Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

fresh waterfall Nature rises Bulao

fresh waterfall Nature rises Bulao -

Curug Bulao

**, Bogor - One of the places you can visit if holiday Cisarua Puncak is Curug Bulao is precisely in the area Cilember Cisarua subdistrict. With water characteristic blue color is the reason why these places are named Curug Bulao. With only raise $ 12,000 rupiah course, you can enjoy the beauty of this place.

So far Curug Bulao still managed by local people, as according to them the management of citizens will be better by observing the natural ecosystem that is still naturally without damaging existing natural beauty.

to reach the tourist spot began very popular with tourists, will take the travel time to 30 minutes of a public road Cisarua peak.

Bulao the beautiful waterfall attracts tourists wishing to visit just take a picture or make a splash with cool blue water cascade Bulao. In addition, fresh air make the tourists are reluctant to let the tourist attractions Curug Bulao this

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