Kamis, 18 Juni 2015


Trip To Niagara Sri Gethuk Jogja - Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is famous for many historical sites. There are so many ancient relics of temples scattered in different corners of Jogja. In addition, many museums also adds to the image of Yogyakarta as historical sites that are worth to be visited by travel enthusiasts. But behind all this, Jogja not just some presents various exotic nature.

This tempatwisatamu.com sedkit time will notice a tourist attraction in the Yogyakarta region, particularly you who want to travel to Sri waterfalls Gethuk Jogja.
Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
down the beauty of waterfalls Sri Gethuk
Location waterfalls Sri Gethuk precisely in Village Travel Bleberan Gunung Kidul. To visit Sri Gethuk real waterfall can not be reached by public service vehicles directly to the location. At least that one of our friends have experienced the last time there mid-May there 2013. So if you want traveled there, you must use your own car, hire a travel agent , or rent a car to make your trip comfortable and safe.

Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
Within Sri Gethuk with a series of simple
the road, if you stray from Yogyakarta can follow the road indications Wonosari. After in area Ivory continued follow the path following left who also to to Playen. Then you will not be difficult to find the way to Paliyan, a distance of about 1.5 km you will find a clue on the map tourist attraction Niagara Sri Gethuk .

Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
exhausting trip paid with exotic Sri Gethuk
do not worry, you will not get bored on the way to the waterfall tourist attraction Sri Gethuk it. As you pass through an area of ​​dense eucalyptus forests and beautiful Perhutani Then the white wood is replaced with teak fields dense continue passing along the way. If you arrived in the parking lot which also serves as a fishing area, you can use two ways to point the waterfall. The first is by browsing way through the beautiful landscape of fields and rows of green rice palms. And the second is by boat or raft against the current river Oya.

Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
Swimming in the Oya river region Sri Gethuk
originally named the waterfall Sri Gethuk said to come from the name kethuk. Kethuk itself as the surrounding community is one of the instruments of gamelan are belong i Jin Anggo Meduro were first kept in this place, to falls alien is known by name Sri Gethuk waterfalls. You can believe it or not, but k Onon in time -time some citizens around still often heard their gamelan on Officer of the waterfall Sri Gethuk.

Beautiful crystal clear river flowing between high cliffs that recall exotic Green Canyon in Ciamis, West Java Province. If lucky, you can see the beautiful rainbow crossing a waterfall raging that.

Beautiful Sri Gethuk Waterfall Indonesia
The admission price is very gethuk Sri affordable
the dive admission price is Rp Sri Gethuk. 3000. This included season tickets to visit the cave Kencono design that still exists in the waterfall area. If you want to ride the raft to the waterfall, you only pay Rp 5,000 per person for a round trip. And for that love to swim in the cool river around the waterfall Sri Gethuk it might be to hire a tire at a rate of only Rp. 2,000 per person. Well, how about you? Are interested in visiting attraction waterfall Sri Gethuk?

Related Post "TOUR IN SRI gethuk CASCADE JOGJA"

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