Rabu, 11 November 2015

He cried TOUR Jatiluhur Purwakarta RESERVOIR

He cried TOUR Jatiluhur Purwakarta RESERVOIR -

Travel Jatilahur tank Purwakarta in the Jatiluhur district area, including Purwakarta in West Java province is quite exciting. reservoir tank will have a magnificent view with an area of ​​about 8300 hectares. History Jatilahur tank started when built in 1957 formerly designed as a multipurpose reservoir. Jatiluhur This addition serves to prevent flooding and to irrigate rice fields in Java regions, the Northwest, the dam as a hydroelectric plant.

With beautiful scenery surrounded by hills, making it not only the dam as water tank and as agricultural livestock and fish, Jatilahur tank is also used as a place or a tourist attraction popular. Jatiluhur which has been developed into a tourist attraction is a river to relieve tired and exhausted. According to the history of Jatiluhur dam reservoir derived from Sanskrit which means the water village, Jatiluhur dam itself developed by the construction of a water boom.

Wisata waduk jatiluhur

Enjoy the sunset at Jatiluhur
(image: travel.detik.com)

Travel Jatilahur tank Purwakarta is getting better with the availability of different types of games in the boom of the water that is in the same location. Among them is the pool for-adults and children, toboggan with adrenaline, not to mention tipping buckets, water the visitors with the water spills. Not only enjoy the day playing in the water ramp area, visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery around the Jatiluhur reservoir motorboat. Boasting views of Mount Parang and Gunung Tiga beautiful tower is the bottom of this tank. Beauty Jatilahur tank can also be enjoyed during the afternoon, waiting for the time of sunset makes this place to be very nice

Waterboom waduk jatiluhur Purwakarta

Waterboom Jatilahur tank Purwakarta
(Image: youandme.web.id).

tank Jatilahur history can not be separated from the role of a French entrepreneur who built a dam with the potential of water that can be hosted by 1.29 billion cubic meters per year . This tourist site is an alternative to travel for families who want to have a picnic while enjoying the beauty of God's creation. To enter this area simply by paying Rp entry fee. 7500 on Saturday or Sunday and only Rp. 5,000 only from Monday to Friday. Quite affordable for families who want to travel with extended family. As to enter the boom of the water of the area just by buying a ticket for Rp. 30,000 on Saturday / Sunday and Rp. 27,500 Monday through Friday. And if you want to use jetsky adventurous enough to Rp. 100,000 you and your family can surround the beauty of the dam will be.

Activities Purwakarta Jatilahur tank is only about 9 km from the city center Purwakarta. And you can enjoy the beauty of God's creation with family and friends. In addition to a playground in this tank with a place to indulge language for those who could not bring lunch. Enjoying a grilled fish with a carpet of beautiful scenery along with breezy winds will certainly make you feel a pleasant holiday atmosphere. Enjoy the tour in Purwakarta Jatiluhur reservoir.

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