Rabu, 18 November 2015



Vacationing Travel Region All Tawangmangu - If you are on vacation in the city of Solo, sites one should not miss. Natural feel beautiful manicured gardens and a magnificent waterfall will spoil the eye at a time merefreshing fatigue. About 1 hour from the center of the city of Solo, you can find attraction Tawangmangu very interesting to visit. You can Disni Lawu watched the wonderful charm of the exotic, the air was cool and enjoy a romantic sunset during the afternoon

Tawangmangu itself is one districts included in Karanganyar -. Central Java. However, because of its location not too far from the city of Solo, tourists outside the region often make as a tour inseparable from Couples. In addition, activity holidays in this tourist region Tawangmangu become routine activities for residents of Solo or in part the tourists around when the weekend arrives

Wisata Tawangmangu

Views of Mount Lawu
(picture :. Triptrus.com)

for you who love adventure, you can be hiking with mountain climbing Lawu located in central Java and Java is the border. But if it is not able to mount region of Mount Lawu, such as the weather was worse in the rainy season, Tawangmangu is another way to enjoy its beauty, you can see kokohnya Lawu which has an altitude about 3265 meters from this place.

When you cross the winding road leading to the tourist area Tawangmangu this, surely, you will see a giant statue pitcher-shaped on the road. It is a giant that with garden Semar Lawu beautiful background. You can take pictures here first before proceeding.

statue made semar are 2-storey house. This house is yours Asmaraman S Kho Ping Ho, maybe you've heard of him, because he is a writer in the history of martial arts that is very popular. Many other statues around here, one of which is sufficient to draw attention is the statue of General Sudirman who have the right water marks under his eyes, making it as if the statue cried. There is also a statue of Slamet Riyadi that looks almost similar to the Statue of Slamet Riyadi in the main streets of the city of Solo.


Air tejun Grojogan Sewu in tourist areas Tawangmangu

in Tawangmangu, you can see the top of Mount Lawu clearly and also the beauty of the surrounding nature . Pancot of the region, there is a wide field and commonly used as a place for camping which was very nice. typical green natural landscape of the mountainous regions and the fresh air always with you there. Do not miss the sunset panoramic sun in the evening is the closing day of the sweetness of your holiday trip.

Well, if you go on vacation in a tourist area Tawangmangu, there are two waterfalls that are not too far. This waterfall has a different beauty and history. For details on the waterfall, you can read the review We Niagara Grojogan Sewu and also Cascades Jumog. Enjoy your holiday in Solo and its surroundings!

Related Post "HOLIDAY TOUR OF THE REGION Tawangmangu"

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