Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

PARK LEISURE Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri

PARK LEISURE Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri -

holiday ever try Recreation Park Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri exciting ? Maybe you do not know that this place is the flow of the Solo river is unstoppable in a massive reservoir to the extent that reaches 8800 ha. So great was this vessel that is clearly visible from many parts of the region in Wonogiri. This is the tank that is so emblematic for the citizens of Central Java, located about 3 km from the center of Wonogiri.

History Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri

Preparation of Gajah Mungkur that conducted in 1970 and since Piak government protests must drown 50 villages and to 60 000 inhabitants should be resettled in the Sitiung area in West Sumatra province. However, now the community can benefit, reservoirs that irrigate the fields in the district of Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Sragen and Klaten, and a power generator for the district of Wonogiri. The water tank will fall during the dry season. When drought comes, local communities ordinary use to be able to grow plants that grow annuals such as corn.

Waduk Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri

Gajah Mungkur now slowly transformed into an attractive leisure park for visitors and also generate economic resources for the local community. Different types of attractions available can really complete your family travel. No wonder local tourists to come from outside the city took the time to stop here during the visit Wonogiri.

To perpetuate tejadinya Bedol Village events, the local government has made the village Statue of Bedol located at the entrance amusement park. The sculpture consists of a husband and his wife and two children. Looks father raised his capingnya hat and the child was taken to go to school, while his mother watched the statue softly while carrying her infant. The town Bedol statue represents the enormity of the sacrifice of the people to realize Wonogiri Gajah Mungkur construction in the past. See as well:. Attractions wishlist Solo Interesting

Sejarah Waduk Gajah Mungkur

Regarding the landscape, meupakan reservoirs is very attractive. Puddles is very nice when the sites melatarinya hill. On the edge of the reservoir, there are several small boats that were anchored, mengistrirahatkan fishermen were pleased because he gets a lot of tilapia and catfish of the reservoir water. In the northern part of the reservoir there is enough space and is often used as a landing area for paragliding and music scene performance. Environment tank is the street where merchants sell a wide range of foods, souvenirs until the animal is cute though.

Recreation Ticket Elephant Mungkur

To be entered into the amusement park Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri, visitors are charged a rate of about 13,000 rupees no one. attractions and tourist spacious parking area are already equipped with various facilities such as toilets and others. See as well:. List attractions in Central Java

Forum ploy At Recreation Park Elephant Mungkur

I think the breeze was cool in the middle of the lake by riding a small boat or you can also rent a bike water in the form of animals, the rate is only 10 000 per person. If you want other activities more difficult, also provided a mountain bike arena with a rate of about 10,000 for every 15 minutes.

Taman Rekreasi Waduk Gajah Mungkur

Children who want to play water and swimming can also try Waterbom Elephant Mungkur with about 25 000 per person rates. Other games are also widely available here, from simple roller coaster, swing the train. You who have a fishing hobby can bring a fishing rod and spend some time here. If Andda simply want to relax, the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri is surrounded by short grass which is very convenient for your place of rest.

In the area of ​​recreation park Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri lots of stalls selling a variety of foods for visitors, like rice Rames, Pecel chicken and meatballs. If you want to taste the typical cuisine of Wonogiri, you can find delicious food that is very popular as the roast chicken mbok Tiyem in the district of Jatisrono, meatballs Gajah Mungkur Sate Kambing Muda or cereal Pak Twins in Baturetno.

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