Sabtu, 07 November 2015



Vacationing with visiting tourist attractions, becomes generally spend vacation time. There is a beautiful natural attractions, specifically in the area of ​​Purwokerto - Central Java named Tourism Baturaden . It lies at the foot of Mount Slamet, which makes the time in the neighborhood has become cool and fresh. Beautiful natural scenery filled with lush trees spoil the tourists who visit. condensed legend continues to support its existence, although in the current situation is very modern.

There are many places or areas usually visited tourist destination when Baturaden. The tourist area covering the shower Pitu Baturaden, telu shower, campgrounds, Kaloka Widya Mandala, Curug Ceheng, Telaga silent and many other places you can enjoy

Wisata Baturaden

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Some places like the shower and shower Pitu Baturaden telu a hot water bath which has a sulfur content of substances. Both bathrooms are supposed to cure various diseases. Ticket to the shower Pitu Baturaden 5000 / person, while the ticket on board also telu Rp. 5000.

Baturaden Travel Kaloka Widya Mandala is used as a form of educational zoo that was opened by the level II Banyumas district head H. Djoko Sudantoko. Specifically, on 17 May 1995. This place never received a Visit Indonesia price. Different types of animals can be seen in this zoo. Thus, in addition to tours, you can also introduce a variety of animals to children. Ticket to the Kaloka Widya Mandala Rp. Rp. 7,000 / person.

Objek Wisata Baturaden

In addition to the various places of interest that exist in Baturaden, there are also games for children, including a carousel, electric trains, water bikes, train, and a pitcher. Anything you can do to pay the ticket for the play area. With regard to the cost incurred for the Rp carousel. 2500 / person, electric trains 3000 / person, water bikes Rp. 2500 / person, train Rp. 3,000 / person, while an IDR launcher. 2500 / person. In these places not only provides a playground and attractions, but also where to eat and accommodation for children. This way, you should not be confused if you want to stay overnight in the region.

Tempat Wisata di Baturaden

If you are interested to visit the tourist attractions Baturaden, if the direction of the town of Navan, you have to cover a distance of up to 14 km location . On the road far enough, but it has a very good infrastructure and can be transmitted by a vehicle wheel 4. In the direction of Jl. S. Parman take wine to the west and turn on Jl. General Suprapto. After that, continue to take the right road Jl. Raya Baturaden. If you have been through this road you arrive at your destination quickly.

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