Entrance fee jungleland - Bogor become one of the tourist destinations Cities in West Java. Bogor city has many beautiful places and exciting playground for use as vacation spot. As the city of rain, Bogor has a cool temperature and is very comfortable for a family vacation.
A variety of rides are also being developed to support a family vacation, especially those of Jabodetabek, which make the Bogor city as a tourist destination during the season holiday arrives. In addition to the peak travel Bogor, Sentul especially Jungleland also a recreation area of the family is always crowded during the holiday season arrives. For the admission price Jungleland probably the comparison standard with rides like the others.
Forum for jungleland game
Entrance fee jungleland
Here details Jungleland entry price you need to know, Jungleland input prices vary by day of your visit:
- the price 'Jungleland admission; Monday - Thursday :. Open 10:00 am to 18:00 afternoon with Rp 165.000 input prices
- The Jungleland entry price; Friday : Open at 22:00 and ends at 8:00 pm with Prices splashy Friday only :. Rp 100,000
- Jungleland entry price; Saturday and Sunday : Open 09:00 am - 8:00 pm hours with special weekend ticket Rp 220,000
Parking tickets Jungle Land
[1945009parking] in addition to paying the entrance fee, the vehicles we use also charged namely:
- engine for 1 hour the first Rp 1,000 to Rp 5,000 a maximum of 12 hours
- Because for the first one hour Rp 2,500 to Rp 10,000 a maximum 12 hours.
- Bus Rp 30,000 for a lot.
rides at Jungleland
a variety of games that can be stream from Jungleland are:
Boat Blaster: rides are located in the area Mysteria very fun to play. You must be prepared to get wet-basahan when attacking your opponent. To play a subordinate is permitted minimum height is 0 cm and the game is played by children and adults
Waterflume :. water rides meter track 152 game is played with the family. You can drag over the water and enjoy the incredible descent
Ship Adventuere: pivoting and sliding over the pirate ship fun for sure. This vehicle is suitable for children with a minimum height of 100 cm
Daytona :. Want to drive like a racer, first try this vehicle daytona. With 700 meters lintasa certainly enjoy playing with the family. This vehicle is located in the area Carnivalia
Wave Swinger :. The rides are located in this area will Tropicalia adrenaline you. Lifted and rotated at high speed is definitely exciting and fun.
There are many walks can you play a good vehicle for children, family and adult rides such as Air Race Disk O, Mini Tower Etc. Pokonya all rides will offer a new experience at Jungle Land.
There are still a lot of games and other attractions substantially better play Jungle Land Sentul, Bogor.
promotional price of jungleland recent admission
The Jungleland give a special discount for you, there are so many types Jungleland discounted tickets we can get it following, among others:
Via jungleland.co.id
Promo students, Jungle Land from April to June, 2016
Build who was a student or a student, playing on the jungle land can be more economical price. Entrance tickets can be obtained at the price of Rp 110,000 for the week (Monday - Thursday).
Tickets weekend (weekend - Saturday and Sunday) tickets can be purchased for only $ 135,000. The trick is to show the student card or student card. A card can request a maximum of two people.
Guide Birthday To Jungle Land
Create birthdays in this year can get a free ticket to Jungle Land. Enough to show ID to purchase tickets meter can instantly get free tickets. And can play in Sentul sepuasya adveture Jungle Theme Park.
Every day of the week coupon discount charged from the normal price of Rp. 165,000 and Rp weekend. 220.000 pertiket
- promotional credit Card Flazz Weekday BCA Rp. 82500 pertiket and Weekend Rp. 165,000 pertiket, maximum of 6 tickets.
- CIMB Niaga Card Promo Weekdays Rp. 115.500 Weekend and Rp. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Weekdays Card Promo Sun Club Rp. Weekend 82,500 and Rp. 154,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Promo Bakrie University (students, staff, faculty) Weekdays Rp. 107,250 and Weekend Rp. 154,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Privilege Card Promo Sentul Rp. 115.500 Weekend and Rp. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Telkomsel Promo Weekday Rp. 99,000 and Rp pertiket Weekend. 154,000 to buy 50 points / reload 50,000 / DK activation in Jungleland.
- El Jhon Promo Card Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 176,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Promo Card Flip Flop Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 176,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Map Ponta Promo Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 176,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- AEON Card Promo Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Map Centro Promo Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 176,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Promo Card Hypermart Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Lotte Card Promo Member Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Promo Card Partner 10 Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- MAG Promo Card Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
- Kawan Lama Promo Card (Ace, Informa, Chatime, Office1 and Toy Kingdom) Weekdays Rp. 123,750 and Rp Weekend. 165,000 per ticket, a maximum of 4 tickets.
To update admission tickets jungleland later, please check directly entry price discounted Jungleland
Alternatively please contact:
address: Jungleland Boulevard No. 1, Kawasan Sentul Nirwana Sentul City, Bogor 16810 - Indonesia Phone: +62 21 29311313, Email: customer. service@jungleland.co.id
How.? Around you are interested in enjoying a family holiday in Jungleland? Let this festival more fun with your family or loved ones to enjoy a variety of rides at Jungleland. Also visit 15 Places to Sentul most popular and famous
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