Kebumen Places - Indonesia is not limited wealth, natural beauty is recognized by the world, the potential of its natural resources for the a proud country. Beautiful nature and fresh makes Indonesia so loved.
The potential of tourism in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke has the characteristic of each. The beach was beautiful, soothing mountains, lush forests, and many other Indonesian beauty. This time, we will explore the nature of Kebumen. We will all peel attractions Kebumen Central Java.
There are a lot of attractions Kebumen interesting for us to visit. Some of them are already well known, such as perforated, father beach coast coral beach, change their ranges, and so on. Kebumen not only the beach, there are still a lot of tourism potential in Kebumen were waiting for us to discover.
Kebumen locations should not miss
here No. 33 Tampat summarized in Kebumen traveling you need visit. In fact, there are many more attractive tourist place for our visit. Regarding the sequence number of attractions below does not indicate rank, just dialing. Please explore the following areas:
1. Logending Beach Kebumen
Logending Beach Kebumen
tourist attractions in Kebumen the first is the father of the beach or the beach Logending. This beach is one of the favorite tourist destinations for families in Kebumen.
beach in the village of my father, as Dad is about 53 km from the city center Kebumen, although almost huh.
beautiful beach is famous for the surrounding forest is always beautiful. Here we can get around by boat travel. At least 40 boat tour run by the community through local capacity peguyuban two vessels, namely berpenumpang 40 and 60 people.
This boat Turkish Logending of business services in a location near Bodo bridge limit Kebumen Regency of Cilacap, insofar about 13 km or a travel time of 20 minutes.
to add to the excitement on this coast, is equipped with various fasiltias as traveling the vehicle parking areas, campsites, bathing, washing, and toilet, accommodation, and a children's playground. When hungry, you also need not worry, because around the coast, there are many stalls of snacks to eat heavy.
Various tasty ticular presented on the coast from crab, shrimp, and bream. In addition, confectionery products such as Grubi sugar and coconut. They also opened a souvenir kiosks mainly woven made from pandanus and crafts shells
Some of the facilities available rates :.
- of persons responsible for Rp beach 5,000 per head
- visitors who want to surround the beach ride, s 'please spend 15 000 USD for a ride.
- visitors can also explore the sandy beach is more fun to drive ATV vehicles Rp 25 thousand to travel 15 minutes or 5 turns.
2. Karang Bolong Beach Kebumen
Karang Bolong Beach Kebumen
Who does not know the perforated coral coast? This contemporary ranges. Coral Beach Olong become tourist attractions in Kebumen were obliged to visit.
Coral Beach hole itself is in District Buayan. Perforated beach of coral sand gray, plus a number of rocks that adds to the beauty of this beach.
There are high hills which can also be witnessed by beachgoers in Karang Bolong Beach Surround. Beach more comfortable atmosphere is also supported by the presence of a row of palm trees. Visitors who hunger after a walk can stop at a few stalls around the coast for the sake of filling power.
- visitors accused adults in the range Rp 3000.
- visitors children ages 5 and under pay Rp 00.
unique heritage is located in a residential lawet bird in the cave. There are three (3) cave where the birds live lawet Sand Cave, Karang Bolong and Karangduwur. Lawet bird nest can be used for medicinal food mixes. Download nest lawet 4 times that in season 2, 4, 7, 9 (Javanese calendar). Before d0wnl0ading bird nest lawet preceded by a hi ceremony
In coastal areas. There are also Karangbolong Cave, which is located on the east side. A long corridor formed on the brecciated lava layer fractured. Caves Karangbolong a length of 30 m, a width of 10 m and a height of about 5 m. Breccia called Oligo-Miocene formation of age or between Gabon there 30-15 million years, revealed with sandstone inserts and clay.
3. Turkish Menganti Kebumen
beach Menganti Kebumen
Menganti beach become tourist attractions in Kebumen that should be included in your visit list. Menganti beach itself has evolved since the first story so far.
once there was a war chief of the kingdom of Majapahit in love with a woman in which the relationship is not tolerated. Because approval is not obtained, the commander fled. This beach is where they make a pact to meet, but during the day, the commander waited, her lover does not show up well and made him to be in a wait.
is a list of tickets range Menganti Kebumen:
- of adults are charged Rp 00 to be able to enjoy the beach
- visitors children. age 5 to pay 1000 Rp
for details have been described in :. the beauty of the beach Menganti Kebumen hidden
4. Turkish Pecaron Kebumen
Pecaron Kebumen coast
range Pecaron is relatively empty. Now, therefore, the beach is still very natural and beautiful, because not many hands that pollute the beach.
Turkish Pecaron is that in terms of area and length is smaller than the other beaches, The location of this berbada only beach in in the same district with Logending beach Menganti and dad District.
Sandy beach Pecaron also gray. For tourists who like to visit the beach is not too crowded, the precise Pecaron beach. Visitors can go to the beach for a total of Rp 2500 only.
5. Nature Kebumen Curug Silancur
Curug Silancur Kebumen
In addition to beaches, waterfall or waterfall Travel andalam be another Kebumen. Curug Silancur a tourist destination that you must visit while on vacation in Kebumen.
Silancur waterfall is indeed not too crowded with tourists, but the beauty of unconditional. Activities Kebumen it quiet because to do so requires additional fight.
Well, for nature lovers, this is a challenge you must solve, and certainly more interesting is not it? To take advantage of this waterfall, we must not pay enough admission care costs Rp motorcycles 5000.
waterfall Location Silancur exists in Hamlet Pujegan, Wadasmalang Village, Karangsambung , This waterfall is 20 meters high and fall of ancient rocks below, so it does not form a pool. The distance of this waterfall about 35 KM City Center, then walk about 20 minutes from the parking lot into the abyss.
6. Nature Kebumen Goa Jatijajar
Nature Kebumen Goa Jatijajar
Goa Jatijajar become tourist attractions in Kebumen you must visit. This attraction is very well known, not only by wisatan Kebumen, but also travel outside Kebumen.
Goa is always in the Father district. Goa is memilii high temperatures of about 12 meter depth or length of about 250 meters.
To enter the limestone cave, we must pay Rp 5,000 entry price alone.
7. Turkish Karang Agung Kebumen
beach Karang Agung Kebumen
beach Karang Agung is quite unique than other beaches, because of the large coral beach no sand. The peculiarity of this beach is the main attraction for tourists.
From the name alone, we know that the beach is littered with coral. Indeed, this great coral beach dominated by coral that stands firmly on the side.
Pantaini has not visited by many tourists, so if you want a getaway in a quiet location, this beach can be alternativenya.
- visitors only cost 5000 to go to the beach.
- The registration fee includes the cost of parking.
8. Waterfall Big Sister Superman
cascade Superman Big Sister in Goa West. via
great supermen Cascade sister is a tourist destination in the next Kebumen. This attraction is located inside a cave west cave, not far from the cave Jatijajar.
In the ranks of the cave to this, there is a waterfall and exotic mesmerizing eyes of all who see it.
Goa West is not how far away from the famous Goa Jatijajar, precisely in the Village Jatijajar, Dad District, Kebumen. You can explore the cave with a more comprehensive guide of caving equipment paid Rp 180,000 per group.
9. Mountaintop Duwur
Mountaintop Duwur
your password -time climbing? Well, if in Kebumen you can also try to conquer the mountain Duwur. If the support of the Java language, which means high Guwur.
Well, you can hike on a mountain top duwur located in Country Watukelir, subdistrict Dad, this height of the mountain is 500 meters above sea level . from there, we can see the extent of the ocean Hindai. The extent of the Indian Ocean that are in the south seems special, decorated with a shore reef and the horizon.
To get to the top, it takes at least an hour of trekking through rocky soil. Because there is no official hiking trail, please be careful and leave a mark as a bookmark when you return later.
10. Tank Sempor Kebumen
tourist attractions in Kebumen is located next to a tank that has a superb panorama, Sempor reservoir. Reservoirs that serve a tourist attraction can be an option for a stay with the family.
Location Sempor reservoir is located in the village of Sempor, District Sempor, Kebumen, this tank Gombor when it has a mileage of 4 km. While in Kebumen is relatively warm, but it is in the tank that was established in 1978, it will feel cool
to be able to enjoy a stay in this tank, visitors rate applicable :.
- adult visitors entry fee of $ 4,000.
- Visitors children aged 5 and under pay Rp 2,000 entry fee.
11. Rafting Padegolan
rafting Padegolan
you want to test adrenaline? For those of you who like the activity that is difficult and invite danger, you can try rafting Padegolan conquered.
Padegolan river is a favorite of tourists, as they are varied, it is full and fair menatang ramps. Padegolan River is a river of water overflow under Wadaslintang Reservoir Dam, District Prembun.
If you want to try it, please come to spring Dalem village is a starting point. Padegolan river of clear water, because it is directly derived from from reservoirs, coupled with a view of trees on each side of the river make this track feels fleeting.
for the distance we have traveled only about 7 km to reach this reservoir could be with a 2 hour trip to Magelang and Wonosobo or can also be taken as of Purworejo and Kutoarjo 1.5 hours.
12. History at Fort Van der Wijck
tourist attractions in Kebumen is next to a historic building in the Dutch heritage is still remained firm so far.
building this fort is located in the district in about 35 Gombong downtown Kebumen. Fort Van der Wijck painted bright red color that was originally built for the military barracks which sought to defuse the Diponegoro resistance.
Today, most of the fortified complex was the cadet school and army barracks. While the other part is used as a tourist attraction, with a playground and a mini-train.
13. Geological Nature Reserve Karangsambung
Geological Nature Reserve via Karangsambung
Build your child Goelogi, mining, geography or earth and therefore, the natural reserve of Karangsambung you entered in the list of tourist attractions in Kebumen you visit.
you really need to know the circumstances of the enormity of this nature reserve. The natural coral reserve dial itself is located in the district Karangsambung, Kebumen. This place is a point on the most comprehensive type of rock from the face of the earth, that serve instead of studying the history of the earth.
We will be surprised by the variety of geological phenomena that occur, there is a default, crack , cyclins, anticline, and other rock formations.
how the sea level could be raised, how it could be here. Just you know, how the oceans may rise to the surface, the combination of igneous and sedimentary rocks. Unbelievable!
14. tourist attraction beach Kebumen petanahan
tourist attraction Kebumen petanahan beach
tourist attractions in Kebumen next must-visit is Petanahan beach. The beach is very asyit and exciting to play sand or swimming.
The beach also has a history of mouth until now. That said, the first there was a woman named Dewi Sulastri who is the wife of a servant in Pucung Twins named Raden Sujono.
wife is kidnapped while Raden Sujono duty and kidnapping by Joko Puring who falls in love with the goddess Sulastri. Raden Joko Sujono Puring brought his wife to the beach Karanggadung and forced her to become his wife. Until Raden Sujono came to the rescue of his wife, the woman refuses always dipersunting by Joko Puring.
Petanahan own beach in the village of Munggu Petanahan sub-district, Kebumen. To be able to vacation at the beach, tourists rates :.
- visitors Rp 3,000 adult entry fee
- visitors children under 5 years to collect Rp 00.
15. suwuk Turkish Kebumen
suwuk Kebumen coast
This is one of the famous beach in Kebumen, suwuk beach. Suwuk location on the beach in the village suwuk, Puring district, Kebumen.
suwuk beach is always crowded with tourists, especially during holidays and weekends. on a normal day the beach is still wisatan padati, especially during the holiday season.
The beach is great attention from the local government, so that travelers prefer the coast suwuk as a tourist destination in Kebumen during the holidays. In fact, not only complete facilities. In this range as vehicle disedikan permaian kind Waterboom equipped a Garuda Boeing 737 that are the hallmark of this range.
- visitors adults Rp entry fee 3000.
- visitors children ages 5 and under will be charged Rp 00
for more information please read the message .: Vacation at the beach Kebumen, Central Java suwuk
16. Turkish Lampon Kebumen
beach Lampon Kebumen
Lampon beach could become tourist attractions in Kebumen visiting side, beaches pngunjung it is still quiet. One reason is that the beach is not too extensive.
Nevertheless, Lampon beach has beautiful scenery and beautiful. With the brownish sand, the beach is a must for those who want to have peace from the hustle and bustle of the city.
There are few visitors to make this place is free. This beach is located in Sand Village, Papa District, Kebumen.
17. Hot water Krakal
Spa Krakal
In Kebumen there is also a hot water bath can be COBAIN. This place we can make a place to refresh the body and bloodstream.
Attractions in Kebumen has become a tourist destination not to be missed, hot water bath to Krakal Krakal, Alian, district, Kebumen
to provide maximum services to visitors, has a playground for children and the garden around it. In this place available VIP rooms, each separated by concrete and the number of rooms there are 6 units. There were long benches were also provided to wait in front of these rooms
Some of rates charged to tourists :.
- airport hot water bath Krakal visitors 7 am to 17 hours.
- adult visitors only need to pay Rp 3,000, while children pay 00 Rp.
- If you want to bathe and gentlemen, visitors must pay Rp 7,500
18. General HM Parks Sarbini
General Parks HM Sarbini
General HM Parks Sabini be a meeting place in Kebumen, especially at night. That night park would be filled by young people and families who want to spend the evening together while enjoying the culinary offerings nearby.
This area memiliuki park land around 7.860 square meters is still relatively new open either in 2012 a place to take pictures, the city park is very fit, but the visitors can also find areas for hotspot , and a children's playground nearby.
19. Bukit Pranji Kebumen
hill Pranji Kebumen
Tourist attractions in Kebumen you should not miss the next Pranji hill. This hill is located in Watulawang Village and Village Pengaringan, District Pejagoan.
Hill is a place to hike, more come together to enjoy the sunrise from a height. Besides enjoying the beauty of the sunrise and sunset, young people usually come at night to enjoy the beauty of twinkling stars at night in bed
Pranji hill is perfect to welcome the sunrise. If the sky was clear, you can see the mountains Sindoro stands tall in the distance. The place is also easily accessible, either by car or motorcycle. No parking fees, as if driving the vehicle, can be placed in homes that are located near the foot of the hill.
20. Hill Kebumen sky
heaven hill Kebumen via IG @ baihaqi.krw
another hill in Kebumen can you do as a tourist destination is heaven hill. Bukit sky in the village Giripurno Subdistrict Karanggayam.
Heaven Hill is the latest attractions in Kebumen, to be hits and hot today, and a debate among netizens for phenomenal photographs taken in this exotic hill.
pranji same hill, here you can also enjoy the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. You can also perform camping activities in these hills.
For the best views, you should come here early in the morning "blind" or early afternoon to get the time of sunrise or sinking more Bukit sky can be included in the list of tourist attractions in Kebumen is exciting for us to visit.
21. Nature Jembangan
Nature Jembangan
The tourist attractions you Kebumen should not miss is an integrated tourist attraction in town Jembangan Subdistrict Poncowarno Jembangan Nature (JWA).
Jembangan Nature Area is located in Kebumen city northeast about 20 km from the town of Kebumen. To be able to enjoy a variety of tours that we have to pay Rp entry fee 3000.
Travelers will DIMA njakan with three key sites that can be enjoyed by visitors is the green lake flanked by untouched forest, Reservoir Pejengkolan and suspension bridge.
We can berleliling with water boats menimati Jembangan beauty of this lake. To pamper tourists, managers equipped with various facilities for children such as Jembangan Fantasy Zoo, game walks and boat from the water.
to see a variety of wildlife in Jembangan Fantasy Zoo we have to pay Rp entry price of 5000 / person, here, there are a variety of animals such as various birds, elephants, monkeys and others.
for games or rides for children are available from sliding, swing, round rides for children and others. This admission tickets vehicle range from $ 3000-5000 / person.
Meanwhile, to enjoy the beauty of Lake of the boat from the water, we had to rent a boat at a price per unit of US $ 15,000 for a capacity of two people / 30 min, then the boat is a great unit for rent at a price of Rp 15,000 / person. The boat this big nice unit if you come in a group.
22. Leaking Turkish Kebumen
beach Leaking Kebumen
On the beach fleeing there different playground children, is one of the reasons that would make the children feel at home playing on this beach.
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