to see the indigenous tribes of clothing style here. Men are usually only wear a penis sheath. Most women are already dressed for their influence outside the village. Surely, you will be welcomed with open arms when visiting the Baliem Valley. All you have to notice is that your attitude must respect local customs and culture

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