Culinary Travel Balikpapan Crab Dandito - culinary journey of it should be included in the agenda should be when you walk in New York Area . There's a crab restaurant is very well known there, his name is Eat Dandito .
When you are hungry after traveling to visit various tourist attractions in Balikpapan, try to stop by the dining area located on Jl M Iswahyudi - Mount this placement. It is also not too far from Sepinggan Airport. This place is perfect for crab lovers. Since the crab is necessary in the field of gastronomy Balikpapan, then there is no harm in filling the stomach rumbling instead of it.
According to residents, Dandito is a place to eat with crab menu is highly recommended. Undoubtedly, this is already evident from the restaurant parking lot is always full of visitors cars, especially at night
culinary menu at home eating Dandito
(Image Anekainfounik :. .net)
When you go inside at night, most of the tables and chairs are filled by customers. As so compact, the entire table seems equipped crab menu. Of course, all guests too busy eating the delicious seafood. Looking back wall of the restaurant, there are a lot of photos exhibited artist. Apparently this restaurant is already well known to the extent that there are many artists who Ernah eat here. Not only that, Photo Coordinating Minister for Welfare of Economic Affairs periods back, Agung Laksono after eating also appear there.
If you are curious culinary tour Balikpapan on it, just try it. There are several types of crab menus Treaty, among others, eg male crab, female and soft shell. For marinade, culinary tourism lovers can choose black pepper sauce ataumemakai specials Dandito sauce.
For those of you who do not really like the crab menu, quiet, Dandito restaurant also provides a variety of processed seafood, such as shrimp, For vegetables, you can choose sautéed bean sprouts or other. crab house transformed Dandito very delicious meal. Crab meat was so tender with a marinade that are no less tasty and tasteful
The best option for seafood lovers
. (Image:
As with other crabs places to eat, you also do not bother to destroy part of the hull. There is a claw which can be used to relieve the crushing shells.
Interested in Balikpapan try a culinary journey on it? Do not miss the crab tasting menus in restaurants Dandito appetizing, add to the ambiance of your holiday in the city of Balikpapan more memorable.
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