Selasa, 27 September 2016

Pagoda Nan Pretty In Palembang Kemaro Island

Pagoda Nan Pretty In Palembang Kemaro Island -

** - Kemaro Island is one of the most famous tourist attractions Palembang. Kemaro island located in the middle of the Musi River, near Palembang Ampera Bridge, only about 6 km.
Kemaro island located in the southern part of the island of Sumatra, in the city of Palembang. nah to get there, you can take a flight to the international airport of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, located in the Tanjung Api-Api. This service is available in countries such as singapur knows, China and Thailand.

for the distance from the airport for mileage musi river of 6 km. You can take a taxi or rental car to the airport. In this city there are 9 public transport, including seven city buses from various destinations that can take you to Ampera for only Rp1.500,00 Rp5.000,00.setelah-up musi river, you can use a boat charter for heading Places in Palembang Kemaro Island takes about 30 minutes to a bridge Ampera Rp50.000,00 costs -. Rp70.000,00

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Source Ig raarinta

Kemaro Island is a little on the Musi River Delta, located about 6 km from the famous Ampera Bridge Palembang, besides Kemaro island is located in the industrial area, which is between Sriwijaya plant fertilizer and Pertamina Plaju and Gerong River. when out of town about 40 km. Kemaro island is a place of leisure head poster on the Musi River. In this place, you will see a Chinese temple (temple Hok Tjing Rio). Furthermore Kemaro the island there are also Buddhist temples frequented by Buddhists to pray or visit the tomb. There are also often held Cap Go Meh event each Chinese New Year. Cried huh, imagine deh certainly the atmosphere.

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Source Of Ig raka006

On the island there is the tomb of a princess Kemaro Palembang. According to local legend, in ancient times, there was a princess Palembang sent to marry the son of a king of China. The princess asked nine pots of gold as dowry. To prevent pirates and gold polls are closed and vegetables that the young king opened it, he saw that contain vegetables and jars are banished from the river. Sens disappointment and regret making the young king decided to jump into the river and drowned. The princess had come to throw us into the river and drowned. The princess was buried in the island Kemaro and store, built temples

The appeal in the island collimator Kemaro palembang This is a 9-story pagoda which dominates in the middle of the island. The building was recently built in 06. In addition, there is a pagoda pagoda already there were. Sui Goeat Kiong temple or better known as Kuan Yin temple built since 1962. In front of the pagoda, there is the tomb of Tan Bun An (Prince) and Siti Fatimah (daughter) are side by side. Their love story the two of you become a legend of formation of the island.

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Source Of Ig viena_noviana

In addition, the Island Tourism Kemaro up in Palembang also include the tree is called "tree of love "is designated as the rite of" True Love "between the two nations and two cultures in ancient times between Siti Fatimah daughter of Sriwijaya and Tan Bun A state Prince of China, it is said, if are couples who carved the name they are in the tree then their relationship will continue until the marriage level.

By Kemaro island therefore is also known as the Island dating. Hayo who want dibersamakan girlfriend kejenjang until marriage? although the myth that know hehe, we'll carve your name and couples dipohon love that is in place Island Tourism Kemaro, who knows your girlfriend to be a friend of your life all the time.

Pohon Cinta Di Pulau Kemaro

Tree of Love Island Kemaro

Nah already clear information Kemaro Tourism Island in Palembang, are you interested to come here for sightseeing, ETPs are not only not invite your partner yaa invite families and chum you -sohib

How? Kemaro interested in visiting the island this

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