Dusun Bambu Lembang Bandung - Hello buddy travelers anywhere. What are you doing today? Hopefully always healthy so it can work aktvitas every day without any hindrance. Having exhausted for activities this week, it is time to cool off.
There are several ways we can do to rejuvenate the body and simple costs our brain due to the load work that we live for a week, one of which is recreational. There are many attractions that can be visited on weekends with family or relatives, one of which is bamboo hamlet Bandung tooth .
Hamlet bamboo Bandung tooth is one of the integrated natural attractions that offer different tourist sensation. Various leisure facilities are here, good for children, adolescents and adults. Indeed, the food and accommodation in the village of bamboo undoubtedly exclusive and has a price above the average, but of course it is very relative at all.
Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
this time Tempatwisataseru.com will take you around and enjoy the various facilities available in the village of Bandung tooth bamboo. Before discussing the installation in the bamboo hamlet Lembang, Bandung, there are some things we need to know, such as:
Hours Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
Dusun Bambu is open daily from 10:00 until 22:00.
Entrance fee Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
price admission ticket to Dusun Bambu 15,000 rupiah / person, includes a bottle mineral water as welcome drink.
Location Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
Forum for the holidays is in foot of Mount Burangrang , the exact location on Kampung Cijanggel, Kertawangi Village, District Cisarua, West Bandung regency. Located about 10 kilometers from Terminal Plumbing Jalan Setiabudi and nearby natural attractions Curug Cimahi. ( detik.travel )
How To Go Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
For travelers hernadak tourist village of bamboo, can using access via Jl . Colonel Masturi. To go to the hamlet Bamboo can through the following route:
- Toll Pasteur -> Plumbing -> Jl Sergeant Sodik -> Jl Colonel Masturi [
- Toll Padalarang -> Cimahi -> Jl Colonel Masturi
- Toll Pasteur. -> Plumbing -> Lembang -> Jl Colonel Masturi
Location Map Dusun Bambu. Photo by @Dusun_Bambu
Following Up Location
Once we arrived at the location, we could choose a parking space, if the location of the main parking lot is full usually we proceeded to enter through parking lot gates to two. door parking space is on the first two. the location of parking, we will be delivered to the place of purchase tickets using a special vehicle called ontang earrings. The location of purchases of visitor tickets will be delivered at the desired locations by the earrings vehicle menggunkaan These are pictures of vehicle :.
Photo via indonesiaincentive.com
Services Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung
because bamboo hamlet is quite large and requires a full day to travel, we can use van that was provided as car travel in TMII, or Safari Park. . But if you want to walk will also be more fun because you can take pictures with a natural beauty background Dusun Bambu Cisarua, Bandung
Do not miss: 19 Places in Lembang, mandatory Bandung visited
these are photos of existing facilities in the bamboo town Lembang Bandung that you can enjoy and browsing:
Dusun Bambu Cisarua Bandung via dusunbambu.com
1. Café Burangrang
Burangrang Resto via @Dusun_Bambu
This restaurant was a culinary concepts while menikmat landscape, here we can order a variety of offerings of food and drinks from the Sundanese until mancanegara.Cafe has a range of services for tourists like a family reunion, lunch and corporate training.
Kafe this evaluation can accommodate up to 0 people, so do not worry about not getting a place. coffee design is very interesting and unique, coupled with bamboo ornaments are compiled and made as beautiful as possible.
for the seat that we can choose what can be indoor or outdoor. For its location is an existing favorite sit outside because we can all menikmat ipemandangan beautiful nature. We can choose to sit in a chair or on ball with a view of the lake and mountains.
If we stopped at this cafe, do not forget to order Nasi Ayam Bakar Betutu and Rice Burangrang Lead as a menu mainstay. Because in a tourist place, the prices here very well, especially for a student or students, as an example of fried rice for Rp Rp 45rb and 65rb for grilled chicken rice betutu.
2. Kasarung
We have certainly been familiar with the name Kasarung. Dogen or a legend that has been told for generations hinggai now. However Kasarung Lembang Bandung bamboo hamlet not the animal's name, but the name of a cafe that is unique, perhaps even at the time the house langur huh?
Kasarung coffee with a very unique concept. The cafe is in the form of capsules made from roots or twigs were arranged regularly. This capsule in a minimalist space that can make us feel different sensations by eating a variety of food provided.
capsules Between them are connected by a bridge, so we did not have to climb. how? You are interested in tasting the food here?
But make no mistake, because not all of the capsule is the place to eat, there is a capsule whose contents sink for hand washing, it is a capsule whose contents of a place to rest, there are some that was not open to the public (not ketauan what it is)
do not miss :. 32 Points culinary Bandung you should try
3. Ecuador market
you want to shop a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are taken directly from the Burangrang mountain? Instead Equatorial market. This market is located on the 2nd floor, a building with Burangrang restaurant. Here, visitors can buy a variety of agricultural products that are fresh and hygienic.
In addition, on the equator of the market, we are also able to enjoy the many delicious culinary offerings beginning of Kue Ape, Mie Whip, Soto Bandung, lotek, Rojak, Surabi, and more. On top of this building on the 3rd floor, there is also a place to sit to enjoy a variety of delicious culinary dishes.
To be able to shop and eat in the market of the equator, we must use coupons balances already filled at the counter there, if not finished his balance, we can make more money.
4. Saung / Gazebo Purbasari Dusun Bambu
Another intriguing installations that should not be missed. At least there 7 huts with capacity for 6-12 people, while berlesehan and enjoy the feeling of bamboo design across the lake. There will be agents who are available to accompany guests to cross by boat, but there is another way of walking is also for those who do not want to take the boat.
5. Playground Dusun Bambu
area Bamboo Village tesyaskinderen.com games
There are many places to play in the bamboo hamlet, now maybe we already difficult to find a variety of traditional games like the old days, stilts example, although here we can evoke memories of infancy.
various types of exercises can have fun at Dusun Bambu dintaranya such as archery and cycling exercises. For those of you who are interested in building the team at Dusun Bambu will be a different experience of other places. In addition, we can encourage children to Bamboo Play Ground, learning the ropes Tamali, close to nature with activities of the rice harvest or agricultural products, and a variety of typical traditional toys Indonesia .
6. Villa Kampung Dusun Bambu Layung to
It is not enough not to spend a holiday in the hamlet bambung Lembang, Bandung this one day, we could stay calm in villas in the area of this attraction. A villa is a popular Kampung Layung, namely an inn with the concept of cottage wood tones.
If we make a great family can rent a villa with 2 rooms, when we were alone villa could choose a single room, so the most romantic of course. For the price, this villa prices range from millions of USD 2.25 million to $ 3.25 per night in a week time. The rate increase when the weekend, for a total of $ 2.85 million to $ 3.85 million per night.
Prices villa which could be considered above average is actually very worth it, because we can menimati various facilities including room service 24 hours articles toilet, satellite TV, free WiFi, free coffee and tea, barbecue facilities and full kitchen utensils.
If possible price of this villa are too expensive we can also look for accommodation near the bamboo village as he Villa Istana Bunga, Villa Air Natural Resort Lembang and Fortuno Bed & Breakfast Lembang prices range from hundreds of thousands to millions permalamnya.
7. Camping Ground
To nature lovers, you can also enjoy the thrill of camping here. You can enjoy an overnight sensation in nature Camp Eagle . Although the concept of camping, but you need not bother with a tent or set up because the tent here already and is equipped with a comfortable bed, a barbecue area, even hot water for the shower was available.
more here to enjoy the evening with nature, to enjoy camp here we must meroogoh around Rp 1.45 million.
8. shooter arc Dusun Bambu
For those who want to try olehraga archery, do not miss the thrill of shooting to the arc in the hamlet of bamboo, do not let an arrow yes. Worried her heart was struck even later 😀 doi
9. Airsoft gun Dusun Bambu Lembang
Image via okkyirmanita.blogspot. com
Would you try to play a shoot?
10. Throwing knives Dusun Bambu Lembang
Photo via jalanjajanhemat.com
Come practice ninja throwing knives.
11. Wonderland Rabbit
Photo via jalanjajanhemat.com
The game children not to be missed
12. Track Cycling Package Dusun Bambu Lembang
Photo via ardisaz.com
We could also make fun bike here to skip tracks were provided.
13. Karting Dusun Bambu Lembang
Image via len-diary.com
You want to try the sport a go-kart?
See also: 32 children travel to Bandung Popular and Entertaining
14. Hiking in the village of bamboo
Hiking is also becoming one of the exciting activities at Dusun Bambu Lembang, Bandung.
Well, that's a little review of the attractions bamboo hamlet Lembang, Bandung is required to visit during the holidays to Cisarua. Hope can be a travel reference family to all readers. Read also: 28 Places in Bandung Interesting visited
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