Rabu, 04 Maret 2015



Travel Fun In Gunung Putri Lembang, Bandung you should try. This mountain is a mountain in the region is located in Bandung and Lembang. If you include people who are very busy and do not have much free time but want a vacation in the mountains, then Gunung Putri is an option that can be used as destinations around Bandung.

The mountain is easily accessible especially for your stay around Bandung or to be traveled in Bandung. Only the access road from Bandung to Lembang, after he continued to pursue the journey to Mount Tangkuban Perahu. After crossing the Grand Paradise, there is a small road to the left. After that, there will be a paved ramp. A row of modest houses, past plantations and several farm at the beginning of the journey

Gunung Putri Lembang Bandung

Image :. Infobdg.com

reaching the mouth of the head Putri Gunung Lembang, Bandung, you will not find a sign of welcome or even a ticket keeper. From this point, there are two roads. To the right and to the left. Right direction there is a small street leading to the plant that led to the top of the princess that there is no sign of a monument. While the left will be that you will follow a rocky dirt path.

Gunung Putri dipuncak hill forts have a Dutch colonizers. Now, the conditions are a bit neglected and covered by thatch and soil. Not many people know the Dutch fort, most locals call this fort called Fort Gunung Putri and some others call it by the name of Fort Jayagiri. The fort is a fairly large and spacious format. The building is also very robust. Also read :. In the forest refreshing Jayagiri Lembang

The top of the fort covered by earthen embankment overgrown with grass and weeds and shrubs. The fort was actually built around 1913 to 1917, precisely during the First World War

Gunung Putri Bandung

Image: sebastianliadi.wordpress.com

In addition to store the history of an object, in Gunung Putri there is also a legend that is identical to the existence of the mound. If we are familiar with the legend Sangkuriang & Dayang Sumbi and Gunung Putri believed nothing to do with the legend. Gunung Putri in Sangkuriang story is told as a site for bersembunyinya Dayang Sumbi as he was chased by Sangkuriang his son because he wanted to force to marry his own mother. Also read :. 10 Destination Nature Bandung Recommended

In addition to Mount Gunung Putri Tangkubanparahu & Lembang, Bandung, there are also other mounting associated with the history of Sangkuriang, such as Mount Burangrang trust formed a weaver from twigs or a former makes the boat and there is also Mount Bukittunggul the history Sangkuriang believed to be an old stump of a tree that is used by him as a material to be able to apply for ladies boats Sumbi by Sangkuriang.

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