Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015



Turkish Sipelot And Slick Beach Malang - For nature lovers, the beach is a holiday destination that should be visited. Atmosphere beach can indeed make the heart relieved and eliminates fatigue due to the daily routine. Well, for you who are in Malang and its surroundings, a large number of beach Malang can be visited. Two of them are Sipelot beach and beach Slippery Malang.

Turkish Sipelot Malang

beach this one is very beautiful, because it is situated between the chalk hills. Location Beach Sipelot located precisely in the village of Pujiharjo - Malang. Beautiful beach of Malang is still very natural, because not too many visitors who know its beauty. However, on this beach, there are already adequate and complete enough facilities for tourists such as parking lots and toilets

Pantai sipelot Pujiharjo

Turkish Sipelot, across Malang Travel
(picture :. Amabell.

, you can also enjoy the natural freshness of the typical range of the top row of limestone hills are covered with a variety of plants green. From above, looks more beautiful beaches. You must also be able to enjoy the cool swimming in Turkish Sipelot

Pantai Sipelot Dampit Malang

Journey Sipelot Beach
. (Image:

Slick Turkish Malang

for those who love adventure, especially in many coastal areas. Slippery beach can be considered and can be one of the tourist destinations that you must visit on holiday in Malang. Slippery exotic beach is almost similar to the Sipelot beach that is still not very popular. Indeed, Location Slick Beach Malang is difficult to pass. The beach is located exactly in the Glossy hamlet, village Lebakharjo, Ampelgading region - Malang

Pantai Licin Ampelgading - Malang Selatan

Slick Ampelgading Beach - South Malang
. (Image:

Although the road to the location by the sea is quite difficult, which must go through the streets up and down hills and winding, but it is a challenge and a pleasure for those who love hiking and adventure. Turkish Slick is very popular with scenic beaches surrounded by rocks Andesite allegedly origin is the result of the eruption of Mount Semeru.

Not very different from other beaches near the volcano, the Sleek range also features a black sand, different from the beach on the sandy beaches often white or brown. The uniqueness of this beach sand color proved to come from lava erupting Mount Semeru first washing time flows on the East Coast this Licin part

Pantai Licin Kec. Ampelgading

Sunrise Beach Slick Malang
(picture :. Doliphoto.wordpress .com)

not only that, the Slick beach is also known as one of the Turkish Malang has a strategic place to watch the magnificent sunrise or sunrise is amazing. If you leave the center of the city of Malang, you'll pass through some areas before you get to this beach. Including in Turen area - Dampit - Sumberrejo -. Lebakharjo the village and then in Slippery Coast

Attracted to adventure in Turkish and Turkish Slick Malang Sipelot during the holidays? Make sure you come with friends or family so vacation and your most exciting and fun adventure.


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