Sabtu, 19 September 2015



Trip To The Beautiful Beaches Rancabuaya Garut - Turkish Rancabuaya A beautiful beach in the Garut region. This beach has many rocks are large and directly bordering the Indian Ocean, so that the waves were quite large. Another interesting feature of this beautiful beach is a waterfall that is directly opposite the beach. Rancabuaya beach is not the type of beach ideal for swimming, because of the rocky reef

Location Rancabuaya coast Garut is precisely located in the village Purbayani the district Caringin -. Garut district. This beach is less popular and less familiar to residents outside Garut, but beauty is not less than the Garut Santolo range of well-known person in the presence of sea water flowing in the river as in France. However, did you know that this Rancabuaya range is ideally used as a filming location Paper Boat with Maudy Ayunda? If you saw the movie, certainly less will know the image of this beach. Yellowish white sand, the waves are big and the big rocks found along its banks

Wisata Garut, Pantai Rancabuaya

Still a location Paper Boat
. (Image:

to get to this place from the beach, you can use public transportation such as public transport minibuses or Elf Garut terminal Kota and can also be PANGALENGAN - Bandung. Travel to the beautiful beach of Garut Rancabuaya it may take up to 7 hours of Bandung. Because the beach is located in the southern region of Garut. But the beauty of this beach you can relieve fatigue, especially if it was to watch the sunrise and sunset were breathtaking. Probably quite as suitable for couples who want a honeymoon, because the romantic ambience will make your honeymoon more memorable.

In addition, you can also see the beauty of the beach from the top of a hill in the coastal areas Rancabuaya. It is very exotic if you see a sunrise or sunset the sun combined with waves as the color becomes golden red, really feel the difference with the time to enjoy the beach.

For those who want to spend the night around the beach, there are many hostels and villas that can be rented at an affordable price. In addition, various other facilities allow you to enjoy the holidays, such as the car park is very spacious lesbian, typical of beach to relax enough, traveling huts that you can rent, facilities for worship and various other facilities.

Wisata Garut, Pantai Ranca Buaya

There is a waterfall overlooking the beach

Journey to the beautiful beaches Garut Rancabuaya feel itself incredible for nature lovers, because the beach is very natural, perhaps even more natural than the southern coastal region as tiles coastal Edge, beach Pelabuhan Ratu or the Pangandaraan beach.

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