Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

3 Keseruan ON THE BEACH Pananjung Pangandaran

3 Keseruan ON THE BEACH Pananjung Pangandaran -

3 Keseruan Turkish Pananjung Pangandaran can be used as a reference for your vacation plans. Being in the nature reserve area, Turkish Penanjung separated by a cliff with other areas of the West Coast. To access this beach, there are two routes that visitors can take either by land or by sea.

By land, travelers can enter the area of ​​the west gate of the nature reserve of Pananjung, then continued to walk more than 300 meters less. Meanwhile, through the sea, visitors can rent a boat from the West Coast region. The rent of about 15,000 per person with a maximum of 7 passengers to accommodate a single trip. What are the main attraction of this beautiful beach? Here are 3 excitement in Pangandaran beach Pananjung that you can enjoy when I visited

3 Keseruan di Pantai Pananjung Pangandaran

Image :. Www.disparbud.jabarprov.go.id

Beach still Alami

the main attraction of the beach is certainly the natural shades are still awake. Because it is located in a conservation area, visitors can see the kind of monkey that was always hanging around that area of ​​the beach. The monkeys there are already tame enough to be approached and invited to play, but some of them are being aggressive.

Park Pangandaran Natural who are around Turkey Penanjung as a place to live for certain types of wildlife, such as tando, monkeys, orangutans , deer, pangolin and types as bison, or a variety of birds such as cangehgar, cipeuw, tlungtumpuk and also jogjog birds. See as well:. List visit Di Tasik and Ciamis

Pantai pananjung Ciamis

Image: elviananindy.blogspot.com

Moreover, in the reserve and Nature Wildlife Conservation Pananjung, tourists can see several categories of plants and rare animals such as antelope, giraffe and orangutan. Secondary forests which are aged 20-65 years have a lot of plants, especially laban, harass, kisegel, pohpohan famous, trees or other objects. Some of the reptiles in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve as lizards, geckos and various types of snakes. Also read :. Fun At Green Canyon Ciamis

Scuba Diving

Travelers can witness the beauty of the underwater beach Penanjung have to dive or dive into area shallow waters near the white sandy beach. The water is so clear, allowing visitors to look down and observe various marine life like sea horses, sea stars, oysters, sea cucumbers and a variety of fish in there.

activities other than diving is surfing, boat rentals to move, swim, watch the beauty of the sea garden and other

Pananjung Beach Indonesia

picture:. jabarprov.go.id

playing in the white sand beach

on the beach, tourists can try to play or sand looking for shells and pieces of seaweed alias fresh seaweed that washed up on shore. Invites children to play sand or just sit back to enjoy the natural landscape around the coast that is still awake kelamiannya not less pleasant, although the coast was devastated by the tsunami a few years ago. In the white sand beach, tourists can also see the natural beauty of vast stretches south coast of Ciamis Batu Karas in Pangandaran. Read also: Beach holidays Pangandaran in Ciamis

Taman Wisata Alam Pananjung

Image :. Exploregreencanyon.wordpress.com

Well, you're interested in trying 3 with excitement at this Pangandaran Beach Pananjung as a holiday alternative? Guaranteed safe and fun anyway and can eliminate fatigue after a full week of activities.

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