Sabtu, 21 November 2015


Myth When Waterfall Tourist In Ngawi Bride - For sure film fans across national name waterfall marriage quite identical to a mystery film which had circulated several years ago. But did you know that n ama Waterfall Bride this was not righteous to a as a horror film never played by TAMARA BLESZYNSKI who busy discussing about the year 09. in Ngawi, Java province Cascade is the bride beautiful , but not There are touches of horror stories like a movie . ?

Full name attractions it is Waterfall Ngrambe the bride , lying enough hidden behind overlay Jamus Tea Plantation which men to a prime tourist region Ngawi. Indeed, the freshness and beauty of falls a is still limited exposure , so not many tourists outside Ngawi know . in addition to , the when you want directly feel the fresh air Location waterfall marriage mem need right time about 3:00 heart District Ngawi.
Air terjun pengantin
No separate myth

attractions beautiful waterfall is a pair of waterfalls with a height of m 12 m e ngalir enough rushing to the ground. Of couples cascade is Waterfall his bride name continue attached in the minds of people around until 'that now.

Usually waterfall tourist attraction near the name story myth or legends, as well as the waterfall [1945011mariƩe] in Ngawi it. The myth when travel in Ngawi bride cascade can be obtained from the history of the local residents who said that supposedly there is a pair of lovers who never went there together, they happen yet more sustainable relationship to the driveway. Well, myth also said that if it comes is two and touch the waterfall married this and relation will more sustainable. name is also a myth may be true or not that obviously, we all believe that companion everyone that of course God decide it.


to enter tourist area bridal cascades Ngawi this, the w mandatory isatawan to pay ticket entry at 2,500 per person his before may watched and play in wet basahan swift Waterfall Ngrambe the bride that no beauty less attractive to other cascades his in Indonesia . Quite affordable not? Splashing water falls fell with heavy incessant give peace themselves, let alone to when you feel tired when completed work occupied for nearly a week . ?

your first should pass through the land of path are enough uphill before arrived the wedding cascade site . At aat the rainy season arrived tourist area is certainly N becomes muddy and complete with mud so that less comfortable to visited. We recommend visited this attraction on when the dry season arrives so could enjoy beauty waterfall from all directions.
Air terjun pengantin 2
Far from being a horror
well, if you are interested in the myth of time travel in a waterfall or Ngawi married more interested in the freshness of waterfalls and natural feel in this tourist area? , in addition to some of them, the isatawan w also might come in the region Jamus Tea Plantation beautiful and green and also Caves Japan is Ngawi travel icons. Just stop during the holidays at the location of the waterfall Ngawi, specifically in Besek Hamlet, Village area Hargomulyo - Ngrambe District, Ngawi if you want to enjoy the natural fresh style Waterfall Ngrambe Bride


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