Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Telaga Warna Puncak Beauty Bogor

Telaga Warna Puncak Beauty Bogor -

Telaga Warna

**, Bogor - Update highlight is a favorite area for tourists traveled to some of bogor and jakarta. Every weekend in the peak area of ​​Bogor has a place for a holiday weekend. one that is crowded is Telaga Warna. This lake is located on the tops of the motorway are berdakatan with home meal natural desire.

Not surprisingly, the lake has become one of the favorite places is popular with tourists. The natural attractions of this show the beauty of the lake is very quiet and beautiful. In addition visitors can also play a variety of water games like flatboat sepada and water available in the lake.

According to the residents on the name of the lake comes from the story that the water in this lake can be changed at any given time. . For those who liked the way the road can be these attractions make this place one of them if you want to travel in the peak area of ​​Bogor

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