Places in Palembang - What do you know Palembang? Palembang is very famous for its distinctive cuisine is Pempek Palembang. Pempek Palembang had already ventured to all corners of the country. We can find various vendors regions Pempek Palembang in Indonesia.
In addition to his pizzeria, Palembang is also famous musi river and bridge amperanya. Between the river and the bridge ampera musi can not be separated. Both became an icon of this Pempek. You want a holiday in Palembang? There are a lot of Palembang websites interest to visit.
This time will take you around Palembang websites and around. Before taking a walk to the second largest city in Sumatra island that, it helps if we are somewhat acquainted with the city of Palembang. Palembang is the capital of South Sumatra province. Regarding the extent of about 358.55 km² and a population, there are 1.7 million people with a population density of 4,800 inhabitants per km². Predicted in 2030 the city should be occupied by 2.5 million people.
Bit talking about the history of Palembang, formerly the city became the capital of the kingdom of the largest at the time, the kingdom of Buddha in maritime Southeast Asia Srivijaya, which dominates archipelago and the Malay Peninsula in the 9th century also made this city known as "Bumi Sriwijaya." Based on the inscriptions found in the Bukit Kedukan Siguntang Hill west of Palembang who reported the formation of a wanua interpreted as a town on June 17, 688 BC to make the city of Palembang as the oldest city in Indonesia. In the Western world, the city of Palembang is also nicknamed the Venice of the East (the "Venice of the East").
21 Places in Palembang
Once we know a little more about the city of Palembang, now is the time we road Walk 20 Places to Palembang and surrounding the following:
1. bridge Tourism object Ampera and Musi river in Palembang
If you pay a visit to Palembang and the bridge must be included in the list of your visit.
incomplete if in Palembang, but did not enjoy the beauty of the bridge and the river, especially at night, most exotic and beautiful.
The bridge paa in 1962 to connect the area in front of the Ulu and Ilir opposite. Located about 50 meters from the Ampera bridge, there is a central market of souvenirs and food, so that you can easily buy souvenirs and culinary journey.
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ampera Bridge has a motor that can be waived if a large ship passing underneath. But since 1970 this function is stopped so as not to interfere with the trip. The time required to open the bridge until it is perfect about 30 minutes.
2. Religious tourism Cheng Hoo Mosque Palembang
Tourist activities in Palembang is second Cheng Hoo Mosque. The mosque in the style of a typical Chinese building became the historical evidence that the Chinese are very closely related to Islam.
Because of this mosque the Chinese sensation ornaments (China), Masjid Cheng Hoo be a place of worship and is also a favorite tourist attraction in Palembang. Cheng Hoo Mosque Location Jakabaring located in the area.
If you go to Palembang would not hurt if stopping and praying for a break or eliminate fatigue.
3. Heritage Hill Siguntang in Palembang
Bukit Siguntang be attractions Natural Palembang you should not miss. This hill is located in the hill village of Lama, Ilir Barat District I. This place was once considered a place of worship and meditation ritual. If you travel there, you can make a pilgrimage kemakam-tombs of the nobles once considered important founders of the city of Palembang.
hill with a height of 29-30 meters from the sea level, is still considered sacred by the local community. Usually visitors who come to this place will do the ritual pilgrimage to the tombs of the nobles of old.
4. Points History Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang
One attractions of history, you should not miss when visiting Palembang is the Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II. The museum is the kingdom of Palembang Darussalam. The location is between the Ampera Bridge and Benteng Kuto Besak.
5. Historical Places Kuto Besak in Palembang
Kuto Besak near Ampera Bridge. Kuto Besak is a testimony to the glory of the past royal Palembang Darussalam. Inside the fort there are medical offices that Sriwijaya Military Command II and hospitals. It is also the only fort that was built with stone walls. Long ago, the fort was used to defend against enemy attacks.
6. Religious Tourism Great Mosque of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I Palembang
Red Mosque has become the largest and most mosque in southern Sumatra, which can accommodate about 15,000 faithful. It is located in the center of the city of Palembang.
At night, the mosque will be very beautiful and charming.
7. Activities: Building hall of Palembang
tour destinations in the next Palembang Mayor office building . This building is the center of the city, the building was used for the water from the water tower to the entire city and is known for plumbing work. Currently the building is used for tourist attractions mayor of Palembang.
8. Places Fireworks Family IWAK Family Park in Palembang
Flower IWAK Family Park is lake in the center of town and close to the house or dwelling mayor of Palembang, this place has a lot of recreational areas frequented by tourists. Kembang IWAK Family Park is also a fountain with colored spotlights at night.
9. Places Nature Forest Punti Kayu in Palembang
Forest Punti wood is natural attractions in Palembang not to be missed. The location is at the center of Palembang, the distance is roughly 7 km away. This Punti Kayu Forest covers 50 hectares. This tourist site was built in 1998 and is set in the protected forest.
10. Historical Park Places ancient kingdom of Sriwijaya in Palembang
As already mentioned above that Palemabg once the center of the greatest Hindu kingdoms in Southeast Asia, you can see the ruins in the ancient kingdom of Sriwijaya Friends. park is located on the border of the river. Also stored in a registration or stone relics of the kingdom.
11. T Culinary Kampung four Kapitan Palembang
Image by: http: // hobingunyah .com /
want to try a variety of culinary pleasure seafood superior? Kampung Kapitan place, you can enjoy the local cuisine or imported, which are presented by experienced chef five star hotel. The place is very comfortable room. There are two alternatives to be able to reach the site, it can take the road or pass through the Musi river with driving a boat while enjoying the twinkling lights of the Ampera Bridge and Benteng Kuto Besak.
address : located right on the side of the Musi river with beautiful views of the bridge must
phone : (0711) 313978
price range : Rp 15,000 - Rp 78,000
12. Attractions Monuments struggle of the people of Palembang
.. Palembang also become one of the cities that contributed heroes who participated in the liberation struggle against colonialism. The location of this monument is in the middle of town, not too far from the Ampera Bridge and the Grand Mosque. Inside the monument there is a lot of historical objects and relics after the colonial period.
13. Tourism object Island Kemaro in Palembang
Island is Kemaro favorite tourist attractions in Palembag must be visited. Lokasinta there in the middle of the Musi river, about 6 km from Bridge Ampera. Currently Kemaro Island is one of the most famous tourist attractions Palembang. On the island there is a monastery Kemaro frequented by Buddhists to pray and make pilgrimages.
Here is a tomb is the tomb of a princess Palembang. This princess has her own story, she was married to the son of King of China with the dowry in the form of 9 golden urn, but in the end torque flows into the river and drowned.
14. Places Nature Lematang Beautiful Waterfall in Palembang
you want to swim? Well, there is a waterfall that is worth to visit if you're in Palembang. The location is in the Pagar Alam, water Lematang Beautiful waterfall has a height of about 40 meters, not too high, but it has a beautiful surrounding environment so that it is soothing the eyes of visitors. The trip to Niagara Lematang Indah will present you a beautiful view, so you will not get bored on the trip. When you come to visit during the rainy season, be careful because the stairs on Lematang Beautiful Waterfalls can be very slippery when hit by rain. Niagara Lematang Beautiful entrance fee is 4,000 Rupiah per person
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15. object Tourism Dempo in Palembang
next travel destination is Dempo. Dampo mountain attractions are in Lahat regency. For travel time located about 6 hours with a distance of 295 km. You can also use the public bus to Lahat Pagar Alam (60 km), and followed by another bus with a distance of 9 km and planting the mountainside tea factory. This attraction similar to the beauty of the mountain Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi
16 tourist. Places Nature Waterfalls Angel in Lahat
Another waterfall you should visit if you are visiting South Sumatra, Niagara Angel is located in the village of Karang In the District of Penang about 8 km Lahat city, Palembang. In the vicinity of the waterfall, there are three other major Niagara namely :. Cascades Single Girl, Niagara Falls chippy and Naga
17. Nature Tourism Niagara Maung (Curup Maung)
Niagara Curup Maung a beauty that is extraordinary. Its location in the village of Muara Padang District Gumay Ulu Duo Lahat regency. About an hour from the capital city of Lahat to Sub Gumay Ulu
Once located, followed by walking for ± 1 hour to reach the waterfall Maung, you will pass through forests and coffee plantations with the ground which reduces the quality of almost 45 degrees. It is advisable to be cautious.
18. Culinary famous places Martabak HAR in Palembang
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in addition to Pempek, it is also Martabak very tasty and it is a shame to miss if you visit Palembang. His name Martabak HAR, HAR Martabak already established on July 7, 1947. How to serve this sauce Martabak curry should be given as a supplement. This Martabak very melegendaris not only in the city of Palembang, but in the other cities. How it is very simple, does not need the meat slices, just need a chicken egg or duck. Intrigued by this legendary sensation Martabak?
address : Jl. Sudirman, the Great Mosque of Home, Palembang
Phone : (0711) 318100
price range : Rp 3,000 - Rp 35,000
19. Culinary.. Pempek candy in Palembang
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actually there are a lot of places to eat delicious Pempek Palembang. But from the comments from various sources suggest that Pempek candy is one of the best.
Pempek Candy is the original Pempek Palembang provided. Candy Pempek existing branches almost the entire territory of Palembang. And for that, are outside the city of Palembang do not worry, because Pempek candy also used the message via JNE. ! Do not miss it, guys
address : Jl Jend Sudirman .. 21 / Jl Capt... A. Rival 260 / Jl R Sukamto 53
Phone . (0711) 373765/318246/37503
Price Range : Rp 75,000 - Rp 500,000 / package
20. The culinary SAGA Pemek in Palembang
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name is rather strange, like a cartoon character alone. Pempek saga is not fried or steamed, as usual, but the baked goods! Hmm .. curious? Let
address . Jl Merdeka (before the mayor's office)
Phone (0711) 314 417
price range : Rp 4,000 / pcs
How.? You are interested to spend the holidays in the above places? Expect more soon organize a holiday calendar in Palembang you.
This 20 Places in Palembang you should visit us, if you have a story or an experience in itself for a holiday in Palembang also not hesitate to share with us. Hopefully this can be a tour guide in Palembang for you all.
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berapaan bajet ke Kembang Iwak Family Parkkak?