Minggu, 20 September 2015



Vacationing To Shore Santolo Garut Unique - Garut is one of the tourist destinations are very popular in West Java. Various attractions fairly easily found in different districts in Garut. Most are mountains because of the Garut region is shaped mountains and hills. However, over the mountains, a waterfall or even a temple, apparently Garut also has attractions such as the beauty of the sea that you should not miss when visiting there. One of them is Turkish Santolo Pameungpeuk . A pretty beach has various unique charm of its own is the main attraction for tourists.

Location beach Santolo Garut precisely in the village of Cikelet, Pamengpeuk district, adjacent to the means of rocket launch also part of the institution of the National Institute of aeronautics and space or the space agency. To go to the location of the beach Santolo Garut, you must move south of downtown Garut with the distance of about 88 km, the estimated time is about 3.5 hours away. You can go there by taking public transportation such as Elf car or use a private vehicle to the District Pamengpeuk

Pantai Santolo Pameungpeuk

Turkish atmosphere Santolo Pameungpeuk Garut quiet
(Image Yean80 :. .blogspot. com)

holiday trip in Garut unique beach Santolo is enough time, in addition to travel, you travel far enough with the contours of the winding road. However, it will not be bored, because along the way will find many other natural beauties, because road leading to the beach Santolo is surrounded by the natural beauty of the mountains, countryside and green extensive rice can really spoil the eye. So do not be surprised if the way you'll encounter beautiful rural atmosphere as met farmers tending cows, grazing in the field plantations or rice fields.

Uniquely in the coastal region is Santolo Muara Cilauteureun . This estuary called Cilauteureun due to water in the mouth is so calm and even seems to stop. In his own Sundanese, Cilauteureun means seawater again and stopped. What makes this unique is because water in the estuary Cilauteureun stems from the sea to the river, and not the opposite of the river to the sea. This is a rare phenomenon in Indonesia you can find during a Turkish visit Santolo Pameungpeuk

Pantai Santolo Garut

Interestingly Muara Cilauteureun
. (Image: www.sobatpetualang.com)

not only that, before you start cross the island Santolo , you will be treated to views of the exotic. The sea water is beautiful with blue-green color blue, the rocks that divide the ranks of the beach area is also very forgiving eye. A beautiful view along the line of the stone is no less interesting with a variety of beauty that is the main beach. If you keep walking until the end of the line of the stone, you will see the beautiful sea are presented with a romantic atmosphere and is a place that is beautiful enough to take pictures during the shooting.

Pantai Santolo Penginapan

Weekend in Turkish Santolo
(image: travel.detik.com)

While on vacation at the beach this unique Santolo Garut, fatigue due to a variety of activities and noise in the atmosphere of the city will be lost. The blue water and beaches of white sand body merefreshing power and mind. In addition, you can bertemupara fishermen will be anchored in an orderly manner after surfing and they are very friendly if you want to say hello. Do not worry if you want to eat after a day of playing at the beach, for a variety of menus of good food, especially grilled fish here.


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