Minggu, 13 September 2015



Holidays In Blue Spring Beach Malang - In addition to China and Turkey Goa beaches Sempu Island , it is Malang also has a location by the sea that are not less beautiful. The name of this beach is the blue spring, a place of exotic and beautiful popular resort. Clear sea water in the range of one pull this aya. For most travelers, Blue Spring Beach is known as the driveway to get to the island Sempu. But make no mistake, it is the beach it has a panoramic view that is not less beautiful than the other beaches in East Java.

Name Blue Spring itself comes from the Javanese language, which has a sense of source water blue. Yes, it is indeed with exotic beach with blue sea water and looked very clear air

Pantai sendang biru pulau sempu

Clear seawater to appeal
. (Image: kelompok1perkotb.blogspot.com)

Spring location Blue beach himself is in the village of Sumber Agung, Sumbermanjing subdistrict, Malang - East Java. This beach is located on the island exactly Sempu already very popular. Therefore, this range is used as the entrance to the island Sempu who is no stranger to the beauty.

In addition to serving as the entrance to the island Sempu, Blue Spring Beach also serve as the central point of the fish auction in Malang. However, attractions in Malang it is very far from being a dirty word. view beautiful Blue Spring Beach is very smooth. pure white sand and the water clear blue sea blends into a beautiful landscape. Not to mention, we can see the colorful fishing boats lined up and carefully parked on the seafront

Pantai Sendang Biru Donomulyo

Fishing boats are rented
. (Image: sukasuka31.blogspot.com)

make no mistake, the lines of the tank was not only used by fishermen as a means of transport for fishing only. But it is also rented to tourists who want to get around the coast and the island Sempu.

A Blue Spring holiday Malang beach, you can rent one of these boats to move while lounging around the beach. Pegged rates are not too expensive, only 100-150000 for the boat and rowed for about 50-75000 boat.

In the middle of the ocean, you can see clear to the bottom. See for yourself the underwater views are clearly visible due to the clear water. Small fish swimming behind the scenes of the reef to make your experience here traveled with nicer friends or family and will not be forgotten.

Pantai Sendang Biru Wikipedia

Suitable for the weekend with my friends
(image: wisata-bhinneka.blogspot.com)

there are all unique, Blue Spring holiday in Malang beach, the beach is not always the unique customs were still owned and managed by local people for anyone who will cross the sea to the island Sempu to be able to make fresh water, it is considered sacred. If you want to see for themselves the unique tradition, you should come to the Blue Spring Beach is on the 7th and 8th in the month of Shawwal.

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