Senin, 19 Oktober 2015


Fun Travel On Campgrounds Ranch upas Bandung - Land camping Upas ranch is one of the tasks of camping in B grandmother . For those of you who like camping and enjoy the natural atmosphere with friends or set family. Campgrounds Upas Ranch is camping site pretty cool Bandung in addition to camping Cikole Lembang .

camp activity is one of the activities that are good for endurance in the wild. Camp activities are generally held by many primary school to university schools. Those who follow the activities of this camp certainly will be feel a positive influence, especially for autonomy in life.

Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas Ciwidey Bandung
Camping in Bandung, recomended

Location Caravan also certainly very influential in the implementation of camp activities walked interesting or boring. By s Ebab it you must be intelligent in choose a place or location for camping one of the many places recommended by nature lovers for camping is Campgrounds Ranch Upas are precisely located in the southern province Ciwidey Bandung West Java.

Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas Ciwidey Bandung
a corner on Campgrounds Ranch Upas Ciwidey
Although the two names a her to call camping, but who comes to attraction it was not only the campers or of nature lovers. But there are also a large number of tourists come only for leisure . Campsite location Ranch Upas Bandung is not far from the main gate tourist attractions Kawah Putih Bandung Ciwidey, just before entering the field of tea plantation Ranca Bali Bandung, West Java.

Voyage Fun on Earth camping Ranch Upas Bandung with the family because these places has an area of about around 215 hectares with some areas is hills and forests i . Location attraction camping Ranch Upas is above an altitude of about 1700 m above the level sea, with an average temperature of around 18-23 degrees Celsius. The forests of the region focused on several types of trees such as Puspa trees Jamuju, Huru, Kitambang, Kihujan, Hamirung, Kurai, tide and others. While animals b isa you can find, among others, doves, crows, hawks and Javan, monkeys, tigers and others.

Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas Ciwidey Bandung
Camping with the family
tourists who come here or campers who come to the site will be spoiled with wonderful views Flower City beautiful nature and exotic feast for the eyes. Here you can feel the fun of travel in Bandung Ranch Campgrounds Upas because he could see the deer whose location was not far from the campsite. A herd of tame deer that was imported from Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta in the region is the main attraction for tourism Campgrounds Ranch Upas Ciwidey it. For treat camping Ranch Upas Ciwidey itself is located in the village of Natural Endah, District Ciwidey, Bandung administratively entered the district of Bandung.

Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas Ciwidey Bandung
Many stalls offering food and camping gear
for those of you who come from outside of Bandung, especially for you just the direction of Jakarta. You can go to the city of Bandung with a toll pass Purbaleunyi. For Ciwidey to, you can exit the toll at two locations, namely the output by the toll exit Cimahi or via the exit of the turnpike Kopo.

If you choose the exit door of Cimahi toll after paying the toll, you immediately turn right, then n 'there is no road signs to get to Ciwidey. Or you can follow the green with a major written public transportation in public transport Cimahi - Ciwidey. toll exit Cimahi is relatively not stuck in comparison with Kopo pass.

The entry price of camping Ranch Upas Bandung is Rp 10000 per person, while for k endaraan 4 wheel is Rp. 5000 and k endaraan 2 wheel is Rp. 00 . Facilities Activities: Camping Ranch Upas , it is quite easy for visitors because there is no Location to settle tent No mushalla to worship General thole well preserved there is also where to out and bo water o m to play water, especially for children who are newly opened in 2012 there and certainly captive deer.

Penangkaran rusa di Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas Ciwidey Bandung
Captive deer Ranch Upas Bandung
for those who want to travel while camping in campgrounds ranch Upas , do not worry if it does not put food and camping equipment. Because there are also stands that provide food which is open until midnight. Especially when the weekend, traders open up to 24 hours. In addition, the stalls also offer equipment there for you camping with the family .

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