Attractions in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan, East Java - Sidoarjo Regency is district region Java province (East Java) . Regency that in the last decade famous for mud Lapindonya abut direct with area Surabaya as the region Gresik in next leadership north his east right next to Madura Strait in next leadership south territory Pasuruan and in part of west his is directly adjacent to the region Mojokerto.
Sidoarjo enough known because it is an area main buffer to Surabaya. is following list of tourist attractions in Sidoarjo, East Java for those who want a holiday on the weekend or when the summer holidays arrived.
funeral complex Putri Ayu Sekar Dadu Sidoarjo |
- Turkish Ketingan located in Sawoan Village, region Subdistrict Buduran .
- Candi bet located in Desa Candi bet Subdistrict Porong .
- Candi Dermo , located in Hamlet Dermo - Candi Village Negoro, belonging to territory Subdistrict Wonoayu .
- Region INTAKO located in Subdistrict Tanggulangin around 6 km from center Sidoarjo .
- Swimming Fishing Sedati located in Kalanganyar Village, region Subdistrict Sedati
- Makam Putri Ayu Sekar Dadu, located in the hamlet of interest -. Sawoan Village, District Buduran.
- Teng Swi Bio temple , located in Jalan Raya Krian number 124 .
- Kelenteng Tjong Hok Kiong , located in Jalan Hang Tuah number 32 .
- Room Delta Cultural Activities , located in in the near Place State Sidoarjo.
- Sign Airlangga located in Hamlet klagen -. Tropodo Village, region Krian District
- Great Mosque Sidoarjo, located west of the square Sidoarjo .
- MPU Tantular Museum, located on the road Buduran the District Buduran.
- Take Sidoarjo Sea located in Banjar Desa Kemuning, region Subdistrict Sedati.
The list of tourist attractions in Sidoarjo, East Java that you can consider to be a tourist destination when the weekend arrives, or be a backpacker move with a much lower cost.
Next we headed neighboring regency of Sidoarjo, Pasuruan region namely. Pasuruan is an area in the east of Java on Sidoarjo district and also the Java Sea in the north, in the part is directly adjacent to the Probolinggo, in the direction of south by the District of Malang, in west of its existing famous Batu with the agro tourism and west by Mojokerto.
Not very different from the district, Pasuruan is located about 65 km southeast of Surabaya, this city is the largest city three east Java . in the north, the city is bordered by the waters of the Madura Strait and Pasuruan borders to the east, center and south.
Pasuruan very popular as industry, agriculture and also as a tourist destination. A fairly well-known nationally is complex Highlands Mount Bromo Tengger and This is one of the favorite tourist attractions and pillar of Pasuruan. Here list of tourist attractions in Pasuruan, East Java
- Piers Pasuruan .
- Banyu Biru located in Sumber Rejo, region Subdistrict Winongan . .
- Purwodadi, located in Purwodadi, District Purwodadi .
- Jami 'Al Anwar, located west of the square Pasuruan.
- Building Research Centre Perkebuna n Sugar , located in Jalan Heroes number 25 State Pasuruan.
- Candi Jawi located in Candiwates Village, Subdistrict Prigen
- Harmony Building , located around Jalan Heroes - State Pasuruan .
- Turkish Blandongan located in Blandongan Village, region District Bugul Kidul.
- Taman Safari Indonesia II , located in the region of Mount Arjuna National Park in the district Prigen.
Bains Banyu Biru Pasuruan crowded with visitors |
- Petilasan Fortunately Suropati , located in Kel urahan Mancilan region district comments Purworejo .
- Hermitage Indrokilo located in Village Dayurejo Subdistrict Prigen .
- Ranu Grati , the location is within three at once, namely Sumberdawesari Village, Village Gratitunon and Ranuklindungan Village, region district comments ROW.
- Lions Home , located in Jalan Hasanuddin.
The list of tourist attractions in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan in East Java. Do not forget to read tips for holiday fun to visit one by one list of tourist attractions in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan in East Java, the more memorable.
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