Places Balikpapan - Balikpapan is one of the most developed city in Indonesia. The city is an oil source in Indonesia, which has a very rapid development. Apparently behind his nickname as an oil town, Balikpapan million have a natural beauty that should be explored.
is located on the southeast coast of East Kalimantan, the number of inhabitants, there are about 701,066 inhabitants. Did you know that the city is a city with the most expensive living costs seIndonesia, perhaps because, as oil producer yes. We know for yourself how the gains "of oil workers. Balikpapan city has a bear mascot, but unfortunately the bears are now almost extinct.
This was a small introduction to the city Balikapapn. This time will be around Places to mandatory Balikpapan visited . Maybe this is the best known and most tourist attractions are terkenaldi Balikpapan Kemala Turkish and Turkish Manggar. Although there are still many interesting sights in Balikapapn more await your visit
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places mandatory Balikpapan visited
Well, a tourist attractions in New York City interesting visit is the forest protection Sungai Wain, a very natural rainforest and home to a number of rare flora and fauna in the world. How you penaran?
1. Place Wiata caribbean water park Balikpapan
Visit Balikapapn The first is the island caribbean water park. This playground is the largest in eastern Indonesia. There are a lot of games or diwahana ditaarkan it. CIW is very well suited for travel keluargaa who want to spend time together with water features.
The location of Caribbean Island Waterpark is on Jl. Kol. Syarifuddin Yoes II (Ring Road II) Balikpapan. Besides being able to play with much water there is also a lazy show of river water on the outdoor stage and the flying fox. For entry is cheap, just pay Rp 45,000 per person (general) or Rp 25,000 per person for students. On weekends, the entry price is the same for all age levels at Rp 60,000 per person.
How? You are interested in playing here
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2. Places Mangrove Nature Margomulyo Balikpapan
Well here's a natural attractions in New York must be visited hutam Margomulyo mangrove. Mangrove forest is a habitat for various species of birds, fish and other animals. Forests are so beautiful calm eyes and fresh air will make the mind becomes calm.
this part of the forest near the city center. On the website you will find 800-meter wooden bridge that serves as a way to support those who want to enjoy the travel experience in the forest. Tourist attractions in Balikpapan it has a watchtower, allowing you to watch a variety of birds that live and work in the mangrove forest. If you want to see the proboscis animals, then came the morning or when the sun came in the dusk. Do not worry, you will not be charged for admission to tourist attractions of this Balikpapan.
3. Temple Kemala Island (Turkish police) Balikpapan
Kemala Beach is one favorite tourist attractions in London not to be missed. The beach is always crowded with visitors who want to enjoy the sandy beaches and bathing fun with the waves.
Its location in the city center make this beach to be excellent and is always crowded on holidays or weekends. On this beach you can also enjoy the culinary offerings were tempting, you can enjoy a flat seafood dishes Culinary Europe.
in this range there is also a games berupana banana boats, you must pay Rp 25,000 per person. Even playing a jet ski can do in Balikpapan sites on this one, you can rent jet skis Rp 800,000 per person for 1 hour.
In order to connect, you must pay the admission Kemala Coast Rp 500 per person. If you bring a vehicle, then the price Rp 1,000 (two-wheelers) and Rp 2,000 (vehicles with four-wheel drive).
How? You can certainly not wait more to play on the beach which is also known as Beach police that
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4. Temple Island Lamaru Balikpapan
Another beach tourist attractions in London that should not be missed is the Lamaru beach. This beach has a beautiful pemandanga on the banks decorated with pine trees. To enter simply go Rp 2,000 per person. If you bring a vehicle, it will be subject to a tariff of Rp 2500 (two-wheelers), Rp 5,000 (four wheels) and Rp 15,000 (bus).
In this beach you can enjoy the charming romance suset.
5. Nature Places Sungai Wain Protection Forest Balikpapan
If you want to meet the mascot Balikpapan, this is the place. If we see on TV or pictures of the bears seemed friendly animals, kind and so on, but if the wild course, we can not tackle recklessly.
Sungai Wain Protection Forest is home to a wide variety of wildlife such as orangutans, bears, proboscis monkeys, carnivorous plants, and endemic plants Balikpapan Balikpapan named Ginger. Vast tropical forest is about 10,000 ha
This forest is KM 23 Jalan Balikpapan -. Samarinda. If you are interested to enjoy the beauty of the flora and fauna of the forest, you can take four package options visit. This package is distinguished by the number of customers who want to go in a protected forest area. It costs from $ 350 thousand rupees for Package A (1-6 people).
There are two tours to choose from, namely the tour "Track Eco-EE-Botanical Garden" and a tour "Mangrove and Selok Puda". In addition, there is a guide that will help you along the protected forest.
Well, what package you choose?
6. Places Sari Segara Beach Manggar Balikpapan
Well, here resorts to Balikpapan you should not miss. This includes the favorite beach for tourists. The beach is always crowded, especially if the holidays, wah very unusual at all crowded.
outside and the beach is not too deep and soft sand will make you linger on this beach. In the margins there are many food stalls serving food tempting.
There are many walks that you can try like play ball, fly a kite, jet ski, banana boat, swim, play boat tires, beach volleyball, cycling up . Or just relax under shady trees in the coastal area.
To be able to sign, you only have to pay Rp 1,000 per person. If driving, be subject to a tariff of Rp 2500 (two-wheelers), Rp 5,000 (four wheels) and Rp 15,000 (bus).
Regrettably, until you miss.
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7. Vegetable Gardens Shopping Market Balikpapan
Name vegetable markets, but it is not a vegetable lo sword. On the market you will find a vegetable garden berabgai perlawatan daily, trinkets, food, precious stones crafts, beads, batik and traditional crafts MOTF ampik Dayak (sword and other weapons). Anyway there, you can menyalirkan your shopping needs the momentum.
Located on Jl. Lt. Suprapto, village of Karang Jati, Balikpapan, you can see the sights of New York City at this all day. Market gardens are generally open 8:00 to 6:00 p.m. PST. If you require special food Balikpapan, call amplang tiger nails, then you can find it in the Vegetable Market Garden.
8. Tourism object Crocodile Teritip Balikpapan
ERI Crocodiles recurrence. There are so many crocodiles whose jumbo size in this breeding place Teritip Crocodile. Number of crocodiles here there are about 1,450, ranging from estuary crocodiles to two species of endangered crocodiles, freshwater crocodile and alligator sticks.
crocodile park location is about 5 ha and was opened in 1991. You want to feel sensation of feeding a crocodile? You can feed the crocodiles to buy chickens to Rp 10,000 to feed the alligators. Well, it is that there is an elephant in captivity alligator Lampung. You can menaiknya, walk around and take pictures with this elephant.
You Bosa with the general public? Yuk Cobain that antimainstream, crocodile satay. Oh yes, for halal please tanyakana a more expert yes, lest we eat something that is not so kosher. Just only price information satay crocodile is Rp 3,000 per skewer. Here, there are also a variety of souvenirs in the form of alligators and various processed creative alligator, such as purses, handbags, belts and braces watches in this place.
Tourist activities in Balikpapan on this one open to the public every day, 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. PST. To be able to sign in, you must pay the entrance Crocodile Teritip Rp 10,000 per person.
How? you are interested in visiting the place of crocodile breeding?
9. Trips to the park Bekapai Balikpapan
When evening comes, you can stroll through the Bekapai beautiful park. The park is the setting in such a way that visitors feel at home here. The location is at the center of the city, and has become a favorite nongkron young children.
for those of you who like to browse for free, the place. On the outer side of the park, there is a set of vendors that provide food and drinks for those wishing to dine ria. No wonder this park to be one of the places of interest in Singapore for those who want to relax. That is why the park is named Bekapai, meaning relaxed.
Well, the evening will be more fun.
10. Monpera Balikpapan
The monument is a testament to the history of the struggle of Balikpapan people to repel the invaders of their homeland. The location of this monument there Jl. Sudirman (in front seat Makodam VI Tanjung Pura). This monument has a white sand beach background and surrounded by gardens are beautifully arranged.
11. Places Bangkirai Hill Nature Balikpapan
Another natural attractions in New York must be visited is the hill bangkirai . The hill is a tourist attraction you should not miss. A ou can adventure on the covered bridge or a bridge connecting shaft 5 bangkirai. This rope bridge and the base map
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12. Places Melawai Beach Balikpapan
Another tourist attraction at the beach in New York that you should visit is Melawai the beach. Clever is located next to the Kemala beach. This beach has an extraordinary beauty. You can enjoy the beautiful sunset here
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13. Heritage Village Water Margasari Balikpapan
Now that we have been hard to find a floating village, now in Balikpapan No rides on the water village. The government followed airMargasari town. In this village, you can enjoy the village atmosphere floating in the water, like that of Venice, in Europe. Visitors can megelilingi this village and interact with the villagers. It can also be caught using fishing equipment that has been provided
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14. Subject Wanawisata Forest Nature Balikpapan
you are a nature lover? Forests Wanawisata is one of the famous natural sites in Borneo that you should not miss. Here is very well suited for a picnic with the family. Wanawisata Forest can be reached within 15 minutes of downtown Balikpapan. The opening hours of these attractions are 08: 00-17h00 with entry fee of 1,000 rupees per person
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15. Travel Market Belanaja Klandasan Balikpapan
you want to take a walk on the market while enjoying the beautiful beach? P asar Klandasan place. This market is a traditional market near a beautiful beach, you will find household items berabgai ranging from food, fresh fish, fruit, vegetables, clothes until sandals. The price of the sold goods more affordable and you can always negotiate prices here.
16. Space travel Military Area Air Soft Gun Balikpapan
you want to try exercise military style in Balikpapan, just try the Air Soft Gun sports. Even in the city of Balikpapan No lover of Soft Gun Association name BBMAD (
17. Parks Three generations Ring Road Balikpapan
Three generations Ring Road is a park that is always packed every weekend. The park is a gathering place for families to different locations.
18. Enjoy the beauty of Mount Dubs Balikpapan
Mont Duds is not a region melaikan name of the mountain plateau in a residential complex Balikpapan Pertamina and also near the minyak.Nah refinery in this area, we can see the night lining city sites. On a side street found many shady trees so this area was cool. city lights was beautiful Mount Dubbs, where one can also see a kind of giant battery following perkilangan Pertamina oil.
At night, you will see the incredible views beauty of this place.
19. culinary office Bandar Balikpapan
If you are hungry in the streets all day, never stop here. You can enjoy a variety of delicious cuisine in this place. commercial airport is coffee area and a restaurant on the beach and still be in the center of Balikpapan, which is in the area of Jalan Sudirman. The area is ignored for transportation by taxi / public 3 offers a romantic dining experience at the sound of the sea water and lighting small candles. I stopped at one of the cafe called Cafe Lotus.
To enjoy this kitchen, you will not be served until the bags burst, because the price is cheap, for example, just for the crab menu price Rp 35,000 and Rp 17,000 Roti Canai. Simply fill the stomach while enjoying a romantic evening on the beach.
20. Points Culinary Beach House Balikpapan
Another sayik places to eat in London is Beach House. Beach House offers an atmosphere that is more exclusive five stars. This area is located in a Batakan area, half an hour from downtown Balikpapan. And in accordance with the concept of exclusive, food prices are here to adjust and quite expensive. I ordered a mushroom soup with small portions are priced at Rp 24,000 and the food weight is priced from Rp 30,000.
21. personalized welcome Places Cultural Tourism Balikpapan
If you Balikpapan do not forget to stop at the customs Balikpapan.
22. Champs Family Play free spins Balikpapan
Field independence is a favorite gathering place for London, almost like a garden city of Bandung. Here d ilengkapi with road paved jogging track is an independent not become a destination for jogging exercise, and this is a lightweight sports most widely in the field independence
28 Places in Bandung Interesting visited
23. Vegetable Gardens Plaza Balikpapan
Plaza vegetable garden is not a place that offers a variety of vegetables, but the famous shopping center on board Balik. The location is in the West Balikpapan, you can have clothes at a much cheaper compared to other shopping places. All the fashion needs of the range available in Vegetable Gardens Plaza, from the dress, veil, shoes, accessories and more. But to get cool stuff at bargain prices, pal should be cheap smart with the seller.
you are interested in buying here?
24. Trade Points BSB (Balikpapan Super Block)
Well, this is the Balikpapan large shopping center. Composed of seven floors, the shopping center was established in 09.
How? Are you interested in a trip to Balikpapan? Meanwhile, get your travel plan. Immediate estimates of time and costs that would be spent during the holidays in Balikpapan. If you have been on holiday to Balikpapan, it also would not hurt to share their stories with us.
This 24 Places to mandatory Balikpapan visited of us may be useful to guide your trip to Balikpapan, Janga n forget to share this Balikpapan Travel Guide with others so others also know Diamana only famous attractions in New York must be visited. Hopefully useful. Do not miss 32 Points of Interest in Malang, East Java's most popular
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