Kalibiru Travel Jogja - Jogja, pleasant city with a million stories in it. Yogyakarta has an abundance of charm that will not be exhausted until whenever. Jogja rich, rich in culture, education, food, beautiful places for attractions worldwide.
There are so many tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that we must visit. A recent boom because the profit is ketimban kalibiru Travel Kulon Progo. Meanwhile Kulon Progo might not be too well known tourist objects.
Thanks to one of the artist by clicking uploads photos holiday attraction kalibiru Jogja in instagram account of their staff, Kulon Progo Kalibiru activity now become one of the tourist destinations that must be visited Jogja. In addition to its natural beauty is captivating and a wide range of facilities that have been provided.
Natural Kulon Progo Activities Kalibiru
this time Tempatwisataseru.com you calls for a trip to the natural attractions of Kalibiru Jogja not to be missed.
Village and Forest Tourism Kalibiru Jogja
Kalibiru Forest location is the Menoreh Hills area. Because in the hills with a height of 450 masl makes the area Kulon Progo Kalibiru to fresh and fresh air because it has not been contaminated by air pollution.
Forest owned the government is now managed by the local community and serve as a natural tourist attraction and educational visits. For those of you who are interested in enjoying the beauty of nature Kulon Progo Kalianget should physically prepare yourself in advance. Because it is not complete if all Kalibiru not try trekking.
Area Attractions Nature Kalibiru Jogja
Location Kalibiru natural attractions it Hargowilis Village, Kokap, Kulon Progo Regency. Forest Park is just 40 km from the center of Yogyakarta. This attraction is within walking distance of Travel Sermo Reservoir. Because the journey will rise by should gunakanan big cc vehicles.
exact location on Forest Kalibiru Jl. Sermo-Kalibiru, Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Road to Nature Kalibiru Jogja
to the location, the trip will take about 1-1.5 hours away Yogyakarta or skeitar 45km. Here are several routes you can go through to get to Kalibiru Kulon Progo:
These Sermo to Kalibiru Kulon Progo
These Clereng to Kalibiru Kulon Progo
By Malioboro
Admission Kalibiru Jogja
To take advantage of the facilities and walks in the woods Kulon Progo Kalibiru we have to pay the admission only $ 5000 only and motorcycle parking is Rp 2,000 and Rp 5,000 car
Nature tourism facilities Kalibiru Jogja
Various support facilities for holiday fun is here, among them is a large parking, food stalls, of MCK facilities, pavilion, homestay, campground, and facilities for outgoing.
to enjoy the scenery with the best place we have to turn for rising above the trees. visitors who want to take pictures on the website to pay an additional fee of Rp 10,000.
other facilities that visitors can enjoy after the display there are several places to enjoy the scenery main face Sermo reservoir. When tourists the morning can see Sermo are covered in fog, just to dusk sun sets in the west will be the closing day was perfect.
for a stay or a cottage here there are 6 units and each can accommodate 10-15 people. Prices range from Rp 0,000 per night for a cottage. Because the place is often used as location makrab, collection, even retirement
other facilities such as cottages and a pavilion are also rented. Assuming that prices for cottages range between Rp. 0-125000. Rp Marquee. 150000 eating Rp 10,000 / meal
Culinary Delicious Attractions. Kalibiru Jogja
Photos Fun Activities in Kalibiru Jogja
Here are some fun activities that can be you in a natural tourist attraction Kalibiru Kulon Progo
Crossing Bridge in High Altitude
Enjoy the beauty of tourism Kalibiru Kulon Progo
relay Pandang Travel Kalibiru Jogja
Play swing in Upper Elevation Tourism Kalibiru Jogja
Sport flying fox
It does not hurt to test your adrenaline here, please try flying fox dennga selection of 50 meters and 85 meters. For once slipped, tourists are charged Rp. 10,000 for adults and Rp. 5,000 for children. Means flying fox, this time can be open every Sunday at 8: 00 am to 4:00 p.m..
Flying Fox Travel Kalibiru Jogja
Activity Trekking
trekking activities in an exciting aktvitas boelh not to be missed, a variety of roads and land provided here, there are 1.5 km, 3 km, 5 km and 7 km. Especially for track 7 km, you can see Sremo tank closely. When hiking through the path at any time, you can see a variety of rare animals such as eagles Java, chicken Alas, porcupine, wild boar, even tigers and Javan tiger beetles .
trekking path in natural attractions Kalibiru via tipswisatamurah.com
Accommodation around Jogja Kalibiru
Contact Company
For more information and complete, you must contact manager especially for those of you who will stay , please contact HP by Jan in no 081392023122.
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