Minggu, 27 Desember 2015


Traffic Park Travel Bandung The Children - Want scanned once visited an educational vehicle for children? Wildlife Then Ade Irma Suryani cross Bandung are response. Visit the gardens it is a leisure park is in the heart of Bandung - West Java. Besides its use as family recreation, parks and playgrounds, gardens Ade Irma Suryani traffic Bandung also serve as a training center for learning various traffic signs.

teach traffic rules to your child while playing in the garden is lush and filled with shade trees, equipped a variety of RV suitable for the whole family.
Kereta mini taman lalu lintas
mini train favorite rides

Ade Irma Suryani traffic Garden Bandung is the perfect place for children to learn traffic rules. In the park is cool and comfortable this, children can enjoy the beautiful garden with a player using a bike or drive a vehicle on a mini artificial means been equipped with various signs. While it can be immediately put into practice the lessons on traffic rules in a fun atmosphere play.

Rambu lalu lintas
Play and learn the traffic
child site traffic Parc Bandung garden environment that is wide enough , green and well equipped with a variety of chairs adapted as a recreational area with your family on weekends.

fauna Situation traffic Ade Irma Suryani Nasution Bandung Short TLL-AISN precisely located at Jalan Belitung No. 1 Bandung. This place was built BKLL association or branch agency for road safety in Bandung since 21 March 1956 at the start of 1958. The traffic park was inaugurated and opened to the public from 1 March 1958. After that, in 1965, the park traffic is given a new name, namely Ade Irma Suryani traffic Park Nasution , in accordance with the decree of the DPRD-GR town Bandung 20 November 1965 No. 18660/65.

Taman lalu lintas Bandung
Parks traffic, travel educational children
relax with children and families in traffic Park Bandung will holiday you and your family changes from day to day more exciting pleasant . Children you is going to get experience impressive and walkin k unbeatable when bike and play also mini-vehicles like a real racer . Parents also could release various fatigue in the garden very beautiful and calm watch over children .

child websites Traffic Park Bandung also provide many recreational facilities that can be enjoyed by children who are visiting, including the train car Mini , rises pool, Kerosel, No pool Fishing, Mini Bike, tools stationary toys, car batteries and bath vehicle ball and playground, also still a lot of variety up more.

Taman lalu lintas Ade Irma Suryani Bandung
children's pool trafficking Park Bandung
some of p layground in T secure and Intas A of I RMA S uryani Nasution Bandung h arga ticket some means Air play together tempatwisatamu.com March 2013 there.

  1. process Mini USD 4000
  2. Train Motor Rp. 4000
  3. Rp battery cars. 4000
  4. Rp fishing pond. 4000
  5. Mini Rp Waterpark. 00
  6. Mandi Bola Rp. 4000
  7. electric Trains Rp. 4000
  8. Kerosel Rp. 4000
  9. Flying Elephant Rp. 4000
  10. Arena Rp Toys stationary. 00
  11. Mini Bike Rp. 4000
  12. Flying Fox Rp. 4000
  13. Windmills Rp. 4000
  14. children Sport Rp. 4000

for those visiting with a group such as school children, traffic Park Ade Irma Suryani Nasution Bandung offers discounts on tickets and discounts for multiple rides available to play. Moreover, if the group visited orphanage There, the manager will be get a offers, ie will be paying .


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