Places in Depok - Depok is a mega city in the ranks of Jabodetabek. Terletaak Kota Depok in West Java province. The city has a very rapid progress. The city has a myriad of local government achievements. Not only that, the previous government Nur Mahmudi also famous for its program of One day, no car and One Day No Rice .
Before taking a walk tourist attractions in Depok , it would be good to first contact the City on the latter. Initially Depok is a district in Bogor. However, since 1982, transformed into a city.
You know it is Depok derived from Sundanese language means hermitage or place of meditation? Depok now 11 districts (since 07). Although the city of Depok City is still very young, but the city is already able to be independent, Depok City is the capital buffer Jakarta. Not only as the city before, Depok has also become one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia, especially for the surrounding area. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Depok interest to visit.
16 Places in Depok mandatory visited
at least 16 Places in Depok compulsory visited when you holiday with family, friends or your partner. Then, if you have your own story to Depok vacation time would not hurt also to share with us, to serve as guides in Depok next to each other. Here presented to you:
1. Nature Village 99 trees in Depok
tourist attractions in Depok the first is the hometown of 99 trees. This attraction is suitable for you who are looking for a quiet, peaceful and cool after beraktvitas full week course we are bored and need a peaceful atmosphere.
The location is also known as the village of Deer, located on Jalan KH. Muhasan II Meruyung Village, District Limo, Depok
Kampung 99 trees shelter at the same time with the concept of recreation in harmony with nature. Tourist attractions that are next to Masjid Dian Al Mahri This is an appropriate place to introduce the environment to your children.
Di natural attractions, visitors can see various animals such as deer, Etawa, cows, buffalo, chickens, squirrels and various bird species. Village with fresh air is also covered with different types of trees as a tree maja, tamarind, varnish, white teak, mahogany, kemang, rubber, and so on.
To be more predictable with visitors to the nature of both adults and children can follow out natural . Participants will be invited followed to learn about plants and planting trees. Water activities of No special children along a small river in the village. agriculture activities can also be followed as planting or harvesting rice, picking vegetables and plowing fields.
The fruit of your heart too right are invited to know more about the world of animals in bathing water buffalo activities, livestock feed, fishing, riding milk goats or horses. Participants out also taught how to cook vegetables, baking bread, making the grass jelly, and make pancakes. 99 Kampung trees also have a variety of games such as mountain biking and flying fox
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After a long day, visitors can dine at the restaurant in the Canton area. The food places offer healthy menus are made from agricultural and livestock Kampung 99 trees. For souvenirs you can take home yogurt, fruit, Carcade or Arabic tea, ginger and milk goats
out natural usually held 08:00. - 12.00. To be able to follow the activities of out Kampung Rusa, you must make reservations in advance by phone or email . Cost of outgoing activities for children is Rp 125,000. while the adult participants are subject to Rp 175,000 fee. The price includes equipment, snacks and lunch
Kampung 99 trees can be visited using private vehicles. Jakarta, you follow the road to Depok. After reaching Jalan RS Fatmawati, point your vehicle in Jalan Raya Cinere then turn right at Jalan Ismaya. From here you Tingga towards Jalan KH. Instead Muhasan II Kampung Rusa located.
2. Religious tourism locations Masjid golden dome in Depok
Mosque Dome of gold or Masjid Dian Al Mahri this is one of the pride of the city of Depok, the mosque itself was inaugurated in December 31, 06. this mosque became the region's most magnificent mosques in Southeast Asia. Dome of the mosque was referring to the domed mosques of Persia and India, dressed in gold-plated mosaic of materials imported directly from Italy.
The mosque is very charming has become one of the tourist attraction happens in Depok city to stop performing Salah or just watch outside the time of prayer.
the building 5 dome domes are composed of four small and one large dome.
the location of the golden dome of the Mosque of Jln Raya Maruyung, Limo, Depok. Every day the mosque was never empty of visitors. Especially during the Eid atmosphere, not a few visitors who come to pray or just sightseeing.
3. Taman Pasir Putih Tourism Family Depok
you want to play water ? Well, Taman white sand can be used as an option. Here you can play overturned barrel, slides, fountains and other rides that are not less interesting.
This vehicle is in Jl. Raya Pasir Putih, Sawangan, Depok. Indeed, to get to the place we have to go through the house, because the playing field is far from the bustle but keep in mind, since it opened visitors coming around thousands of people and the amount will be more than when it coincides with a national holiday.
for the water park itself there are three water park with different shapes and depths, so that children or adults can splash and swim in the visit garden.
Park appropriate white sand for you who want to organize meetings, community, birthday party, farewell party, family reunion, a school group and gathering business / family.
ticket Taman Pasir Putih travel by December 2014
4. Children and Family attractions Godong Ijo Depok
Godong Ijo become one of the tourist attractions in Depok you should not miss. The location is at Jl. Raya KM 10 Cinangka No. 60 Serua Bojongsari, Sawangan, West Java 16517 (Directions Ciputat in Parung on the right road, about 2.6 km or 3.6 km past the intersection before gaplek Lap. Sawangan Golf).
up with an area of approximately 2.5 hectares that has become a tourist destination for the family, especially with children. Here you can see the activity of plant nursery, Nursery has a Godongijo of field facilities are spacious enough for the kids running around, plus they also get to see unique wildlife and fishing with berkegiatan the family.
botanical CAFE
Godongijo also has a botanical coffee shop is very famous delicacy and variety of the menu . Botanical Café has the concept of "FOREST IN THE HEART OF THE CITY" cafe is surrounded by a beautiful garden, decorated with rare trees are decades old, are equipped with a koi pond and a fish pond alligator. Botanical Café has several tables "Round Table" in hundreds of years of teak and other antique wooden furniture. The coffee is enough to hold about 300 people.
In botany Café is not to forget to order the Peking duck Bumbu Bali cashews, Peking duck and Kalasan Sambal kecombrang . For the seafood menu, try the Shrimp and Shrimp Egg Asam Manis Asin . The menu is no less interesting is the variety of Thai cuisine, from nasi goreng Thailand (chicken, shrimp, Ebi), Tom Yum (Sop chicken, shrimp Thailand) Chicken Cashew ala Thailand (Kai Phad Phed Mamuang) until light snacks ala Thailand cassava Thailand (Munchium) and a variety of drinks Thailand (Thailand tea, coffee Thailand Cendol Pearl of Thailand) . Type menu is available vegetables Cah kale, Cah Pok Coy, Pecel Semarang and vegetables . Prices for food and drinks are not set too high dikantong alias is not heavy. Food prices: between Rp 8,000 - Rp 55,000 and the price of drinks. Rp 3,000 - Rp 12,000 (Price is recorded in 2011 and can be changed at any time, to check before eating)
the atmosphere in Godong Ijo Nursery
waiting for the food and drinks order arrived, the children can take us around to enjoy the ponds Koi fish and fish Alligators are located on the front and back of the restaurant. Walk a little to midfield near the restaurant, we can also see a turtle in the world, which happens to be one of them kept in Godong Ijo Nursery.
You know Godongijo Nursery Family and friends would be a pleasant travel experience. A great atmosphere, complete facilities, delicious food and friendly service make Godongijo Nursery as a place of family preference for a relaxing moment on the outskirts of Jakarta.
advice rendered to Godong Ijo nursery:
- Before his arrival, if not familiar with the Godong Ijo nusery location, you should call first to inquire exact position (see map we attach above)
- preferably before coming, we eat of first at home (especially children), or at least bring a snack and drink to anticipate the length of the food and drinks we ordered as a result the number of visitors is much (especially during weekends). Indeed, the small kitchen of the restaurant and the location far enough away from the restaurant. So, pending future orders, we encourage children to play on the field and run around the park so they will not feel bored. Although the service is sometimes long, but the taste of the food at the Botanical coffee was very unique, especially for the adventurous culinary likes flowers kecombrang as a spice in cooking, for example in the vegetable menu kecombrang Asem.
- When does practice, we can also choose to eat at Saung Fishing. So while fishing, we can while ordering and eating food in Saung Fishing. Do not forget to ask for candles to repel flies and preferably ordering food is one at a time, if you do not want to hit the gong repeatedly to call the waiter came to the hut we fishery .
Place info Hopefully this unique beneficial for parents who are looking for an alternative holiday with nature close to cities 🙂
Source: liburananak
5. Places Fantasy Fun Park water Depok
another vehicle to play not to be missed when you are in Depok, Depok Fantastic Waterpark, located on accommodation of large Depok City, District Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, West Java. Phone. 021-7782-6633
Operating hours :. Every day from 08:00 - 18.00 h
Here you can enjoy the many attractions such as surfboards, flying fox, the giant bucket, water cannons, etc. There are also four-dimensional cinema and restoration.
For its location, can be reached from Terminal Depok ride public transportation No. D10 Department Kp. rice field and drops in Depok Water Park Fantasy.
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6. Water Park Pool Cheerful Depok
If you were near the campus of the user interface, you can also play on Cheers Waterpark, the exact location is on Pondok Kukusan, Jl Raya Kukusan (Beji), Depok (near the back door of user interface)
operating hours: .. Every day from 08:00 - 18.00 hrs.
If you use public transportation may rise Terminal Depok (public transportation No. D04) in Pondok Permai Kukusan. From there, walk to the water park behind the housing Kukusan Permai.
There are many playing facilities here, both for adults and children, as well as futsal, and swimming pool children there are many exciting rides such as surfboards, tunnels, lazy, etc.
7. Attractions Fun Pool Tirta Sari East Depok
There is another pool Tirta sari you do as a place to swim or play with children -children.
pool is located in Jl. Tirta Melati I No.8, Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, West Java 16417 (Abadijaya location in the Village, East Depok Not far from the Sukmajaya Depok police.)
Hours :. 08.00 am s / d, 5:00 p.m.
There are two types of pools, one large pool for adults and 1 pool for children. No toboggan facilities and children's play equipment such as swings.
8. Holiday Fun rises Pool Paragon Depok
9. Play pool Gema Pesona Depok
Website: kolamrenanggemapesona (dot) blogspot (dot) com .
There are two pools a large pool with a depth of 1-2 meters and a small size with a depth of 80cm.
There is a golf facility Private pool, cafeteria, tires rentals, and there is also a free breathing exercises every Sunday morning.
10 Seru cottage Attractions Zidane Depok
11. Places Garden Flowers Wiladatika Depok
12. Holiday Fun God Agro Belimbing Depok
13. Forest City Tourism Depok
Forest Depok could also be an alternative holiday with your family, here, there is a lake for fishing sanagt fun.
for entry into the urban forest has provided the way, there are also benches to take a break and breathe fresh air and see the green leaves and the tower to see the view of the urban forest from above.
fresh air will refresh you after a long week.
14. Places Alam TVRI studio Depok
kind TVRI studio has now become one of tourist attractions in Depok is very famous.
With an area of about 30 hectares and 19 custom homes, this place is now always crowded with tourists who want to enjoy vacation pleasures such as horse riding or a picnic.
Here, visitors can also menumpai tennis court which was later used as a shooting range.
visitors usually visit the studio of nature by bicycle. Instead of outdoor recreation has a bike path way with shady trees on the banks. In this place visitors can also see several species of animals like buffaloes, birds, insects, and so on.
Alam TVRI studio Depok can be visited every day. The price of admission is cheap and are determined by the type of vehicle that brought the visitor. Rp 5,000 price charged to visitors who bring a motorcycle. Visitors who drive cars are required to pay Rp 10,000. Meanwhile, when it comes without a vehicle, you only pay Rp 1,000
For visitors Alam TVRI studio Depok can use the transport terminal D09 of Depok.
See map
15. On Vacation Fun at Coop Farm Incredible Depok
D'Coop Amazing Farm has become a tourist destination in education Depok. First, this place is a farm, but growing up to become a tourist destination and educational play. W ecotourism education of Ahana not only provides a comfortable and beautiful atmosphere, but also provide play structures and education.
Sites with an area of about 8 ha children will be invited to interact directly with a variety of farm animals, such as cows, goats, horses and sheep. Not only that, there are also many positive activities that children can do as get feed, milking cows, feeding calves and goats, to know the process of how to make fertilizer, planting, picking fruits and vegetables, and do not miss also benefit crop yields.
no less interesting activities, children can ride, ride the wagon and wagon sheep, fishing in the pond and the outgoing pipe Low Impact and High Impact. The location is West Java Sawangan.
16. Holiday Setu Salting Depok
Here attractions in Depok last of us, instead of the location or setu or lake is located in salting Village district. Sawangan, Depok.
In this six hectare lake offers many facilities, especially for visitors who want to get to the water. Well, for those who love fishing, where it is also very appropriate. Catfish, carp, carp, catfish and mujaer are several types of fish that can be obtained in this Salting Situ. Business lakes do not provide a place to rent equipment for fishing, so you have to prepare your own fishing equipment if you want to fish the fish are.
How? You can not wait already for a getaway in Depok? Please clarify about the attractions you visit. That 16 spaces required Depok visited us, hopefully can help you, and a reference guide to travel in Depok for you and your beloved family. Do not miss the 21 Places Visited in Bekasi most famous mandatory
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