Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

the excitement of Lake Ranau Lampung

the excitement of Lake Ranau Lampung -

Keseruan in Lake Ranau Lampung is unforgettable. This lake is the second largest lake in the Sumatra region. The lake was formed by the occurrence of a great earthquake and the eruption of a volcano. There is a big river which previously flowed at the foot of the volcano area into a ravine. A wide variety of plants, including shrubs by local residents called Ranau, increasingly at the lake and the remains of the mountain became Mount Seminung, head next to a lake that has the clean water.

Lake is located in the border region between the West Lampung Lampung with Ulu Ogan Ogan or South OKU in southern Sumatra. The lake has a cold climate. To be able to enter this beautiful lake, visitors must pay ruapiah 1000 per person, more than 4,000 rupees for parking

Danau Ranau Lampung

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There is an island named Marisa Island is located in the central part of the lake. Having a natural hot springs. The island also has a waterfall and extensive pesawahan area and most of the land is covered by forests inhabited by several species of primates. Lake Ranau is famous Lampung ikanikannya big enough. You can buy fish directly from fishermen ecara and enjoy the exotic nature around the lake while eating grilled fish and enjoy a cup of tea. Do not forget to stop by the hot springs of Marisa Island. Read also: Exotic Lampung White Sand Beach

You can catch a fish in the lake and then burned on the lake .. The activity is very exciting. You can also buy fish directly from local fishermen as the fish tilapia, Kepor fish, fish and Kepiat Harongan. The price of fish offered by the fishermen are usually much cheaper than the local market price. If you want to buy fish, it is worth buying the morning or early in the morning so as not to have to wait long. Also read :. In Lampung Bay resort Kiluan

danau ranau oku selatan


To move enjoying the scenery around the lake has an area of ​​about 44 km 2 , travelers can use a motorboat, which is better known as Ketek. Price levels also vary from 100,000 to 250,000 rupees rupaih depending on your destination. To be able to see the falls, you must wear land transport. You must first bid sebeum using the armpit, or you will be asked for a rate of 0,000 rupees. Also read :. Visit Green Valley Interesting Lampung

Although the location is quite remote, Ranau Lake Lampung began to be developed. There is a hotel that has been well managed by PT Pusri located on the edge of the lake. If you want to spend the night in a place that is much cheaper, you can rent a room that is provided in the household population, the rate of about 30,000 per night.

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