Senin, 12 Oktober 2015


Unique island Places Biadadari Jakarta - Angel Island are one of the station of in the regency Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta. Before named Angel Island, the island a is I mpunyai two names known by the local people with the name Island Hospital and also Purmerend Island. Angel Island archipelago thousand is also a paradise for tourists to explore the different exotic place in the thousand islands . The existence of a variety of heritage and culture, as their inscriptions, Martello very old Dutch settlers VOCs and their guns provide a unique atmosphere for visitors. In addition, several buildings were decorated with ethnic nuances given its own color than normal. Some cottages are set among shady trees and overlooking the ocean, can evoke the feeling of a romantic for couples bebulan honey.

Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
Angel Island Location view of
To make the p erjalanan to unique attractions Angel Island Jakarta this you not will time as beautiful island is still within walking distance of Distance with the mainland Jakarta. The time required from the pier Marina Beach in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol towards thousand island archipelago angel is only about 30 minutes by boat or speedboat belonging to the manager of Angel Island . Because of its proximity Jakarta , the tourists who visit to Angel Island a thousand islands, there is also the jetski use.

In is today, there are at least two until three times departure of the ship visitors transport pier Turkish Marina Ancol and also island. departure schedule of ships headed Angel Island happen again on Saturday. S edangkan on -day usual schedule departure of the ship how to get there only twice N .

Throughout their way to the unique attractions Angel Island Jakarta, visitors can see several more islands full of historical value, such as Cipir island or also called island Goda, there also Onrust island and Kelor. These islands in ancient times was used by the invasion of the Dutch East Indies Company, so there are many buildings visible legacy of Dutch colonizers as the fortress and the ancient port.

Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
The historic buildings on Angel Island
around 17th century Angel Island Jakarta supports to activity done in Onrust Island . This in because right place or deals Angel Island which removes Onrust Island . Because of the support Onrust Island in Angel Island as existing various support means About 1679, VOC Netherlands me ndirikan hospital to patients leprosy or leprosy, which is patients transferred from region Angke. For k arena that is, Angel Island this first was called with Island Hospital.

to s aat are simultaneously, Netherlands also establish Superintendent strong. Fortress it existing VOC function more as a supervision means and also to where defense various enemy attack. Before P UDUAL Unique Angel occupied by occupants Netherlands, Ambonese and as people Netherlands never set on this island.
Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
photo contest in the old Dutch fort Angel Island
a in 1800, a fleet of war British sea and English meny growled P UDUAL nice and destroy various buildings P UDUAL Angel it. Around 1803 occupants Netherlands can master back Angel Island and rebuild various facilities that were destroyed . But the British navy phon-ranking back in 1806. Onrust also and the Angel Island some other island is broken. A t 1827 ear Angel Island existing back by occupants Netherlands involving of workers of person -The and Chinese and prisoners. Building first existing is pilgrim hostel yet function until around 1933.

Island unique Angel before becoming station had also empty and depopulated about in 1970. Even the island nice is not visited by person completely . A around early 1970, came the idea of ​​ PT Seabreez to manage the island Angel this and men do his as a tourist resort.
Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
nature tourism and the Angel Island Jakarta history
trip to angel Island are somewhat unique, because usually go to the beach was just enjoying the view of nature and beaches, but visitors fig island could once travel history by becoming witnesses sites history , which is a legacy s Dutch colonial era . This is the one that becomes a main attraction content on Angel Island. In the resort unique this visitors is offered may remain s d0wnl0ad entertainment to enjoy the atmosphere beach sea.

Because the location of Geographical next to State Jakarta, many visitors are had only just traveled per day and and will not remain , or more , popularly known as One tower day. Tourists come to Angel Island is more who want to relax and relax after work during the week with enjoy the cool breeze beach , also wants to see own various historic building is in Angel Island .

Floating Cottage at Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
Floating Cottage on Angel Island, eager to relax
another singularity on Angel island the b erbeda with the station island other is that Angel Island have station are are below -Dessus area sea popular with mention floating cottage or floating cottage. Cottage floating this is houses on stilts are on water as as a fishing village. Also on Angel Island Jakarta there is also a cottage as most ground . These cottages consists of 2 models , which is scene model and are rather than the stage. Cottage with models house stage form in create similar to design traditional house typical M inahasa.

If visitors want feel the other rides here also provided banana ship No jetski, canoe or also sea kayaks and a number of activities refreshing other like fishing and also swim at the beach .

on the lips island nymph beach There are also several buildings flag that can be used by travelers as a place to relax or just to fix by removing a variety of fatigue and also enjoy the cool sea breeze. Resort in Angel Island Belle also has a garden that is located under the shade of trees so that visitors do not care about overheating.

When visitors wants all in and visit to Onrust Island manager P UDUAL Angel also provide much small speed boat take he .
Beautiful Bidadari Island Jakarta Indonesia
Angel Island, formerly known as Island Hospital and the island Purmerend
If j ak around 1970 may interesting much visitors, the island who was named island Hospital this renamed to Angel Island. The reason for the name change of this island in Angel Island because he was inspired by the names of the other islands in the Thousand Islands, such as the Island Princess, there is nirvana of island and other islands.

traveled to price Angel Island travelingnya packages are varied. From 285,000 rupees for a day trip without staying in the range of 550,000 to 1,500,000 to stay with different types of chalets and various fasiitas offered.


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