Places Blitar - There is a unique story behind the name of Blitar, wikipedia is known of this city was originally a significant scaling back Balitar . Where mulaunya, Blitar controlled by Tartar tribes of Mongolia, then king of Majapahit sent Nilasuwarna to repel Tartar tribe of Mongolia.
This was a ceriata mengenia original name Blitar bits. Now invite Ana Adan around attractions Blitar interesting places to visit . Usually people who visit to Blitar never miss historic sites or eat Bung Karno Temple Upgrade.
Two this place becomes attractions Blitar dikungjungi mandatory by tourists who spend their holidays here. Spot Bung Karno always packed especially on weekends, as well as the upgrade of the temple. The temple is visited by tourists from berabgai area. This temple to witness read the oath Gajah Mada Palapa.
Places Blitar
Here are 29 places in Blitar is worth visited. There are many attractions in Blitar popular and beautiful is not less than any other place in Indonesia. Blitar also has beautiful beaches of fine white sand, but there are also many waterfalls you must visit if you want to feel the fresh bath in nature. Hear more of this beirkut:
1. Temple Island Tambakrejo in Blitar
tourist attractions in Blitar that you must visit is the Tambakrejo beach. This beach is the most popular tourist attractions in Blitar which is always crowded with tourists, especially if the khir weekend and the holiday season, visitors are usually crowded this beach. Yanbersih and white sand and clean sea water into a magnet for tourists to vacation here.
In Pnatai you must walk about 1 hour from the city of Blitar south, a distance of about 30 KM. The exact location is in Tambakrejo rural district Wonotirto, this beach has a length of 10 km skeitar takes place in a bay. You can take a shower as here, the calm waves at the beach is not too big anyway.
If you want to bring fish home, here is where the auction of fresh fish catch of fishermen nearby.
How? Are you interested in holidays Tambakrejo beach? Snagat shame to miss the final if we went in Blitar, East Java.
Still further, the events here is normally held float offerings, ritual procession held every year just in the new Islamic year. The event began with a dance and bring the two large cone of rice dishes and side and a variety of cultures, which in turn leads to the beach.
Address Coastal Tambakrejo : village Tambakrejo district. Wonotirto, Blitar, East Java
Map Location : click here
GPS coordinates -8.315668,112.143159
to enter the attractions Blitar it, you just have to pay the entry Tambakrejo Coast Rp 2,000 per person
If you are going to use public transport Tambakrejo Coast and Blitar bus terminal in the city, you can take a rural transport leading to the keeper. This trip will take about 1-2 hours for transport drivers often stop and wait for passengers during the trip. However, the hours of operation of rural transport lasted until the afternoon only.
2. Tourism Object Adventure Rafting Soko Blitar
tourist attractions in Blitar is Soko side Adventur. Here they are generally bigger mmeiliki rafting hobby to test his guts. In addition to rafting, you can also enjoy facilities such berabgai Café.
There are two rivers that could dijakadikan as a way for rafting is Tiko and Lekso River along doing the rafting tourists are also pampered with the rural nature of view exoticism.
Location Soko adventure Village Tegalasri Wlingi Blitar District. In addition to rafting, kayaking and tubing can also be done at this point, with complete equipment and was accompanied by staff of qualified professionals who will give a sense of security when malakukan adventure, to attract more tourists this place also offers a wide range of other facilities such as the outgoing region and Space Camp.
3. Temple Island Jolosutro Blitar
Another tourist favorite beach in Blitar that Turkish Jolosutr. This beach is clean white sand. Well, if this new range is suitable for people interested in the sport of surfing. You can enjoy the ferocious waves ala south coast. As we know, the waves are very famous southern Pattani ferociously.
The location of in the village Ringenrejo, Wates District, Blitar district is about 45 km from the town of Blitar south.
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Pangi 4. Temple Island Blitar
Pangi Turkey has become a tourist destination in Blitar which then must visit. The beach is located in in Krajan, tumpakkepuh village, district daffodils, Blitar district, about 45 km from the town of Blitar or can travel about 0 minutes by motor vehicle.
5. Heritage Bed & Breakfast Tambakrejo Blitar
If you already berkunjungi Tambakrejo Turkish described above, you can enjoy the beauty susasa afternoon Tembakrejo of Pesanggrahan Tambakrejo. This building is a very strategic inn at all, because it is located on a hill overlooking the beach.
In the late afternoon and early evening, the scene here is very beautiful. See gave very perfect. His view is really lovely and spending. Of spot , the stands barely blocked. This makes diners freely enjoy the panoramic view of the typical beach along kedadaan close
To get berabgai facilities here you have to pay Rp 250.000, -. / Nett per night, with king size beds Room facilities AC fan not, family room, spacious ballroom, meeting rooms, buffet menu room local seafood, satellite channels, and security 24 hours.
How? You are interested in the pretty landscape ala Tambakrejo? . Here is the place
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6. Temple Island attack Blitar
another resorts in Blitar interesting place to visit, the attack on the beach. The beach is directly overlooking the Indian Ocean. With white label and smooth chalky this exciting beach for family vacations.
Location beach assault on Serang village Panggungrejo area, about 45 km southwest of the city of Blitar. If you want meandi bath, here the place is perfect, apart from lip beaches are long, the waves are not too high.
7. Cement Tourism Village traveled to Blitar
you go vacationing in nature and ecological in Blitar? Sperm village square. Its location is about 5 km south of the tourist area of Monte Hair, close to rafting trips and is 35 km from Kota Blitar. Enter the field of Nature and Ecological Tourism Village "Puspa Universe", visitors are greeted with a gazebo that is filled with a variety of wild orchids flower decoration town emblematic of cement.
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The Kampung activists Nature and Ecology "Puspa Universe" is all the youth around the village incorporated into the community "Puspa Universe". The village with an area of 1079.12 hectares. It is divided into four villages, namely Parang Dusun, Dusun Tegalrejo Cement Dusun, Dusun Goddess with administrative center located in the hamlet Tegalrejo.
8. Places Petilasan Monte Hair Blitar
Here you can enjoy a variety of spot as lakes, temples, ruins and a place to meditate and in the background the background with the green landscape of the tea plantations and rice paddies local residents, which extended all the way the location of this tour.
If you are interested in Monte hair stay, please go to the village Krisik, Gandusari district, about 30 km from the town of Blitar, to enter in tourist areas you pay only 3000 adults and 00 children. Because parking spaces are in the area, charged with 3ribu thousand rupees for motor vehicles, cars, mini-bus or bus.
9. Points History Penataran Temple Blitar
Well, this is the place Gajah Mada kono Palapa pronounce oath, a promise to unite the archipelago Under the banner of Majapahit. The location is Country upgrade, Nglegok district, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia. Its location at the foot of Mount Kelud, bringing air temple area Penataran freshness. The temple is a complex upgrade of the largest temple and the best preserved in East Java province, Indonesia. Upgrade temple discovered in 1815 and was not known until 1850. The temple complex was discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was Lieutenant Governor-General in the British colonial period in Indonesia at that time -the.
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this dibangunpada temple in 1194 by King Çrnga ( Syrenggra) the title Sri Maharaja Sri Sarweqwara Triwikramawataranindita Çrengalancana Digwijayottungadewa. Çrnga king ruled the kingdom of Kediri between 110 years -. 10, as the temple mount for a worship ceremony to neutralize or avoid the danger caused by Kelud which frequently erupt
10. Places Peh Pulo beach Blitar
another interesting beach in Blitar to visit the beach Peh Pula. This beach is located in Stadium Rejo area, far enough from downtown Blitar. It took about 0 minutes drive from the center of Blitar. But a little hard to get to places Peh Pulo Beach. In addition, we have to go through the hills and forests in the district of Panggungrejo, roads leading to the location of the beach still partly slippery asphalt road.
11. Nature Sites Goa Embultuk Blitar
If the sensation of cold mearasakan difficult kind, more spooky? Goa Embultuk place. This cave is located in Tumpakkepuh village, district of Hyacinths, Blitar. Is a - the only cave in Blitar, which has a unique stalagmite on tourists. Travel this cave is always visited by many tourists, especially during school holidays, and the path to the cave was also renovated so it can be adopted four-wheeled vehicles.
Previously, only bicycles only visiting Goa this Embultuk and the local population. And it is rare when the holiday season. At the end of the trip in the cave, we'll break disebuah dome that looks like a large room that can accommodate thousands of people in it. It is said that this cave was once was once a hideout of a banned party movement (PKI)
12 . Places of Historical Figure Blitar Candi Wetan
Candi Wetan image has become a tourist destination in the following story Blitar. Its location in Fig Nglegok town of Blitar district. Panorama around a tourist attraction is very beautiful and cool and are in the area of coffee plantations Fig. At the location of the lower tourism ( 's South) directly visible network of lava rivers Kelud crater.
13. Do: History Arca Warak Blitar
This site is not well known and not too attractive for tourists, but for history buffs warak Arca has become a tourist destination in Blitar that should be visited. Its location in the village of Modangan, Nglegok District, Blitar. The site is located ± 2 km in the north temple Upgrade. On site Warak Arca also found other objects such as stone temple, jaladwara, waterless and mortar. Jaladwara is a component which serves to drain the water. Usually jaladwara shaped Makara on the construction of the temple, but jaladwara largest Arca Warak is unique compared to jaladwara generally the shape of an elephant.
14. Do: History Kotes Blitar Candi
Temple Kotes teletak Kotes Village, District Gandusari, Blitar, East Java. Based on the name would we have thought that the name of the temple is named after the village Kotes. The temple, which was founded in 1302 AD is a valuable asset Sukosewu village itself has a beautiful temple.
This temple is still a brother of Penataran temple, the temple is located in the district Nglegok, Blitar, which is most famous. However, although more famous temple Penataran, Kotes Temple turned out to be older than the Penataran temple, which is about 8 years longer.
15. Do: History Sawentar Blitar Candi
Another temple in Blitar that you should visit, Sawentar temple. The temple is located in Sawentar Village, District Kanigoro, Blitar, East Java. In the Book of Negarakertagama, Sawentar Temple also called LWA Wentar. Complex Sawentar temple is located in an area of 1,565 square meters. Can be considered unique because this temple as in a swimming pool. So even if high enough, because it is located approximately four (4) meters below ground level, not seen dominant.
The top of the temple are considered as high as a meter of flat road (gate of the temple). The temple is located on the plateau area of 7 x 7 m2 with a height of approximately 1.5 m. High temple to a peak of 10.65 m. The body smaller than its feet of the temple, forming a narrow corridor around him. The door of the temple is located on the west side, flanked by small niches left and right.
16. History visited the tomb of Bung Karno in Blitar
This is how he historical sites in Blitar that Wajid visited , eat Bung Karno. The location is Bendogerit town, a distance of about three kilometers north of the town of Blitar, and is on a large area. To enter the tomb of Bung Karno no admission fee. The Bung Karno funerary complex is a building joglo Javanese form, in which there is the tomb of Bung Karno, and flanked by the grave of his parents.
In the area of the tomb there is also a library, a place to store books - books and writings Bung Karno. You can get to know the figure of Bung Karno deeper in the library, in addition to the library, there is also the Museum of Bung Karno, in which a large number of stored objects -. The objects belong to Bung Karno
17. Attractions Gebang Palace in Blitar
Gabang Palace to witness the history of the growth of the proclaimer of independence, Bung Karno. Located about 2 km from the tomb of Bung Karno. Funerary complex to Gebang Palace, you can just use one rickshaw. This is the place to stay both parents Bung Karno, a house that is still visited by many people, especially in June.
18. Travel rises Family Water Park Sumberudel Blitar
area family games in Blitar you should Sumberudel Water Park. The water playground is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Blitar for children and families
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19. rides to play Kebonrejo Blitar Tourism Park
One of the natural attractions in Blitar interesting visit is Kebon Rojo . Its location is in the heart of Blitar. Kebon Rojo is one of the tourist attractions in Blitar are crowded, especially on weekends. Taman Kebon Rojo also be made in cases where children - children on a day - some days, like the painting competition for children, entertainment for children, and others - others. The place is also ideal for relaxing and barmain.
20. Monuments Travel historians Trisula Blitar
Its location in the Bakung Bakung village of Blitar District. Trident Monument inaugurated December 18, 1972 by Mr. Yasin who was lieutenant general of the army and served as "Deputy Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army."
21. Captive Deer Maliran visited Blitar
deer exciting place to play in Maliran at this point that you and the kids can play with the deer you can feed around. The location is Ponggok Blitar districts. Maliran famous artificial forest with homogeneous plants as Sambi tree that meets the recovery of land.
visitors allowed in the cage and stroked the deer is not to make a mess pile of deer he -rusa. Site Entrance for adults is Rp 00 -. while children Rp 1000,. -. (Price subject to change)
22. Places Agro Karangsari Blitar
In Blitar famous fruit is Blimbing. Here you can see and harvest their own Blimbing Blimbing with the Jumbo-size. The location is agrotourism Blimbing in Blitar, or rather in the village of Karangsari, District Sukorejo.
In Agrowisata Karangsari there are two types of star fruit are cultivated this kind of Bangkok and the Philippines. Here you can choose their own leatherback bring you home or you can buy typical souvenirs leatherback as dodol, candy, chips, syrup until jam.
23. Tourism object Source Bains Udel Blitar
Another field Blitar game that should be visited, namely Udel spring bath. The location is at Jalan Kali Brantas village Bendo, or about 500 meters from the tomb of Bung Karno.
Here there is a swimming pool for adults and children. In addition, it is the excited stage, playgrounds and rental services swimming equipment. The public bath is also often used for swimming races, you know.
24. Temple Island Gondo Mayit Blitar
name is rather sounds spooky, but if beauty is extraordinary. The location is not too far from the Tambakrejo beach, this beach is located on the east side Tambakrejo Beach. To access the beach, you will pass the hill and across the river.
The beach is always quiet and natural compared to other beaches in Blitar. For those of you who are hungry, there is a food stall here. However, you need to bring their own food for less variety of food available here.
25. Places Nature Waterfall Coban Wilis Blitar
you want to enjoy the fresh bath in nature? Well, Coban Wilis must be included in the list of tourist attractions in Blitar which harusn adan visit. He was in the area of Mount Kelud or cement Gandusari Ecological Tourism Village, precisely in the village of cement, District Gandusari. The waterfall is not easy to achieve because you have to walk along the 5 hill about two hours, during the trip to the waterfall you will find two waterfalls that you can not accomplish.
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26. Places Nature Cascades Sirah Kencong Blitar
Location Niagara Sirah Kencong in the village Ngadirenggo, District Wlingi. To get to this waterfall, you must be careful because the environment is pristine and during operation of the waterfall, you will pass through the desert
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27. Places Nature Cascades Grenjeng Blitar
Location Niagara Grenjeng in the village Balerejo, Panggungrejo District, Blitar. single cascade. Although located in Blitar south, the waterfall is a poor reflection of karst ecosystems often found in the region. Not a limestone cliff that will be encountered here, but the solid black rock breccia
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28. Places Nature Cascades Jurug Bening Blitar
Location Niagara Jurug Bening in Hamlet Sumberdadi, Purworejo, Wates District, Blitar. The flow of water is not too heavy, but it has a unique shape torn by the rocks. Contrast water with dark black rocks also was beautiful. Flora side cliffs that flank Jurug gives a color that complements the real painting.
29. Nature Paco Blitar
Paco location in Nature Panataran town, Nglegok, Blitar. The location of these attractions is strategic because it is in a tourist attraction temple Upgrading and Candi Wetan Fig. In addition, the location of this object is also located on the edge of the alternative route Blitar - Kelud Heritage. In general, the road of Paco nature :. Blitar - Nglegok - T-junction before the entrance to the tourist area of upgrading to the right (Plantation Sewu) - Nature Paco
Wiasata Nature Paco open daily from 6:00 p.m. until 16:00. To enjoy the beauty of the nature of Paco, visitors pay only Rp.. 3,000, -
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How? You have already begun to prepare the places you will visit during Blitar? This 29 Places Visited in Blitar Pictures us. Hope can be travel guides in Blitar for you and your beloved family, do not miss too 15 Places to mandatory Jepara visited
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