Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015


The hot spring Ciseeng TIRTA SANITA HOT SPRING BOGOR -
hot water bath Ciseeng Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor - Tired of working and saturated with daily routines during the week ? We recommend d0wnl0ading try to wander path and traveled to a hot water bath Tirta Sanita Bogor . Activity it is one of the tourist attractions in Bogor is a favorite city of Bogor and surrounding communities. In a hot water bath which is also known as Tirta Sanita Hot Spring , you can relax with a warm bath mixed with sulfur which flows from Mount Kapur, of course, in addition to relax, warm water because it is very useful for your health.

Location Attractions Tirta Sanita
Location hot spring Ciseeng Tirta hot Sanita spring Bogor is precisely located in an area Bojong Indah, region Kecamatan Parung - Bogor. The distance is roughly around 20 kilometers N from the center of Bogor or when Jakarta only around 30 km. In attraction Tirta Sanita this you could shower and soak with natural hot water flowing from feet Mt. Kapur Ciseeng. By because he , local residents often call the bathroom often hot here with Hot Ciseeng. ?

Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
Region Tirta Sanita watched

routes to Tirta Sanita if you d ari directions State Bogor just Jampan g [Sivousavez crossroads Ciseeng , you would just take the right way direct to Gunung Kapur . If you are of Jakarta should entered by Toll Pondok Indah - Serpong, when past Puspitek up that in crossroads Prungpung market d0wnl0ad N straight road least more sejau 4 km t okasi Tirta Sanita Bogor who were part of side of the road. But if You do not do does not pass the road toll, , then drive through Lebak Bulus then Pondok Cabe in the area Parung then Ciseeng.


Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
powered hot water Gunung Kapur Ciseeng
Amusement facilities Tirta Sanita
to a water bath Ciseeng Tirta Sanita hot spring hot Bogor is your could to relax and do fresh body back with hot shower containing sulfur. The hot sulfur this very beneficial to health because scientifically proven to treat certain disease example such as disease skin, bones and on. Attractions hot water Tirta Sanita this was tested and proven by scientific research TEMAC Thai Engineering Materials Analysis C. Ltd . The result indicates that the hot water in Tirta Sanita very useful to human health, especially if used for the treatment of against various skin diseases. ?

Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
outgoing Forum for the region Tirta Sanita Hot Spring
more of an exposed hot water bath used to shower are beramai- crowded , see also hot bath closed in the bathroom of his own or VIP is already available. The hot spring Tirta Sanita Bogor has a view that is beautiful, while we can also bathe beautiful landscape . Indeed, the location Tirta Sanita Area in the wild mountains of with the air that is enough costs. Visitors Tirta Sanita also can climb to the top of the mountain if you want see view the natural environment altitude . D ari directions Distance saw mountains as covered by snow, the area around mountains also often used as where camp. ?

Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
Play flying fox in the hot water bath Ciseeng
for you traveled and want to spend the night hot spring Tirta Sanita Bogor provide some Pesanggrahan to stay. Furthermore, in Tirta Sanita also provided a variety of outbound tours . Forum for the game can be used by various groups, children and adults. Sometimes many schools and companies that are parties just using means leaving existing Tirta Sanita . ?

Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
Forum for a breeze Tirta Sanita Bogor
Forum for Tirta Sanita including water balls, Air Bike, bombom car, monorail ,, Fancy Trans Home Balloons, ATV engine, aircraft, Paintball, fish therapy, Cross Motor, Angklung, children's pool , the main square, hot water bathing VIP, open stage, a building and versatile accommodation. ?

for your holidays in this place a holiday, the manager Tirta Sanita staged entertainment scene by displaying some artist [ at local or national level . ?

Tirta Sanita Hot Spring Bogor
Cheap travel with family in Tirta Sanita Bogor
ha RGA Admission Tirta Sanita
ha RGA Admission Tirta Sanita are Rp 10 .000 for adults and Rp 7 .000 for children. While the parking of vehicles of 3000 rupees. Be careful lest you get stuck with enter through another entrance and insanely expensive about 40,000 tickets. Because many are stuck and have realized that there was an official carrier of the counter after entering the tourist area. If you want to stay, the rate of about 0,000 to 0,000 per night. While a variety of vehicles coming to pay another separate tariff. Prices are subject to change.

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