Mystery Of Holidays Bas Gedung Sate Bandung - For lovers of history and religion, certainly through any old house mystery becomes exciting activities. One of them is to visit Gedung Sate Bandung.
Gedung Sate popular with mark are as ornaments roof tu'sukan satay . This building has long been a characteristic Bandung, not only known by the citizens of community in West Java but also all communities Indonesia. The building was built in 1920 is still standing strong but graceful far and is currently the central government building for the provincial government of West Java.
Gedung Sate night |
calling of Gedung Sate own is the beauty architecture yet Italian style z Secure Renaissance. As the building already old, the building still maintains various mystery is still outstanding. For example, during underpass that link several places in region city Bandung.
G edung Sate this said designed by architect named Ir . J . Berger gevouwdienst land, a kind of development of office buildings of the Dutch Government. When Netherlands tela h prepare a official building saw graceful, beautiful and also monumental.
Keep a mystery |
P Develop Gedung Sate own take during four years with number of workers reached from 00 person . Among them, there are 150 employees who are experts bongpay sculptors tombstone engraver and wood carver stone that is the Chinese people Cantonese and Cantonese. A t ear in 1924, construction of buildings satay finally completed as a whole. Well, for those who want to vacation at the bottom of the mystery Gedung Sate Bandung, there are two unsolved mystery to this day, after a brief review.
1. Lorong Secrets Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate was recognized beauty architecture that Italian style in time Renaissance, especially on wing. While part of tour his story are in the middle of the building his similar with roof Meru typical Bali or as pagoda of Thailand. Ingredients to majority of construction bring mosaic with Size enough large excavated from region Mont Arcamanik and also Mont Manglayang located in the eastern Bandung. Using ropeway or car Cable rocks are great and various heavy wooden beam that transported to be down the hill until finally get on the construction site.
Parks Gedung Sate |
A da that yet prop society mind . Among them are new their underpass in Gedung Sate . said went The sate connection with Pakuan that currently became the official residence of to West Java governor. Lorong The purposely built government Netherlands a secret passage. The news of this secret passage continue to grow until now . Even just a few moments, the Gedung Sate was also flooded a wide range of questions from people in Bandung, on the existence of the underground passage. But Gedung Sate rejected of new The . To eliminate any doubt community, then Governor, Mr Nuriana invited the public Bandung visit in building when whatever . Will but again mystery to the existence of went underground on has always been a sign of asked for the citizens of Bandung is not never missed.
Visit history Sate |
2. Mystery Architect Gedung Sate
One of the old Bandung, Ir. Haryato Kunto (alm) in in his entitled Great Hall in Bandung states that development Ged u ng Sate was overwhelmed some mysteries that invite enough many questions. One of the m woman are related to architecture a designed the building with powerful artwork very high, Indeed, a variety opinion da
about that is architect of building. Also according Haryato Kunto, in a book called "Nieuw Nederlandsche Bouwkunst once wrote Prof. Ir. J. G. Wattjes, the architect Gedung Sate named Ir. H. Gerber. If Gerber called the architecture of sate , other opinions his actually doubted this . In addition, it says a graduate degree in engineering in times first , can not be could easily be design directly a building. They should past prakt work e k First, should first apprentice, then could considered architect that skillfully.
Lorong secrets forever a mystery |
in addition, it a data [quiditqueleblueprint and plane of complex Ged u ng S ate was prepared in Netherlands and process is done by a special teams. While Gerber was just led the project his only.
Are you interested in a vacation at the bottom the mystery Gedung Sate Bandung? Besides the mystery of the above, there is also ho-ror stories circulating in the community about the occupants of the mysterious figures that sate, but I do not say here, you can follow it via google.
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