Mysterious Woman In The Voyage Monas Jakarta - After the central government unitary state Republic Indonesia back to State Jakarta, President first RI Sukarno started think to build a national monument are splendor like the Eiffel Tower of in Paris. At that time President Sukarno wanted to build towers in the form of a monument field located are right in in front of the Merdeka Palace.
monument, the pride of Indonesia |
monument Construction national this aim to remembering the struggle and spirit Indonesia nation turbulent during the revolution year [1945027[1945Aveclemonument national he President Soekarno hope may continues generate life and patriotism to future generations.
August 17 year 1954 formed was a national committee and also contest to designing a national monument that held in 1955. at that time, there were 51 pieces of works that entered the competition, but only one of the works made by Frederich Silaban that meets all the criteria specified national committees, among other criteria to describe the character of the Indonesian nation and must also be able to withstand long periods over the centuries.
Tourism nights monument Monas Jakarta |
the second competition was finally held in 1960, will once again, but no works by 136 participants who meet the specified criteria committee. Jury President The committee finally ask Frederich Silaban show result design on the president. However when Bung Karno proved feel less comfortable with the design Silaban this . President Sukarno hoped monument The phallus and yoni shape.
Silaban then asked to redraft the national monument on the topic as mentioned the president, but this time the project presented by Silaban proved too great costs are also very large and can not be supported by the state budget, in particular the conditions when the economy was bad enough. Silaban and refused design monument to the size of small buildings, and suggested the construction of are delayed first until that the Indonesian economy back improved.
Given Jakarta's Monas court |
Sukarno, who did not are like waiting and ask an architect named RM Sudarsono to may take over the project monument work Silaban. Then President Soekarno released Kepres 214 1959 to dated 30 August year 1959 on the establishment of Committee of the National Monument on chaired by Col. Omar Wirahadi Kusuma also commander KMKB Jakarta Raya when .
Sudarsono and insert number 17, 8 and figures also 45 that symbolizes Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945 to the design of the monument national . The National Memorial are , then built area field with an area of 80 hectares. Tugu Monas is orchestrated by Friedrich Silaban and also RM Sudarsono . After that began to be built national monument was launched to Date 17 August 1961.
the entire building Monas this designed by the architects of Indonesia were very popular at that time, ie Sudarsono and Frederich Silaban also Ir Rooseno . Then p is dated July 12 in 1975 Monas finally officially open to the public.
National Monument, designed three architects |
Monas or national monuments amount with 132 meters high and yoni phallus that the idea of President Sukarno . The entire building monument is covered by marble. An elevator or elevator built in doors part of south to bring mount the visitors to the court of located in peak are measuring 11 x 11 meters to height of 115 meters above the ground. These lifts a transport 11 to carries once.
section p top elataran of Monas could accommodate about 50 people . In addition, it is also are a binoculars so that visitors can see the panorama State Jakarta with more near. To the elevators of the body are are is a emergency stairs created iron. The court of to top of the monument Monas this of people could enjoy the scenery to whole area management of K ota Jakarta. Although when going into the current state and the weather was sunny with no fog in the south, we can see Mount Salak from a distance that is in the district of Bogor, West Java. S look aat to north , we can see reach and ocean blue with small islands that beautiful .
peak monument, uncovered 50 kilograms of gold |
at the top of the monument also there are bowls that function Sustain bronze flame Heft 14.5 tons and coating with or as 35 Kilogram . Flames or Torch above Monas waist height of 14 meters and a diameter of his 6 meters and consists of 77 sections together.
Flame in Monas this is symbol of fighting spirit of the people of Indonesia are and wants to achieve independence invaders . Initially bronze flame monument is covered with gold leaf weighing 35 kilograms , but to welcome HUT RI 50 years ago in 1995, gold leaf is then re-coated so that weighed 50 kg.
the culmination of Monas monument as' Api Nan Tak Kunjung Padam "has the meaning that the Indonesian people still have the spirit that is always on in the fight and never back down and is never extinguished all time.
However flaming top of the monument are instead of just only form of flames regular. It is said that the flames contain at the top of the monument , it describe a figure of Women sat with knees with hair outputs enough long. Hair part of as he knotted a bun. This woman uduk face directly management Istana Negara.
the figure of a mysterious woman in flames Monas |
However, the figure of the mysterious woman in the Monas sites Jakarta is exactly the Monas flame was right can be seen on the left side of Monas or directions Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat north near the National Palace. Statue figure of Women The deliberately with great person -The who saw may know figure of directly.
Many implies that female figure are in the fire language Monas on is one of those ideas President Sukarno. The figure of the woman content burning Monas The often looked President Sukarno of the Presidential Palace.
Up today female figure contained in the flames at the top of the monument are yet N mysterious. Who if actually figure women mysterious websites Jakarta Monas carved in fire top of the monument as you ?
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