Travel Old Town, History and Festival Jalan Braga Bandung - Tracing a history of Jalan Braga Bandung Of Holidays - Roads Braga in Bandung has i history are long and popular . The street is right in the heart of Bandung and side Jalan Asia Afrika known as the place of Gedung Merdeka history .
History Jalan Braga Bandung
Allegedly road with distance 700 m he for the manufacture of road Anyer - Panarukan Daendels t ear in 1808 - 1811. in addition, of this way is also related to growing political practices never applied by Netherlands 1830 until 1870
evenings Jalan Braga |
at that time, never no plan to condition Bandung as the capital of the country. For may prepared everything various type important buildings established by the Netherlands in the city development it. One his is the coffee house auction or by coffe house. Each transaction made in the coffee house auction ( now the Town Hall ) and the goods will be sent to post office position is not far. For may coffee transportation -Coffee that and made the pass that named Jalan Pedati.
Why named Pedati Way? Because of the way have wide is only about 10 meters could adopted by the cart N . His condition also muddy and will be muddy if are rainy season. But in around late 1870s, this road and developed in an elite area of in the it.
development of this road can not be released on the existence of a grocery store are appointed de Vries. Stores a is always visited by Priangan farmers enough rich or called with Preanger Planters. The Preanger planters is always buy various needs of daily life his Vries in the shop this .
Braga old days |
Because very r amainya store is always visited of farmers of Dutch origin to make the region around it come alive. Slowly but surely, in the region began Stand buildings new. Ranging from restaurants hotels, cinemas until a building used bank.
unknown with certainly in the beginning of changes name of Jalan Pedati becomes Jalan Braga. He Version assortment that develops in center society. The first version is that mention that in this region when are a tonil groups are named Braga. And and Name tonil group that continues becomes name of this street.
Other versions is that mention name Jalan Braga adapted from a goddess Poetry , which is Bragi. Citizens people also have Legend ter own of Name of Braga. According to David B. Sediono is President of the Association of Residents of Braga Bandung, states that name comes from Braga language Sunda Baraga . Baraga it have meaning walks to explore Flow Cikapundung River. Incidentally near the Braga area here it Cikapundung River. And citizens when it was a pleasure to spend time with the Baraga Cikapundung bank.
derivative of said Baraga |
Regardless of number of different versions of on the origin of street names Braga outstanding, which would Jalan Braga this becomes one of central trade also services that match people the Netherlands. In region Jalan Braga is first Sinyo Dutch nonik shopping and also appointment you.
Because this location is an elite area of , then all and stores or authorized place of business hold in Jalan Braga this . example Boutique Au Bon Marché, which sells shirts imported from Paris. The existence of a store Au Bon Marche is what makes State Bandung nicknamed as Paris van Java.
Then he also store hours store that sell various hours a Swiss-made, No florist Van Doup there is also stores the first car in India named Fuchs & Rents adapt famous August Savelco subscribed various key figures from JP. Coen former President Bung Karno.
Travel Old Town On Jalan Braga Bandung
anyone who has traveled to the city of Bandung, it is not complete if it does not stop by and see for yourself uniqueness Jalan Braga . Because usually tourists can take photos with the background of an old building which is the Dutch colonial heritage, which until now is still intact. Besides Jalan Braga is still storing historical data related to the development of modern Jalan Braga since the late 19th century to the present.
Region Braga far the atmosphere is like in the past. This is evident from a small part of the building there were still lined up along Jalan Braga. Visitors can also see the details of construction and architecture remaining.
travel enthusiasts much visited historic |
Region Braga Street name was later began to resonate, and almost visited by tourists. Because a very interesting phenomenon of Jalan Braga , many groups of teenagers and also foreign tourists who visit the area of Jalan Braga. They alternated for a walk or photographed together at various angles Jalan Braga.
The photograph of the object of the most popular, of course, many old buildings heritage of the colonial past, some still standing look solid and letting the beauty in her past. Quite often, we witness various activities photoshoot for the purpose of fashion or wedding before and even the filming location. Everything was done along Jalan Braga with a background of various relatives buildings.
Not only become a place to take pictures, Jalan Braga also often used as a place to shoot movies or soap operas. Not to mention the variety of documentary video recording, either for personal use or for the particular institution, whether from inside or outside the country. Not counted are articles and photos on Jalan Braga was published in various magazines, freemagz, newspapers and other media. An advertisement for national television, there is also a fully taking pictures at Jalan Braga.
Often used as objects of photography |
Not surprisingly, until now the turn of the old city, its history and Braga Bandung Festival street in popularity and is now one of attraction for tourists who are very important to the city of Bandung and this region is very loved by all ages.
Braga festival Bandung
Bandung is not only popular with a variety of tourist destinations, but also very rich in art and culture. A creative idea of Bandung residents who often take place in the Braga region is Braga Festival. The event always held regularly each year to enliven the anniversary of Bandung. If you come to the streets of Bandung, will certainly lose if you have not visited Braga Festival.
In this festival, visitors will be invited also to know more details about the city of Bandung. From diverse cultures to traditional arts. In Braga festival can enjoy various exhibitions of SMEs and musical performances. live music at Braga Festival includes jazz, blues and traditional music of Sunda. You can also see the different communities in the city of Bandung, which show the capacity here.
excitement Braga festival |
in Braga festival is also usually a sister city will introduce you Bandung, which came from abroad. When representatives of friendly countries will present some of their traditional country art. There is also the Creative Village which invites the traveler to see the variety of crafts and art of indigenous Bandung.
Well, if you make a trip to the city of flowers, do not forget to visit and know the tourist area of the old town , history and street festival Braga Bandung.
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