Into Culinary D'Cost Seafood in Bandung - Eating seafood currently do not have to go to the beach because it has a lot of variety restaurants serving seafood menu. Especially if we are talking about is Bandung, the city known by various tourism spoil the culinary tourism enthusiasts, for a variety of food menus from various parts of the Indonesia abroad here.
A culinary attractions in Singapore that provide seafood is D'cost. Although whatever State Bandung instead of , including areas coastal but not means not no seafood menu in in the list of culinary Restaurant thereof . Indeed many different options i Bandung for lovers of seafood, almost every place offers many characteristic and uniqueness of each. One that you should try is D'Cost, seafood scheduled you here other than believes that make drooling tongue, price also said enough affordable.
culinary tours D'Cost Seafood in Bandung are have currency 'Quality Five Star Price Street' this will not disappoint gourmets, especially seafood lovers.
of Cost is in line with its name, which is a restaurant with dishes specialties or seafood menu with quality food that is high enough, but they guarantee the price can be priced by the bag from diverse backgrounds. Please say you compare between spending and also cook it yourself at home with a variety of seafood dishes that amount should you spend eating a variety of seafood the same menu in the restaurant D'Cost Bandung, certainly will be cheaper.
culinary Menu D'cost Bandung |
culinary menu Di D'Cost Bandung
D [iantaraMenupilierD'CostSeafood Bandung this is pepper crab jumbo black size up to 1 kg, the menu [ make your stomach full. There was also pancet Shrimp Sauce Padang is the preferred there is also pancet Jumbo Shrimp sauce Singapore you should try . in addition to , there is a special menu other more number application by foodies in Singapore, for example, as lovers tofu and also aubergine Bakar. Typical dishes as well as the flavors of S unda appetizing !
other culinary menus D ' cost Bandung |
terlalau do not worry about the price, because as mentioned earlier, h arganya enough dikantong connection. For example, a ppetizer indicated prices started Rp 1000 until 2500 and the main menu price of started price Rp 4,000 until 0.000. In addition, there are many other menus such as kale belacan, salty soft-shell egg. Belacannya kale is very tasty because it mingles with the aroma of shrimp paste and sweet and savory taste with the right dose. Kangkungnya also nyakress as chrispy when bitten.
Some culinary menus other D "Cost Bandung |
As already live crab meat are wrapped in flour, fried, then cooked again with salted egg. Can you imagine the joy, tasty and slightly sticky because the salted egg very fit all when combined with the crab meat tenderness.
maknyus culinary Menu D'Cost Bandung |
D'Cost Seafood Bandung this area have place enough because may welcome people to 350 pieces seat. Some facilities also is provided to quench may people , for example as outdoor seating and Cable TV so that you can while watch the channel favorite s aat wait for food controls mature or so eating a meal . The payment instrument may use enough flexible because you may to using debit BCA Card, Visa Master Card or cash.
There are many culinary Cost other than Menu those mentioned here |
well, if you are interested in trying a culinary journey of Cost Seafood in Bandung? Come directly to Jalan Sukajadi No. mor 197 - Bandung maknyos guaranteed .. !!
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