Places Pacitan - is a Pacitan regency in East Java. Pacitan regency capital is the city of Pacitan. Pacitan is very popular with cave and patainya beautiful and interesting places to visit. If you have been to the beach alone everywhere. One of the most famous beach in Pacitan is Klayar Beach, the beach has become one of the favorite tourist destinations in Pacitan, East Java.
Before discussing about Pacitan websites, East Java it would be the first to know a city located in the southwestern tip of Java Province is, is 270 km from Surabaya city or 100 km from Solo. Pacitan himself the nickname of Goa in 1001, because there are so many caves in Pacitan interesting for us to visit.
Goa finest in Southeast Asia in Pacitan, namely Goa Gong, and yet there are many caves are cool and it is a shame to miss. A call Pacitan websites to the contours of the area surrounded by mountains are the natural attractions that captivate.
In addition, there are many interesting sights in Pacitan, it also a place to eat that you should try as tiwul, Kupat know, cenil and other seabgainya.
22 places visited in Pacitan mandatory
this time will take you around all in Pacitan, we sambangi and see the sights Pacitan, without 22 attractions in Pacitan interesting for us to visit. In addition, if the common ones, the holidays will be more fun and the relationship will become more 'hot' again. These are:
1. Beach Attractions in Pacitan
Source: www.kameradroid. com
tourist attractions in first Pacitan is Srau beach, this beach is not the seterkelan beach Klayar, but the beauty of this beach is extraordinary, even dibilan one of the finest of Java island.
Turkish Srua to Candi Village, District Pringkuku, about 25 km from Pacitan. During a visit here, you are not only treated, but three beaches has its own unique character.
In the first beach, white sand as fine as talcum powder mixes with the white foam of great typical south coast waves. The second beach, the sand is coarser and surrounded by rows of stones so you can play with water safer. The third beach is slightly different from the other two beaches. Without the sand, the beach is in the form of rock lines you can use to sit and enjoy the view.
How interested tourist Sau Beach? Wait for what? Pacitan immediately create planing your holiday with your loved ones.
2. Places Rated Klayar Beach in Pacitan
Well, there is the tourist attractions Popular in Pacitan, Klayar beach. This beach is a tourist place in Pacitan the most famous, if your holiday in Pacitan, it feels incomplete if not to Klayar beach.
Klayar beach location on Donorojo Subdistrict, about 45 km from the town of Pacitan. This is where you can find the flute sea, unique Klayar beach do not go you meet other beaches.
sea flute in the form of large rocks that have a gap. Every time a big wave comes, gullies that emit water upward and raises the whistle. In addition, there is a giant rock shaped Sphinx know! This beach has fairly large waves
Address Coastal Klayar :. Desa Kalak, District Donorojo, Kab. Pacitan, East Java
GPS coordinates -8.223808,110.947473
3. Tourism object Watu Karung in Pacitan
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One of the attractions to be Pacitan paradise for surfers is pantaai Watu Sacks. This beach has waves that are difficult to conquer.
location is Widoro Village, District Donorejo , this beach is a bit hidden and difficult to reach. But do not worry, all your work to achieve it will pay off with a view of the coral islands, sea-green and clean beaches with fine white sand.
In this range, you can also enjoy a variety of tasty specialties, very complete all tastes, eating delicious food coupled with an amazing sight.
this beach has a world-class waves were very difficult for surfers. The user can freely surf caressing Type barrel and reef break adrenaline. Over the past 09 years, the best surfers in Indonesia Rizal Tanjung take Bruce Irons, winner of the Rip Curl Pro Search 08, to try the waves Watu Sacks.
4. Places Seru Banyu Tibo Beach in Pacitan
Banyu Tibo? If in the Indonesian language waterfall or a waterfall and waterfall in English.
If you visit Patai Klayar, do not miss the beach Banyu Tibo is still in line with the beach.
On the beach Tibo banjo small waterfall on the beach, that's why practically Banyu Tibo. Unique on the beach we could see fresh water in the form of a small waterfall ari. Yes, content satisfactory and played on the beach before returning to the house, wash the sticky taste in your body with the waterfall. You do not want to swim or wet basahan? You sit right on top of the rocks around the beach while enjoying the scenery.
If you want to enjoy the beach, come at low tide in the morning or the afternoon. If the tide rises, tempatini akanbisa not be enjoyed because the beach is narrow.
5. Featured Travel Destination Maron River Pacitan
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well, if a US green canyon, Indonesia, too, can enjoy the view ala green Canyon in Pacitan, located in Village Dersono, Pringkuku, 45 minutes from downtown Pacitan.
Here you can walk along the river to enjoy the surrounding scenery is very charming. Maron River is vital to the river Dersono Village and Village Spring. Therefore, this river has clean air and beautiful as a source of water and natural habitats, freshwater fish that can be used by residents village.
Interestingly, in this river rowing competitions are often held annually.
6. Attractions Historical Monuments Sudirman in Pacitan
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"great nation is a nation that respects the services of his hero." - Soekarno
If you are in Pacitan, do not forget to visit the Monument of General Sudirman, General large bony stature sanga is so feared by the invaders.
this monument is in Pakis Baru District Nawangan. In the first tempatinilah Sudirman establish bases and determine the guerrilla strategy. Do not imagine that the ancient architectural monuments of the New Order! You can enjoy dioramayang engraved with presiasi higher against the arts; climb the stairs totaling 70 rooms (17 + 8 + '45 = 70), or simply relaxing together temandi spacious courtyard. By forging this you can also see how the place of the overall strategy, Bedek (bamboo house).
7. Tourism Object family Bains Banyu anget in Pacitan
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in addition, you can shower -shower much in the hot water bath in Pacitan well known, bathroom Tirto Husodo that have a source of hot water from limestone hills.
location of these baths are in Karangrejo Village, District Arjosari, this place could be reached as far as 15 km north of the town of Pacitan.
to be enjoyed by visitors, water gathered in the main pool boiling will be mixed with cold water in three other pools.
In the vicinity of these baths are also very charming landscape, surrounded by green hills and beautiful.
8. Famous Places Culinary Nasi Tiwul in Pacitan
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well, that was one of the food that you must try to Pacitan, Nasi Tiwul. One of the famous tiwulnya not to drink rice Gandos yangJalan Solo-Pacitan KM 5. Here, eat Tiwul will be more complete with ointment and marigolds do (vegetables) of a young shark meat. There is also a hot raw sauce are guaranteed to burn the tongue and chest.
Hmm, with a sense of who moved his tongue, making eating place is always full of visitors, both local and tourists who come from different regions in Indonesia.
, you will be served an ice glass of fresh coconut, hmmm, was once the pleasure of eating.
9. Place Turkish Keren Teleng Ria Pacitan
Attractions in Pacinta is Turkish side Teleng Sari, this beach has a beauty that is out regularly.
by h Amparan beautiful sand and waves of the relatively calm sea makes this beach has become a favorite destination for many families to spend vacation time. You can play on the beach, swimming and many other exciting activities
Address Coastal Teleng Ria :. Jl. WR Supratman, Kel. Sidoharjo, Pacitan, East Java
GPS coordinates -8.220346,111.080865
10. Temple Island Pidakan Pacitan
The Beach Pacitan next visit Pidakan interest is the beach, the beach is somewhat different from the other coast, where the beach was more gravel than sand dominant. The pebbles on the beach is all white, so that adds to the charm of the beauty of the south coast. Beautiful and make anyone who visited the Turkish Pidakan will feel at home and are reluctant to return.
Location is Country Buffets Kulon Jetak Village, District Tulakan. From the city of Pacitan village about 50 KM Jetak. To reach to Trails South past (JLS) Pacitan. Pidakan beach is located on the edge of JLS, about 2 kilometers from JLS.
11. Soge beach Travel Destinations Pacitan
Image by unrevealerror.wordpress .com
tourist destinations in the next Pacitan Soge beach, the beach has become one of the attractions mandatory Pacitan you visit this area, Ds. Sidomuyo district. Ngadirojo, Kab. Pacitan.
Here sunsetnya was amazing, so do not be surprised if the afternoon is always full of visitors. We can find this beach is easy, as it is located on a side street.
12. Temple Island Buyutan in Pacitan
Another form of tourist attractions of the beautiful Pacintan charming beach and love to pass, Buyutan beach. The beach is located in Subdistrict Donorojo.
Not very different from Klayar Beach, which is a close neighbor, Turkish Buyutan a super soft white sand is unfortunate that not to be missed. Being on this beach, we can settle for sand and water toys. very soft sand felt comfortable in the foot
It is unfortunate that until you miss, the beach is keindahnnya remarkable.
13. Places Karang Bolong Beach in Pacitan
This beach is located on the coast Klayar, the same place as the Klayar beach, even the aisles even retaliation that with Klayar beach. The name of this beach is not as famous Klayar. But about the atmosphere, the beach it not to be outdone.
If by chance you're playing Klayar Turkish and want mengkeksplor other beaches that are around there, stop this beach could be the right choice
Loss taste if not stopped by the beach to the reef holes.
14. Enjoy the beauty of the beach Chrysanthemum Pacitan
Turkish Chrysanthemum Pacintan via CNN Travel
another beautiful beach and worth a tourist destination for Pacitan, namely chrysanthemum range.
same location with the Srau beach, always in a district. Access to the beach is also much more difficult than Srau
therefore not surprising that the beach is still very quiet. Lonely Beach is made as a private beach when he was there. If you include a deserted beach fan, a visit to this beach will be a very interesting thing, if the loss was big enough to miss this exotic beach.
15. Attractions Tawang beach in Pacitan
Tawang beach is not too famous, located in Katipugal Village, District Kebonagung, Pacitan. With a distance of about 20 km from downtown Pacitan east. The road east of Pacitan, by Sirnoboyo until Trails South
This beach has brown sand beach in black
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16. Kali Beach Uluh travel Destination in Pacitan
Kali Beach Uluh has extraordinary beauty, it is a pity if you miss. The location is Klesem village Kebonagung district.
If taken from the town of Pacitan on us takes about 30 minutes early to get to this beach. Like other beaches in Pacitan, this beach is white sand.
The beach is less suitable for playing chase the waves because the lips beaches are pretty big rock, so a bit difficult if you have to run on this beach.
17. Temple Island Park in Pacitan
In Beach Park, you can enjoy rides, flying fox. Flying Fox is here the longest in Indonesia along the altitude of 450 meters by 74 meters, so it is a shame to miss. Flying fox Travel slipped from the top of the hill above the beach to land on the beach park.
If you have heart disease, you should not try a game. Here, visitors can also enjoy a game of outbound, or see the breeding of turtles.
Oh yes, if you try the flying fox, do not worry, because the safety aspects are concerned, where rope using standardized hardware capable of carrying loads up to 00 kg
And do not miss :. 13 places visited mandatory Purwakarta
18. Activities: Beaches Kunir in Pacitan
Location turmeric coast of Country Pager Kidul, Sudimoro district. Access to this beach is not easy. However, in the midst of difficulty Kunir way to the beach, you have a dish that is very comparable
Turmeric has a white sandy beach with the waves. As with most other beaches in Pacitan. The beach is cool enough for water toys. Curcuma long beach is about half a kilometer and is still very quiet. typical beach that is very suitable for inspiration
19. Famous attractions Goa Gong in Pacitan
well, this is what I mentioned was beginning the most beautiful caves in South Asia, Goa Gong. This cave is located in Bomo Village, District Punung, there is a cave with stalactites amazing scenery. With a depth of about 700-800 meters, the cave has seven large rooms that have individual uniqueness. In one room, you can find Angel Spring water is clear. In another room, there is a single stone if ditabuh Looks Gong. The existence of this stone is said to be the basis of the designation of that cave.
Do not think that you will find a cave of darkness. To enter this you do not even need a flashlight because it is installed in the darkness of the cave that creates beautiful colors on the cave wall. Roads were also built, with railing, you do not leave empty living room of the cave
Address Goa Gong :. Bomo village, district. Purung Donorejo, Pacitan, East Java
GPS coordinates -8.16484,110.97984
20. Unique Sites Goa wasp in Pacitan
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in addition to the famous Goa Gong, there is also Goa Tabuna interesting place to visit in Goa we could enjoy the music of the gamelan. How could you? In one corner, there is a collection of caves that could produce a similar sound of the gamelan. Gamelan group of local residents, the sound turns into a tone of magical orchestration. Therefore, this cave has changed its name to Goa Tabuhan. The uniqueness will certainly not be found in other places deh!
Location Goa wasps are in Subdistrict Punung, not too far Goa Gong. The depth of the cave is about 100 meters and has two bedrooms. Initially, this cave called Goa Tapan, because the first is often exploited by people to be imprisoned. Hmm, hawanya deserve a little mystique.
21. Places Jaran Goa Luweng in Pacitan Image Source
another tourist cave Pacitan that you should not miss, goa Luweng Jaran, Goa this adrenaline adventure leading to the bowels of the earth.
Luweng Jaran Goa, it has a very long corridor and connected to other caves. That said, the long driveway that cave reaches 48 kilometers. Throughout the cave, you can enjoy the view of unique ornaments that have formed naturally.
How? Very interesting is not it? Very dear to miss, of course.
22. Activities Goa song continues to Pacitan
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Goa is likely to become [1945014dessites] mystics in Pacitan , you will find old skeletons 10,000 years in 1999.
the location of the cave is in Subdistrict Punung, precisely in the Village Mendolo Lor, this cave became the main destination for archaeologists to examine early human history.
course, nobody knows the real name of this old man. However, local residents accept named Mbah Sayem. Mbah Sayem himself was a man of about 40-50 years. Once found, he kept the tools of stone and bone tools.
Not far from Goa song continues, there is a cave that also becomes where live humans former Goa Keplek song. Keplek song in Goa is in various wills that man always survive through hard work. There are objects such as augers, lancipan pyramid, as well as other tools shale buried in the cave.
How? You can not wait already to vacation in Pacitan? Please select and determine approximately where only the places you will visit in Pacitan, East Java. That 22 Places Visited in Pacitan mandatory us, maybe you have your own story during a stay in Pacitan, do not hesitate to share with us, please write in the comment column, then shall we also added in this article to become the reference in Pacitan travel guide for others as well. Hopefully useful. See also 20 Places in Jember, East Java Required visited
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