Senin, 25 Januari 2016


History Jonggrang And Beauty Prambanan - Prambanan is a beautiful building and exotic. The temple was built in the tenth century, the height of about 47 meters or 5 meters higher than the temple of Borobudur. Prambanan is beautifully located about 17 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta in the middle of the complex of Prambanan temple there is a beautiful garden.

History of Prambanan
History Jonggrang and Prambanan beauty simply can not be separated. At the time of first time there was a king charismatic named Prabu Boko King at Prambanan. Prabu Boko is King are very magic. He had a daughter nice appointed Jonggrang. Jonggrang This is known to rather his .
Prambanan temple Indonesia
kingdom Prabu Boko b erbatasan with an empire are appointed Pengging . S not now reign Pengging this want to expand limit his kingdom and d sent a son ​​ named Bondowoso to led troops phon - rang kingdom Prambanan. Bondowoso forcefully managed to defeat the forces of King Boko fact that pl - nuh King Boko.

Bondowoso finally stayed in castles Prambanan and fell in love with Jonggrang and ask the beautiful girl become queen. daughter Jonggrang course do not want to be the wife of of Bondowoso who already memb - unuh father alone . He and seek how to could rejected the proposal of prince Pengging it are well.

Finally, she met Bondowoso and said she would be his wife, but as the condition that request two wells and a thousand temples overnight. Although conditions a filed Jonggrang very not to met someone else, but Bondowoso directly states capable of miraculously, Bondowoso gather various minds to the crew and and began to dig wells and also build the temple.

Bondowoso of ith his power and help his crew worked quickly once . In are short of their own may complete a well and hundreds of temples.
Prambanan temple Indonesia 3
Jonggrang are observe he of distance feel anxious. A a difficult thought to find a how to thwart of Bondowoso. Jonggrang and call of Women and to say burn straw and also beat mortar.

fire battery straw is burned to make the atmosphere night becomes brighter and Various beat dimple enough surprisingly rowdy various spirits and work. They thought day morning. They finally go in haste and left Bondowoso and and and temple yet unfinished. Bondowoso and tried to recall them, but they keep N leave.

Jonggrang and see Bondowoso and pretended to ask " Your time a exhausted Bandung Bondowoso . Is the temple candiku-ended?

Bondowoso really upset because she knew Jonggrang thwarted his hard work, but she tried to hold and said "Of course, the temple was completed. If you do not do believes, please You own account. Finally Jonggrang accompanied by her ladies calculate all temple were made one by one. It is unsuspected Bondowoso has successfully completed 999 temple.

Ka m u fail, Bandung. Still less a new temple said Jonggrang in Bondowoso . Bondowoso very angry 'if you do not cheat, I'm sure may arrived 1000 temple for you, Jonggrang said Bondowoso .

right, now I meet kamuan mu. Jonggrang be You temple is 1000 ! said Bondowoso
Roro Jonggrang
And and Jonggrang change in a stone statue very pretty and also magic stones then compound to one by itself and as to temple are surrounds the statue of on . far stone statue daughter pretty Jonggrang could we saw room in main temple temple Prambanan.

temple complex of Prambanan
Prambanan have 3 pieces main temple contain in part of the main yard, namely Vishnu, Temple Brahma and as Candi Shiva. The third temple is Trimurti emblem in in the belief of Religion Hindu. The third temple faces east. Each main temple has accompanying temple room facing west, namely Nandini for Shiva temple, there are temples Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu temple. In addition, they No 2 pieces stuck temples, 4 pieces temple color and 4 pieces corner temple. While he , the second page of have 224 temples.

Entering the Shiva temple located just in the middle and the building is that highest here [1945011allantousêtes] find 4 bedroom pieces. A main room are contains right Shiva statue, while the 3 rooms other each are Durga is [1945012lafemmede] Shiva arca Agastya is Shiva professor and arca Ganesha is son ​​of Shiva. Durga is called Jonggrang that statue mentioned in the story above.
Prambanan temple Indonesia 2
Di in Vishnu temple lying in management north of the Shiva temple, here tourists will find room are statue of Vishnu. Likewise with Brahma temple he slept in the south of Shiva temple, people will find a room are statue of Brahma.

accompanying temple attract the attention of tourists is Garuda temple that to be located near the Vishnu temple. This temple witness history a half bird called Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird contained in Hindu mythology whose body is made of gold, his white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles.

Of course there are many other single Prambanan if you look closely. Well, if you want to witness the legacy of Jonggrang history and beauty of Prambanan temple, you can agendakan is traveled at the end of the week.


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